Jouhara / Reay / McGlen | Heat Pipes | Buch | 978-0-12-823464-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Jouhara / Reay / McGlen

Heat Pipes

Theory, Design and Applications
7. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-0-12-823464-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Theory, Design and Applications

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-823464-8
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Heat Pipes: Theory, Design and Applications, Seventh Edition, takes a highly practical approach to the design and selection of heat pipes, making it an essential guide for practicing engineers and an ideal text for postgraduate students. The expanded author team consolidate and update the theoretical background included in previous editions, and include new sections on recent developments in manufacturing methods, wick design and additional applications. The book serves as an introduction to the theory, design and application of the range of passive, two-phase, heat-transfer devices known as heat pipes, serving as an essential reference for those seeking a sound understanding of the principles of heat pipe technology. It provides an introduction to the basic principles of operation and design data which would permit the reader to design and fabricate a basic heat pipe. It also provides details of the various more complex configurations and designs currently available to assist in selecting such devices.This new edition has been fully updated to reflect the latest research and technologies and includes four brand new chapters on various types of heat pipe, theoretical principles of heat transfer and fluid mechanics, additive manufacturing and heat pipe heat exchangers.
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<p>Academics and engineers involved in design and development of components, systems and equipment which requires control of heat transfer to function correctly.</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

About the Authors Preface Acknowledgements Nomenclature Introduction 1. Historical Development 2. Heat Pipe Types and Developments 3. Materials, manufacturing and testing 4. Theoretical Principles 5. Additive Manufacture applied to heat pipes 6. Heat pipe Heat exchangers 7. Cooling of Electronic Components Appendices

Jouhara, Hussam
Prof. Jouhara is Professor of Thermal Engineering and Director of Research at the College of Engineering at Brunel University London, Chief Researcher in Vytautas Magnus University and Visiting Professor at City, the University of London. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Thermofluids, Executive Editor of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Prof. Jouhara is Fellow and Chartered Engineer in both the UK (FIMechE) and Ireland (Engineers Ireland - FIEI), Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineering (FCIBSE), and Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK. He is Technical Director of Econotherm (UK) Limited, a world-leading British heat pipe heat exchangers manufacturing company, and has an extensive background in experimental heat transfer and fluid dynamics including the design and commissioning of several thermal-fluids experimental test facilities.

McDonough, Jonathan
Dr McDonough is a Lecturer in Chemical Engineering in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University and is an Associate Member of IChemE. His expertise resides in additive manufacturing and its application to areas such as reaction engineering, flow chemistry, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, fluidisation, and carbon capture. One of Dr McDonough's key research themes is to exploit additive manufacturing for the fabrication of new and novel reactor geometries that can unlock previously unobtainable operating windows, paving the way for potentially new chemistries and processes. He is actively involved in several complementary projects that explore different aspects of this goal.

McGlen, Ryan
Dr McGlen is the Advanced Technology Manager at Boyd's UK facility, where he leads research and development of future heat pipe technologies and hi-tech commercial applications. Research interests include patented additive manufactured heat pipe technology, heat pipe fluids and materials combinations, novel heat pipe geometry, wick construction and heat pipe functionality. He has over 20 years' experience in commercial electronic thermal management application, with main focus areas in the Space, Aerospace & Defence and Automotive application. Dr McGlen is a chartered engineer (MIMechE) and is a Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Practice at Newcastle University.

Kew, Peter
Peter Kew first became involved in heat pipes in the late 1970s as a research officer with International Research and Development (IRD) working on a range of heat transfer and energy conservation projects, including heat pipe development which was then led by David Reay. He has maintained this interest in this area for 40 years at IRD and then as a Lecturer and Senior Lecturer at Heriot-Watt University and as Associate Head of the University's School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, responsible for the School's activities on the Dubai Campus of the University. On retirement from Heriot-Watt he has been active as a consultant.

Reay, David
Professor Reay manages David Reay & Associates, UK, and he is a Visiting Professor at Northumbria University, Emeritus Professor at Newcastle University, and Honorary Professor Brunel University London, UK. His main research interests are compact heat exchangers, process intensification, and heat pumps. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Thermal Science and Engineering Progress and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Thermofluids, both are published by Elsevier. Prof. Reay is the Author/Co-author of eight other books.

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