Journal AWWA | John Wiley & Sons | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Journal AWWA

an official publication of the American Water Works Association

ISSN 0003150X

John Wiley & Sons

an official publication of the American Water Works Association

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 10 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 0003150X
John Wiley & Sons

Journal – American Water Works Association, published continuously since 1914, is the flagship publication of the American Water Works Association.
Journal AWWA serves as the voice of the water industry and is an authoritative source of information on innovations, trends, opportunities, and challenges, connecting water professionals and the communities they serve.
Journal AWWA publishes articles about water industry issues that cover all AWWA activities and interests. It communicates innovations, trends, controversies, and challenges. The scope of Journal AWWA also focuses on related subjects like public works planning, infrastructure management, human health, environmental protection, finance, and law. The Journal continues its long history of publishing in-depth and innovative articles on protecting the reliability and resiliency of our water systems, the health of our environment, and the safety of our water.
Journal AWWA content is indexed by Applied Science & Technology Index, Biological Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, Compendex, Pollution Abstracts, Water Resources Abstracts, Environmental Science & Pollution Management, and WATERNET.
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