Journal of Addiction Medicine | Lippincott | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Journal of Addiction Medicine

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 19353227

Published bi-monthly, ASAM’s peer-reviewed Journal promotes excellence in the practice of addiction medicine and in clinical research, supporting addiction medicine as a mainstream medical sub-specialty. The Journal is published for physicians and other health professionals who need the most current news and information related to treatment of addiction disorders. Under the guidance of an esteemed Editorial Board, Journal of Addiction Medicine’s peer-reviewed articles focus on developments in addiction medicine as well as on treatment innovations and ethical, economic, forensic, and social topics. Each issue of the journal offers CME/MOC opportunities. The Journal is currently ranked in the Substance Abuse category of the Journal Citation Reports' Web Science Citation Index (SCI).
JAM is read by one of the largest addiction-specialty physician readerships on the globe: ASAM members as well as their professional colleagues. Additionally, JAM was accepted for citation in June 2011 by the National Library of Medicine. This development facilitates increased dissemination of content and has since been augmented with significantly expanded pagination. Since inception, JAM has been cited by peer-reviewed global search engines, including PubMed/NLM, BIOSIS Previews, PsychINFO, Ebsco A-Z, CNKI – The China National Knowledge Infrastructure, ProQuest Summons, Sage Knowledge, SWETS, TDNet, and Journal Guide.
Topics covered in the journal
• addiction and substance use in pregnancy
• adolescent addiction and at-risk use
• the drug-exposed neonate
• pharmacology
• all psychoactive substances relevant to addiction, including alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, marijuana, opioids, stimulants and other prescription and illicit substances
• diagnosis
• neuroimaging techniques
• treatment of special populations
• treatment, early intervention and prevention of alcohol and drug use disorders
• methodological issues in addiction research
• pain and addiction, prescription drug use disorder
• co-occurring addiction, medical and psychiatric disorders
• pathological gambling disorder, sexual and other behavioral addictions
• pathophysiology of addiction
• behavioral and pharmacological treatments
• issues in graduate medical education
• recovery
• health services delivery
• ethical, legal and liability issues in addiction medicine practice
• drug testing
• self- and mutual-help
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