Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Vol. 43 | Sonstiges | 978-3-0357-2270-3 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 43, 138 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering Vol. 43

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 43, 138 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering

ISBN: 978-3-0357-2270-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The 43rd volume of "Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering" contains papers which reflect the latest results of scientific research and engineering decisions in the fields of biomechanics for sports medicine, practice of extracorporeal circulation and implantation; utilization of modern biomaterials in reconstruction of the bone defects and implantation; methods of medical images processing for the early cancer diagnostic in the current medical practice and for morphological researches in biochemistry. We hope that this volume will be useful for many researchers and engineers involved in different branches of modern biomedicine.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Fatigue Life of the Human Teeth: A Continuum Damage ApproachA Mathematical Model for Root Canal Preparation Using Endodontic File: Part BNumerical Investigation of Blood Flow Characteristics through Cannulated AortaEvaluation of Lower Limb Muscles Fatigue and Force during Running 400-Meters Using Learning MachineNumerical Study of the Biomechanical Behaviour of the Different Implantation Methods of the Reverse Shoulder ReplacementA Computational Investigation of Breast Tumour on Mammogram Based on Pattern of Grey Scale DistributionDigital Image Analysis for Morphological State Characterization of a Culture of Filamentous Microorganisms in Production of AntibioticsDevelopment of Novel Poly (?-Caprolactone)/ Fluorine Substituted Hydroxyapatite Bilayer Coated 316L Ss for In Vitro Corrosion ProtectionFabricating Ultra-Smooth Diamond-Like Carbon Film and Investigating its Antifungal and Antibiofilm ActivityBiocompatibility of Hydrophilicity Improved Apatite Cement

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