Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming | Elsevier | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

ISSN 23522208


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: 6 Ausgaben pro Jahr

ISSN 23522208

The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is an international journal whose aim is to publish high quality, original research papers, survey and review articles, tutorial expositions, and historical studies in the areas of logical and algebraic methods and techniques for guaranteeing correctness and performability of programs and in general of computing systems. All aspects will be covered, especially theory and foundations, implementation issues, and applications involving novel ideas.

The Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming complements Elsevier's Science of Computer Programming and Theoretical Computer Science by its focus on the foundations and the application of logical, algebraic and categorical methods to programming and to the development of trustworthy computing systems.
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Computer Science

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