Journal of Science of Learning and Innovations | Brill | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

Journal of Science of Learning and Innovations

ISSN 29497736


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: halbjährlich

ISSN 29497736

Educational authorities worldwide face formidable challenges in preparing the young generation in the age of escalating technology development, intense economic competitions, and uncertain world events. The policy makers in different countries engage with sweeping educational reforms to revitalize their respective education systems and focus on research and student learning. Many attempted to conduct translational and applied research in education, but solutions to multifaceted educational issues are elusive due to the continually changing and developing environment. To succeed, there is a greater need to document forward-thinking and state-of-the-art research practices. This journal provides a venue for interdisciplinary researchers to share their leading-edge investigations and promising discoveries.

The scope of this journal is deliberately broad both in coverage and methodological aspects. The journal will explore contemporary educational research approaches and understand the science of learning from interdisciplinary perspectives. The articles in this journal will cover theoretical issues and research and development aspects to advance knowledge about how students learn. The topics in this journal are drawn from cognitive, neuroscience, educational psychology, anthropology, computer and information science, media, and cultural studies and explore pedagogical, technological, sociological, and psychological aspects of human learning.
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