Jowett / O'Donnell | Propaganda and Persuasion | Buch | 978-1-4129-0897-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Jowett / O'Donnell

Propaganda and Persuasion

Fourth Edition
ISBN: 978-1-4129-0897-9
Verlag: SAGE Publications

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4129-0897-9
Verlag: SAGE Publications

Propaganda and Persuasion, Fourth Edition is the only book of its kind to cover a comprehensive history of propaganda and offer insightful definitions and methods to analyze it. Building on the excellence of the three previous editions, the Fourth Edition has been revised, updated, and expanded. Authors Garth S. Jowett and Victoria OÆDonnell provide a remarkable and cogent understanding of persuasion and propaganda, including rhetorical background, cultural studies, and collective memory. Key Features:áá Offers a comprehensive history of propaganda: Many examples, from ancient times to present day, are provided to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of what propaganda is. Updated research in propaganda and persuasion and the use of propaganda in psychological warfare are also included. New examples to this edition include the global war against terrorism, the 2004 election, and the question of ideological propaganda in a polarized mass media system. Encourages a systematic approach to analyzing propaganda: An in-depth look at rhetoric, theory, and methodology helps students analyze propaganda. Original methods of analysis are illustrated through four case studies, three of which have been revised for this edition, to reflect the latest developments. Differentiates propaganda from persuasion: Succinct definitions of propaganda and persuasion are given, as well as an original model that illustrates both their commonalities and their differences. A process model is also included to depict how propaganda works in modern society. Intended Audience:áá Ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses in Persuasion and Propaganda; also relevant to many courses in Rhetoric and Mass Communications
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Weitere Infos & Material

Preface to the First EditionPreface to the Second EditionPreface to the Third EditionPreface to the Fourth EditionChapter 1: What Is Propaganda, and How Does It Differ From Persuasion?Chapter 2: Propaganda Through the AgesChapter 3: Propaganda InstitutionalizedChapter 4: Propaganda and Persuasion ExaminedChapter 5: Propaganda and Psychological WarfareChapter 6: How to Analyze PropagandaChatper 7: Propaganda in Action: Four Case StudiesChapter 8: How Propaganda Works in Modern Society

Dr. Jowett, Garth S.
<p>Garth Jowett is Professor of Communications at the University of Houston. He obtained his Ph.D. in communications from the University of Pennsylvania. He has served as Director for Social Research for the Canadian government's Department of Communication and has been a consultant to various international communication agencies. He has been widely published in the area of popular culture and the history of communication. His book <i>Film: The Democratic Art </i>(1976) was a benchmark in firm history. His other publications include <i>Movies as Mass Communication; children and the Movies: Media Influence and the Payne Fund Studies; </i>and his forthcoming 4th edition of <i>Propaganda and Persuasion </i>with Victoria O'Donnell. He is Advisory Editor of Sage's Foundations of Popular Culture Series as well on the boards of several communication and film journals.</p><b></b>

O'Donnell, Victoria
<b>Victoria O'Donnell</b> is Professor Emeritus and former Director of the University Honors Program Professor of Communication at Montana State University-Bozeman. Previously she was the Chair of the Department of Speech Communication at Oregon State University and Chair of the Department of Communication and Public Address at the University of North Texas. In 1988 she taught for the American Institute of Foreign Studies at the University of London. She received her Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University. She has published articles and chapters in a wide range of journals and books on topics concerning persuasion, the social effects of media, women in film and television, British politics, Nazi propaganda, collective memory, cultural studies theory, and science fiction films of the 1950s. She is also the author (with June Kable) of <i>Persuasion: An Interactive-Dependency</i> <i>Approach,</i> <i>Propaganda and Persuasion</i> (with Garth Jowett), and <i>Speech Communication</i>. She is currently writing a book on television criticism. She made a film, <i>Women, War, and Work: Shaping Space for Productivity in the</i> <i>Shipyards During World War II</i>, for PBS through KUSM Public Television at Montana State University. She has written television scripts for environmental films and has done voice-overs for several PBS films. She served on editorial boards of several journals. She’s the recipient of numerous research grants, honors, and teaching awards, including being awarded the Honor Professorship at North Texas State University and the Montana State University Alumni Association and Bozeman Chamber of Commerce Award of Excellence. She has been a Danforth Foundation Associate and a Summer Scholar of the National Endowment for the Humanities. She has taught in Germany and has been a visiting lecturer at universities in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Wales. She has also served as a private consultant to the U.S. government, a state senator, the tobacco litigation plaintiffs, and many American corporations.

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