Buch, Englisch, 674 Seiten, Gewicht: 1600 g
3rd edition
Buch, Englisch, 674 Seiten, Gewicht: 1600 g
ISBN: 978-3-8055-9106-5
Verlag: S.Karger
This well-respected compilation has stood for many years as one of the most widely used references for serologic methods. Usable as a manual of standard operating procedures (SOPs) for blood centers, transfusion services and immunohematology reference laboratories, the third edition has been updated throughout to reflect current modifications to protocols and SOP formats after a base of routine methods.
- The detection, identification, and investigation of antibodies
- Enzyme and elution techniques; cell separation
- Globulin coating; perinatal testing; investigation of drug-induced hemolysis
- ABO typing problems
- Red cell polyagglutination
- Reagent preparation