Kalousek / Cekon | enviBUILD 2014 | Buch | 978-3-03835-280-8 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Kalousek / Cekon

enviBUILD 2014

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International enviBUILD 2014 Conference, September 18-19, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic

Buch, Englisch, 466 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-3-03835-280-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 9th International enviBUILD 2014 Conference, September 18-19, 2014, Brno, Czech Republic.Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The 99 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Building Materials and Components,Chapter 2: Energy Performance of Buildings,Chapter 3: Retrofitting and Revitalization of Buildings, Chapter 4: Sustainable Building and Environmental Assessments, Chapter 5: Hygrothermal Performance of Buildings, Chapter 6: Indoor Climate, Thermal Comfort and Ventilation, Chapter 7: Daylighting and Insolation, Chapter 8: Acoustics and Noise Protection.
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Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Building Materials and Components
Analysis of the Building Materials in the Energy Efficient Buildings
Theoretical Calculation of Heat Losses of Heat Exchangers to Vicinity
Hydraulic Diameter of Compact Design Tubes with Small Diameter
Analysis of the Degradation of External Plasters in the Buildings with ETICS
Technological Analysis of the Orientation of the Pitched Icelandic Turf Roof to the Cardinal Points and their Effect on the Stability of the Vegetative Layers
Test of Adhesion and Cohesion of Silicone Sealants on Facade Cladding Materials within Extreme Weather Conditions
Study of the Mechanical Behavior against Horizontal Forces of Self-Supporting Facades
Numerical Study of the Influence of Insect Grille on Airflow in Ventilated Facade Constructions
Optimization of Lubricant Return in Refrigeration Systems
Experimental Determination of Thermal Properties of Highly Viscous Liquids
Assessment of the Load Capacity of Multilayer Glasses Depending on their Total Thickness
Application of Multi-Criteria Optimization for Selection of Building Materials for New Buildings
Comparison of Low-Energy Houses Selected Parameters Made by Traditional and Modern Methods of Construction
Settlement of Crushed Straw
Non-Traditional Thermal-Insulating and Rehabilitation Materials and their Hygrothermal Behaviour
Comparison of Measuring Instruments and Methods for Determining the Moisture Content of Wood
Studying of the Behavior of Thermal Insulation Materials Based on Natural Fibers for Incorporation into the Building Structure
Single-Layer Mechanical Fastening Waterproofing Systems
Usage of Hydrophilic Mineral Wool Panels in Green Roof Systems in Passive Houses
New Structures for Transparent Roofs
Hempcrete – An Environmentally Friendly Material?
The Future of the Polystyrene as Thermal Insulation in Buildings
Hygro-Thermal Behaviour of Timber Frame Straw Bale Construction as an Energy Efficient Building Technology
Measurement of Physical Properties in Waste-Based Particle-Reinforced Polymer Composites (WPPC)
Chapter 2: Energy Performance of Buildings
Possible Solutions for Ground Slabs of Energy Efficient Buildings
Modelling of a Small Solar Collector Array and Comparison with Meteorological Data Using TRNSYS Energy Simulation Software
Determination of Linear Thermal Transmittance for Corners with Acute Angle
Behavior of Point Thermal Bridges from Mechanical Anchoring of Flat Roofs
The Issue of Including the Influence of Thermal Bonds in the Passive House
Long-Term Monitoring of the Effectiveness of a Ground Source Heat Pump Borehole
Climate Data Processing for Needs of Energy Analysis
Identification of a Percentage of Engagement of the Bivalent Source of the Earth–Water Type Heat Pump in Heating of the School Using the DDFPM Method
Heat Supply Optimization
Analysis and Quantification of the Influence of Thermal Properties of Building Envelope on the Energy Balance
Evaluation of the Thermal Resistance of Structure with Reflective Insulation: Measurement under Non-Stationary Boundary Conditions
The Comparison of the Probabilistic Calculation of Course of Temperatures in Peripheral Construction with Actual Measured Data
Comparison of Polysun Simulation with Direct Measurements of Solar Thermal System in Rapotice
Integration of Small Wind Energy Source for Optimization of Energy Efficiency in Residential Building
Advanced Thermal Performance Analysis of Thermal Break Element Applied in Balcony Slab
Modeling of Details for Single-Layer Wall in a Passive House: The Case of Balcony Slab
Influence of Window on Solar Gains and Daylight Level
Chapter 3: Retrofitting and Revitalization of Buildings
Numerical Simulation of Air Channel in Church Gemerský Jablonec
The Windows in the Modular Structure - Air Tightness and Quality of Installation Diagnostics
Revitalization of Facade Cladding with the Use of Bonded Joints
The Verification of Range of Chemical Grouting of Wet Masonry by Theoretical Modeling and by Using Infrared Camera
Underfloor Air Cavity Created from Special Shaped Units and Different Intensity of Outdoor Wind Flow
Improvement of Low Inner Surface Temperature with Use of Linear Heating Component
Making the Concept of Old Industrial Buildings in Terms of Sustainability in Architecture
Chapter 4: Sustainable Building and Environmental Assessments
Environmental Benefits of Elementary School’s Renovation
The Evaluation of Non-Renewable Primary Energy as Part of Energy Performance Certificates
Emissions of Nanoparticles from Small Combustion Equipment with Regard to the Combustion Mode and Wood Humidity
Sustainable Construction Technology Based on Building Modules
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Two Passive Houses in Terms of Sustainability
Roof Structure Evaluation in Climatic Chamber Module
Additional Insulation of Detached Dwelling Houses with Straw-Bale Elements
The Use of Probability in Risk Assessment
Chapter 5: Hygrothermal Performance of Buildings
Analysis of the Icelandic Modified Pitched Green Roof
Research of the Temperature Field Process in the Soil for a Home - Founded on a Foam Glass Granulate
The Presence of Microscopic Algae and Funguses on the Facades of Buildings Equipped with Thermal Insulation Composite System (ETICS)
Measurement and CFD Simulation of Wind-Driven Rain Using Eulerian Multiphase Model
Hygrothermal Loads of Building Components in Bathroom of Dwellings
Hygrothermal Assessment of Timber Elements in Truss with Above-Rafter Thermal Insulation
Transient Numerical Simulation of Linear Thermal Transmittance in Software CalA
Comparison of Approximate Soil Thermal Conductivity Calculations with Laboratory Measurements and New Estimation Methods for Sandy Clayey Silt
Design Properties of Log Walls with Respect to Building Physics
Experimentally Measured Boundary and Initial Conditions for Simulations
Use of EMW Radiation in the Building Industry
Maximum Temperatures of Roof Tiles during the Summer Period
Hygrothermal Microclimate of Reconstructed Residential Building
Analysis of the Hygrothermal Performance of the Lightweight External Cladding
Monitoring Thermal Parameters of Lightweight Wood-Based Perimeter Walls
Chapter 6: Indoor Climate, Thermal Comfort and Ventilation
Measurement and Calculation of Ventilation in the Floor of the Brewery Žirovnice
Impact of Building Refurbishment on the Operative Temperature and PMV
Development and Experimental Verification of Ventilation Units for Under Pressure Ventilation System
Design Issues of the Airconditioning Systems in the Spaces of Swimming Pool Halls
Microbes in the Interior of Schools
Analysis of Damage to the Historic Roof Truss in Terms of Internal Environment
Issues of Indoor Climate Discomfort in Light Wooden Low-Energy Houses
Integration of PCMs and Capillary Radiant Cooling/Heating to Ensure of Thermal Comfort
Microbiological Aspects of Energy-Efficient HVAC (Ventilation) Systems Houses
Influence of the Indoor Environment Quality on the Market Value of the Buildings
Wood as Material Suitable for Health Care and Therapeutic Facilities
Indoor Climate of Residential Interiors and Asymmetry of Radiation
Wood-Burning Stoves in Well-Insulated Dwellings
Chapter 7: Daylighting and Insolation
Simple Conversion Method for Determination of the Global Illuminance from Satellite Images
Investigation of Useful Daylighting during a Day
Daylighting: Prediction of Circadian Effects of Different Spectral Filters
Evaluation of Illuminance of Rooms Oriented to Different Cardinal Points
Relation between the Light Transmission of the Glazing System and Daylight Factor
Effect of Light Reflectance of External Surfaces on Daylight Factor
Evaluation of Indoor Daylight Parameters during Long–Term Observations in the Rooms Equipped with Intensive Coloured Surfaces
Distribution of Daylight Factor in Classrooms
Comparison of Two Coating Material Reflections of Hollow Light Guide Tube
Chapter 8: Acoustics and Noise Protection
Construction Site Noise and its Influence on Protected Area of the Existing Buildings
Noise Motor Working Tools and their Measures for Noise Reduction during Construction of Buildings
Vibro-Acoustic Comfort Assessment Methodology of Residential Buildings in Urban Environment
Reducing the Negative Effects of City Railways on Houses in Ostrava
Comparison of Acoustic Properties of the Peripheral Walls of Energy Efficient Buildings - Natural and Artificial Materials

Eds. Miloš Kalousek and Miroslav Cekon

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