Kalousek / Nemecek / Chuchma | enviBUILD 2012 | Buch | 978-3-03785-596-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 700 g

Kalousek / Nemecek / Chuchma

enviBUILD 2012

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the enviBuild 2012, October 25 - 26, 2012, Brno, Czech republic and Building Performance Simulation Conference 2012, November 8 - 9, 2012, Brno Czech republic

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 700 g

ISBN: 978-3-03785-596-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Indoor quality of buildings has a direct impact on its inhabitants. The design of a building needs should include a healthy environment and if possible include application of building materials which are free of harmful substances and allow a low energy design. The building industry nowadays should concentrate on low energy buildings and put emphasis on natural materials and renewable resources, so todays aim is to decrease the energy requirements and contribute to a healthier indoor environment in buildings and to sustainable development. The peer reviewed papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Near Zero Energy Buildings; Chapter 2: Quality of Indoor Environment;Chapter 3: Heat Storage and Energy Savings;Chapter 4: Effective Ventilation; Chapter 5: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources; Chapter 6: Natural and Environmental Friendly Building Materials; Chapter 7: Noise Protection; Chapter 8: Building Simulation.
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Preface and Committees
Chapter 1: Near Zero Energy Buildings
Airtightness of Buildings in Slovakia
Energy Concept Design of Zero Energy Buildings
Impact of Internal Thermal Insulation Systems on Static Behaviour of Exterior Walls
The Evaluation of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings in the Czech Republic
The Specifics of the Real Estate Market of the Low- and Passive Energy Buildings
Chapter 2: Quality of Indoor Environment
A New Building System Made of Glass Fiber Reinforced Mineral Matrix Composites
Aerodynamic Mode of Double-Skin Transparent Façade with Narrow Physical Cavity and its Influence on Indoor Environment in the Summer Season
Effect of Air Heating System Distribution on Temperature Stratification in a Room
Analysis of an Indoor Environment in Year-Round Operation
Analysis of the Behavior of Glass Claddings
Analysis of the Influence of Geometrical Thermal Bridges and their Elimination by Using a Composite Material Based on Secondary Raw Materials
Comparing Methods for Calculating Thermal Stability of Rooms
Comparison of Temperatures in the Corner of Wall Footing through 2D and 3D Views
Computer Simulations of Room Acoustics in Sporting Facilities
Differences Ug - Values of Glazing Measured In Situ with the Influence Factors of the Internal Environment
Effect of the Geometric Solution of Cladding on the Quality of the Indoor Microclimate
Envelope Structures of Low Energy Wooden Houses Considering Indoor Climate
Experimental Timber Frames House EXDR1
Indoor Environment State of Classrooms Situated in the Loft Spaces of Civil Engineering Faculty TU in Kosice – Dynamic Analysis Using Design Builder
Assessing the Risk Relative to Indoor Environment Quality in Education Buildings
Measuring Methodology and Results of Heat-Air-Moisture Performances at Building Envelope Levels
Microscopic Filamentous Fungi in Buildings, Preventing their Occurrence and their Remediation Using Nanofibers
New Materials and Assessment of Ventilation Efficiency Floors
Optimisation of the Design of Daylight Guidance Systems Including Measurement Methodology
Perceived Loudness of Sound Transmitted through Light Weight and Heavy Weight Walls
Problematic of Humidity Degradation of Plaster with Indoor Fresco Decoration in Romanesque Rotunda in Znojmo
Quasistationary and Dynamic Simulation of Summer Overheating of Passive Timber House
Regeneration of Precast Panel Buildings in Terms of its Effect on Daylight
Selected Problems of Renovated Apartment Buildings Entrances in Slovakia
Simulation of Indoor Climate and Energy Consumption of Primary School
The Importance of a Fan Location in the Front Door in Measuring of the Air Permeability by the Blower Door Test
Thermal Comfort Evaluation with Fireplace in Occupied Space
Thermal Performance of Capillary Micro Tubes Integrated into the Sandwich Element Made of Concrete
Chapter 3: Heat Storage and Energy Savings
Comparison of the Possibility of Using the Accumulation Underground Storage under Buildings
Defects of Insulation Systems and their Negative Effect on the Accumulation and Energy Saving
Development of Building Elements with Thermal Insulation Filler Based on Secondary Raw Materials
Embodied Energy of Stabilized Rammed Earth
Energy Solar Wall in Low-Energy Apartment House
Including Sustainability Criteria in Architectural Completion: A Critical Case Study of Current Practices
Linear Thermal Transmittance of Holding Unit of Balcony Slab to External Wall
Study of Behaviour of Advanced Silicate Materials for Thermal and Moisture Rehabilitation of Buildings
Thermal Responses of Stabilized Rammed Earth for Colder Climatic Regions
Thermal Stability of Attic Spaces with Integrated PCMs during the Climatic Year
Thermodynamic Properties of Reflective Coatings
Using Wind Farms as Green Energy Sources
Chapter 4: Effective Ventilation
Effective Ventilation and Heating Systems in Office Buildings
Chapter 5: Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
Greywater and Rainwater Management in Buildings
Problems with Formation of Caverns in the Wells for Heat
Six Points of Resistence for a Renewable Energy Based Architecture – A Case Study
Technology in Architecture – Low Energy Building versus Green and Sustainable Building
Two-Stage System for Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources with Application of Natural Physical Cavities
Chapter 6: Natural and Environmental Friendly Building Materials
Analysis of a New Expansive Soils Stabilization Method Made from Eco-Cement and Fiber Reinforcement
Analysis of Environmental Impacts on Thermal Conductivity of Insulation Block from Secondary Raw Materials
Buildings Built by Superadobe Technology and other Possibilities Use of Clay Plaster
Development of New Materials for Construction Sector Obtained from Renewable Resources
Environmental Assessment of Structural Elements from Secondary Raw Materials
Featuring Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Integration in Warm Mix Asphalt towards Roads Sustainable Development
Greening of Concrete Industry by Incorporating Gypsum-Based Industrial Wastes as Supplementary Cementitious Materials
Mechanical and Physical Properties of Straw Bales
Modeling of Airport Rigid Pavement Structure Made of RCC and Recycled Cement Concrete for Complex Configuration of Landing Gears
The Comparative Analysis of External Walls in a Passive House with Respect to Environment and Energy
Use of Recycled Materials in the Construction of Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Pavements
Chapter 7: Noise Protection
Acoustic Properties of Timber Joist Ceilings with Respects to their Response onto the Effects of Dynamic Loads
Acoustic Qualities of a Composite Timber - Concrete Ceiling Construction
Ceiling Construction Low-Frequency Noise Issues
Noise Perception in Residential Building Environment
Chapter 8: Building Simulation
2D Model of Capillary Transport of Water in Aerated Concrete
Analysis of Local Moisture Increase of Timber Constructions on Ice Arena Roof
Mathematical Model of Multi-Layer Wall with Phase Change Material and its Use in Optimal Design
Passive Infra Reflectors and its Simulation in Radiance Software
TRNSYS Software Model of Solar System with Long-Term Storage
Utilization of Indirect Adiabatic Cooling in Heat Recovery Device

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