Buch, Englisch, Band 326, 1607 Seiten, Previously published in hardcover, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 2476 g
Proceedings of ICPERES 2014
Buch, Englisch, Band 326, 1607 Seiten, Previously published in hardcover, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 2476 g
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-81-322-3554-5
Verlag: Springer India
Weitere Infos & Material
1. Analytical and Simulation Analysis of Stator Tooth on Cogging Torque of Brushless DC Motor Using Finite Element Analysis.- 2. Application of Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Based Matrix Converter as Revolutionized Power Electronic Converter.- 3. Performance Analysis of Bio Fuels and Gasoline in SI Engines.- 4. Simulation of Open Loop and Feedback Controlled Bridgeless PFC Boost Converter.- 5. Modeling and Simulation of Three-phase DCMLI Using SVPWM for Photovoltaic System.- 6. Quantification of Voltage Unbalance Conditions.- 7. Short Term Hydrothermal Scheduling of an Indian Utility System Using an Enhanced Bacterial Foraging Algorithm.- 8. Efficiency Modeling of High Gain DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Application.- 9. Reactive Power Optimization Using Firefly Algorithm.- 10. A New Real Time Approach for Reactive Power Control by STATCOM in Autonomous Wind-Diesel Hybrid Power System.- 11. Improving the Reliability of Wind Generators Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer.- 12. Rule Weight Tuned Fuzzy Controller For Robot Manipulator Using Quantum Inspired Firefly Algorithm.- 13. Design and Investigation of Solar Powered Soft Switched Z-Source Inverter.- 14. An Integrated Passive Islanding Detection Method for Grid Connected PV Distributed Generators.- 15. Acoustic Echo Cancellation Using Variable Step Size Based Adaptive Filtering with Performance Measure.- 16. Simulation and Experimental Verification of MPPT Algorithms for Partially Shaded Stand-alone Photovoltaic Systems.- 17. Performance Comparison of D-STATCOM and SVC for Mitigation of Voltage Flicker in Electric Arc Furnace Using PSCAD/EMTDC.- 18. The Influence of Floor Tile Colour on Lighting and Energy saving.- 19. Voltage Control of Fixed Speed Wind Farm Under Unbalanced Grid Faults Using Dvr.- 20. Smart Indian Railways: An Environment Friendly Model.- 21. Grid Connected Multilevel Inverter and MPPT for Photovoltaic System.- 22. Implementation of Anti-islanding Scheme for a Grid Connected Inverter.- 23. THD Analysis of One-Cycle and PWM Controlled Active Power Filters.- 24. Simulation of PWM Controlled Double Half Bridge Inverter for Partly Coupled Induction Cooking System.- 25. Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic System Using Two Input And Two Output Fuzzy System.- 26. Performance of High Voltage Bushings Under Polluted Conditions.- 27. Simulation of Static Var Compensator in IEEE 14 Bus System for Enhancing Voltage Stability and Compensation.- 28. Study on Reflector Material Optimization of a Parabolic Solar Concentrator.- 29. A New Approach for Torque Ripple Minimization of PMBLDC Motor Drive.- 30. Grid Integration of Hybrid Generation Scheme for Optimal Switching Pattern Based Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter.- 31. Reactive Power Pricing Using Group Search Optimization in Deregulated Electricty Market.- 32. Enhanced Controllers of DFIG with Unbalanced and Distorted Grid Voltage Conditions.- 33. FPGA Controlled Power Conditioning System for Solar PV Fed PMDC Motor.- 34. Genetic Algorithm Based Wind-Thermal Coordination Dispatch including Transmission Losses.- 35. A Novel MLI Topology with Reduced Power Switches.- 36. Optimal Placement and Sizing of Solar and Wind Based DGs in Distribution Systems for Power Loss Minimization and Economic Operation.- 37. Control of Three Phase to Three Phase Matrix Converter - A Direct Transfer Function Approach.- 38. Comparison of PI and PIR regulators for DFIG during Unbalanced Grid Voltage Conditions.- 39. Implementation of Direct Torque control for Matrix Converter Fed Induction Motor Drive Using Fuzzy Logic Controller.- 40. Improvement of Power Quality in Distribution System Using D-STATCOM.- 41. Simulation and Optimization ofBiomass Based Hybrid Generation System for Rural Electrification.- 42. Application of H-Bridge Converter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer to Protect a Sensitive Load on Polluted Distribution Network.- 43. Power Control of Wind Turbine Driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Using Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm.- 44. Performance Evaluation of Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms for Power Loss Optimization of a Worm Gear Mechanism.- 45. An Improved Buck Boost Converter Using Auxiliary Resonance for Photo Voltaic Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer.- 46. A Fuzzy Logic Controller Based Multi Converter UPQC to mitigate the Power Quality Problems.- 47. Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Controlled Single phase Active Power Line Conditioner under non sinusoidal supply condition: A Comparison.- 48. Design and Implementation of SMR Based Bidirectional Laptop Adapter.- 49. Analysis of Different Current Commutation Technique in Matrix converter.- 50. Performance Comparison of DC to DC Boost Converters for Solar Power Installation System.- 51. DC-DC Converter Based on Cockcroft-Walton for High Voltage Gain.- 52. New direct torque control algorithm for high performance induction motor.- 53. Performance Analysis of Induction Generator Using Computational Technique.- 54. Performance Analysis of Efficiency Enrichment Technique for SPVPGS: An Experimental Assessment.- 55. Cable Laying Precautions in Offshore Wind Farms with Reactive Power Compensation.- 56. Single Phase Soft Switching Techniques Power Factor Correction Converter.- 57. Cuckoo search algorithm for short term hydrothermal scheduling.- 58. Performance of Phase-Shift Control Using High-Efficiency Switched-Capacitor-Based Resonant Converter.- 59. Single Stage High Voltage Gain Boost Converter For Battery Charging Using PV Panels Midhun.P.M.- 60. An Effective Energy Management with Photovoltaic Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer Using PI And Fuzzy Logic Controller.- 61. Multiple Winding Linear Transformer for Interleaved Step-up ZVT Converter.- 62. Embedded Based PFC Converter for an Air Conditioner with BLDC Motor.- 63. Photovoltaic Power System Application Using Energy Stored Quasi z Source Inverter.- 64. Power Management of a Grid Connected PV/Battery.- 65. Design and Comparative Analysis of Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter for Eliminating Total Harmonics Using High Switching Frequency Techniques.- 66. PID Control of SAPF for Elimination of Harmonics in Power System Based on DQ Reference Frame Theory.- 67. Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System Using Unified Power Quality Conditioner.- 68. Hybrid Power System Based Load Sharing and Maintaining the DC Voltage in UPS System.- 69. Analysis of Full Bridge LCC Resonant Converter for Wide Load Variations.- 70. Power Quality Improvement using Multilevel Inverter Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer with PI Controller.- 71. Design and Implementation of Fractional Order Proportional Integral Controller for the Control of Aircraft Pitch Dynamics.- 72. An Independent Reconstruction Error Using Randomized Quantization.- 73. Mitigation of Power Quality Issues in Three Phase Four Wire Distribution System Employing Four-Leg D-STATCOM.- 74. Performance Investigation of Fuzzy logic Controlled MPPT for Energy Efficient Solar PV Systems.- 75. Identification of The Fractional Order First Order Plus Dead Time Parameters of Two Interacting Conical Tank Process Using Bee Colony Optimization Technique Minimizing Root Mean Square Error.- 76. Real Time simulation of Single Machine Infinite Bus system Using dSPACE Controller Board.- 77. Real Coded Genetic Algorithm Based Fractional Order PI Controller Design for Speed Control of IPMSM.- 78. Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Using PID MPPT Controller Based on Incremental Conductance Algorithm.- 79. Development of a Universal Controller for Converter Based Switched Reluctance Motors.- 80. PSO Based Social Welfare Maximization of Wind Thermal Coordinated System in a Deregulated Market.- 81. Microcontroller Based BLDC Motor Drive For Commercial Applications.- 82. Forecasting India’s Electricity Consumption Using Particle Swarm Optimization.- 83. Frequency Regulation of Isolated Hybrid Wind/Diesel, Power Generation with Fuel Cell System.- 84. Residential Load Signature Analysis for Their Segregation Using Wavelet – SVM.- 85. Fuzzy-Based Torque Ripple Optimization and Digitalized Sector Selection in DTC Scheme.- 86. A Mobile Based Novice Detection of Driver’s Fatigue Level and Accident Reporting Solution.- 87. Analysis and Position Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives by Using Fuzzy Logic.- 88. Assessment of Six Phase Synchronous Generator Using Fuzzy Controller.- 89. Power Loss Minimization in Presence of Distributed Generation by DSM.- 90. Comparative Study of Prototype and Simulation of SVC for Transmission Congestion Management.- 91. Design Aspect of Blade Shape and Position for the Vertical Axis Wind Turbine.- 92. Placement and Sizing of D-Statcom Using Particle Swarm Optimization.- 93. Fault Tolerant Soft Starter Control for Induction Motors.- 94. A Novel Soft switched Positive Output Super Lift Luo Converter for Li-Ion Battery Charging.- 95. Reduction in Ripples Using Interleaved Soft Switching Boost Converter for Hybrid Power Generation System.- 96. Implementation of Reactor and Capacitor in Adjustable Speed Drive for Power Quality Problem.- 97. Yaw Control of Wind Turbine Using Fuzzy Logic Controller.- 98. Overload Protection and Speed Monitoring of Induction Motor Using ZigBee Wireless Sensor Networks andGSM Technology.- 99. Thermal Analysis of Switched Reluctance Machine under Steady State and Transient Conditions Using Finite Element Method.- 100. Design and Analysis of Three Phase Four Wire Shunt Active Filter with Neural Network Controller for Different Loading Conditions.- 101. MPPT Measurement of Photo Voltaics System Under Partial Shading Conditions Using DPSO Algorithm.- 102. Cascaded Dual Buck Inverter with Sensorless Current Control Method for Grid Connected Photo Voltaic Systems.- 103. Steady State Analysis and Open Loop Modeling of Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor.- 104. Reliability Evaluation of Tamil Nadu Power Grid for The Year 2012.- 105. Implementation of Low Cost Single Switch Based Switched Reluctance Motor Drive.- 106. A Novel Block-Based Selective Embedding Type Video Data Hiding Using Encryption Algorithms.- 107. General Regression Neural Network for Software Effort Estimation of Small Programs Using a Single Variable.- 108. EBRP: Evolutionary Backup Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks.- 109. A QCP Approach for Bandwidth Reallocation in Integrated Cellular Network.- 110. A Grade Prediction Methodology for Astrocytoma Using Modified K-Clustering Network.- 111. Simulation and Application on Power System Reliability for Bulk Electrical System.- 112. Intelligent Load Shedding Using Ant Colony Algorithm in Smart Grid Environment.- 113. Design of ANFIS Controller for Power System Stability Enhancement Using FACTS Device.- 114. Application of Bacterial Foraging Optimization for Elimination of Lower Order Harmonics in Seven Level Inverter.- 115. Affine Invariant Shape Descriptor Using Object Area Normalization.- 116. Automatic Classification of CC View and MLO View in Digital Mammograms.- 117. Power quality Improvement in a Wind Farm Connected to Grid Using FACTS Device.- 118. Development of Power Backup Device Using Solar Energy Harvesting for Real Time Industrial Applications.- 119. An Image Watermarking Scheme Resilient to Geometric Distortions.- 120. Intensification of Available Transfer Capability via Real Coded Biogeography Based Optimization.- 121. Application of SRF Algorithm and SVPDM Concept in Power Electronic Transformer.- 122. Investigations on the Dynamics of Seven Level Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive with Neural Based Rotor Resistance Estimator.- 123. Comparison of Single Layer and Multilayer Feed-Forward Architecture for On-Line Economic Load Dispatch Problem.- 124. Prediction of India’s Industrial Sector Electricity Consumption Using ANFIS.- 125. Enhancing the Security of AES Algorithm in Wireless Network.- 126. Effect of Grid Impedance Variation on the Control of Grid Connected Converters with Synchronous Reference Frame Controllers in Micro-Grids.- 127. Application of SVM as Classifier in Estimating Market Power under Deregulated Electricity Market.- 128. Optimal Capacitor Placement in Radial Distribution System to minimize the Loss Using Fuzzy Logic Control and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization.- 129. Vector Control Based Dynamic Voltage Restorer for Fault Ride through of Doubly Fed Induction Generator.- 130. Design of PSO - Fuzzy MPPT Controller for Photovoltaic Application.- 131. Voltage Control of a STATCOM at a Fixed Speed Wind Farm under Unbalanced Grid Faults Using Fuzzy Logic Technique.- 132. Evaluation and Prediction of Contamination Level in Insulators Based on the Leakage Current Characteristics Using Neural Network.- 133. A hybrid PSO-SFS-SBS Algorithm in Feature Selection for Liver Cancer Data.- 134. Heart Disease Prediction System Using Intelligent Network.- 135. Performance Comparison of AI Controllers for DC link Voltage of SAPF System for Power Quality Enhancements.- 136. Online Fuzzy SupervisedLearning of Radial Basis Function Neural Network Based Speed Controller for Brushless DC Motor.- 137. Modeling of Wind Turbine Power Curves Using Firefly Algorithm.- 138. An Innovative Classification Model for CAD Dataset Using SVM Based Iterative Linear Discriminant Analysis.- 139. Phenotypic Evolutionary Programming for Economic Operation of Thermal – Wind Coordination.- 140. Mathematical Modeling of BLDC Motor Using Two Controllers for Electric Power Assisted Steering Application.- 141. Comparison and Simulation of various PFC Boost Converters.- 142. Modified LBP Based Region Growing Segmentation of MR Brain Images.- 143. A Novel Reference Current Generation Algorithm for Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter.- 144. Mathematical Model of Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Generator Based Wind Electric Generator.- 145. Design of Wideband Wide-scan Linear Tapered Slot Antenna for an Active Electronically Scanned Array Antenna.- 146. Energy Efficient Decoder Design for Non-Binary LDPC Codes.- 147. Automated Segmentation of MR Images by Implementing Multi SVM Technique.- 148. Implementation of ARM processor Based Online Learning Neural Network Controller for Buck-Boost Converter.- 149. A Control Strategy for Harmonic Reduction in a Single Phase High Step-up AC – DC Converter Based on Matrix Converter and Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier with PFC for Low Power Applications.- 150. Classification of ECG Signal Using Hybrid Feature Extraction and Neural Network Classifier.- 151. Power Flow Constrained Unit Commitment Problem Using Improved Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm.- 152. Investigation and Control of Principal Axes of Aircraft Using Robust method.- 153. Secret Key Sharing in Networks Using Classical Cryptography Based Quantum Stratagem Approach.- 154. Cuckoo Search Based Color Image Segmentation Using Seeded Region Growing.- 155.Comparative Study of PI and PID Controller for Non Linear MIMO System.- 156. A Simple Cascade NN based Flux Estimator to overcome Low Speed Problems in Sensor-less Direct Vector Controlled IM Drives.