Kanner / Schachter | Psychiatric Controversies in Epilepsy | Buch | 978-0-12-374006-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 344 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 580 g

Kanner / Schachter

Psychiatric Controversies in Epilepsy

Buch, Englisch, 344 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 580 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-374006-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Psychiatric Controversies in Epilepsy addresses controversial clinical issues of the psychiatric aspects of epilepsy. The book explores the reasons behind the poor communication between psychiatrists and neurologists and suggests potential remedies to this important problem, and two chapters are devoted to examining whether psychiatrists and neurologists are properly trained to recognize and treat conditions that both disciplines commonly encounter in clinical practice. Identification of the causes behind the high rate of comorbidity between epilepsy and mood, anxiety, psychotic and attention deficit disorders is given high priority in the volume, and a specific review of the evidence of common pathogenic mechanisms that may be operant in epilepsy and these psychiatric disorders is included. Recently identified bidirectional relationship between mood disorders and epilepsy and its implication in the course and response to treatment of the seizure disorder are also explored. Several chapters are devoted to rectify common misunderstandings of the use of psychotropic drugs in patients with epilepsy, including the use of antidepressant and central nervous system stimulants. Finally, one chapter explores the possibility of organic causes of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures.
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Neurologists, epileptologists, psychiatrists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, nurses, social workers, medical students, residents in neurology and psychiatry, neuroscientists

Weitere Infos & Material

1 Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Patients with Epilepsy: What We Think We Know and What We Know 2 Why Do Neurologists and Psychiatrists Not Talk to Each Other?3 Are NeurologistsTrained to Recognize andTreat the Psychiatric Comorbidities of Epilepsy?4 The Challenge of Teaching Psychiatry Residents about Psychopathology in Patients with Epilepsy5 What DoWe Know about Mood Disorders in Epilepsy?6 Is Depression in Epilepsy the Expression of a Neurological Disorder?7 Are Anxiety and Depression Two Sides of the Same Coin?8 Does Psychosis of Epilepsy Differ from Primary Psychotic Disorders?9 Are the Psychoses of Epilepsy a Neurological Disease?10 Is ADHD in Epilepsy the Expression of a Neurological Disorder?11 Are Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures an Expression of " Neurologic � Pathology?12 Are Psychiatric Disorders a Risk for the Development of Neurological Disorders?13 Do Peri-ictal Psychiatric Symptoms Account for the Differences between Depressive Disorders in Patients with and without Epilepsy?14 Can Psychological Testing Replace Psychiatric Evaluations in Patients with Epilepsy? Or Can Psychiatric Evaluations Replace Psychological Testing in Patients with Epilepsy?15 Should the Screening for Depression, Anxiety, Attention Deficit - Hyperactivity Disorder and Learning Disorders Be Part of Neurological Evaluations of All Patients with Epilepsy?16 Should a Psychiatric Evaluation Be Included in Every Pre-surgical Work-up?17 Do Antidepressants Improve or Worsen Seizuresin Patients with Epilepsy?18 Do Central Nervous System Stimulants Lower Seizure Threshold?19 The Psychotropic Effects of Vagus NerveStimulation in Epilepsy20 Do Psychological Therapies Alleviate Epileptic Seizures?

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