Karkush | Geotechnical Engineering Development | Buch | 978-3-0357-1716-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 446 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 890 g


Geotechnical Engineering Development

Buch, Englisch, 446 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 890 g

ISBN: 978-3-0357-1716-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The book contains articles presented at the International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering-Iraq (ICGE-Iraq 2020, 19-20 February 2020) and reflects the last results of the research studies in geotechnical engineering include experimental investigations and theoretical analyses for the behavior of soil and foundations under static and dynamic loadings. Also, the research themes of this book are extended to include some studies in construction management, construction materials, and structural engineering.
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Chapter 1: Construction Materials and Structural Elements
Response of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with NSM CFRP Strips
Quality Control of Production Lightweight Ferrocement Plate Using Sustainable Materials
Irradiation Duration Effect of Gamma Ray on the Compressive Strength of Reactive Powder Concrete
The Impact of Utilizing Silica Fume as a Filler on Asphalt Concrete Mixes
Effect of Saturation on Thermal Conductivity of Granular Materials
Compressive Strength Performance of Reactive Powder Concrete Using Different Types of Materials as a Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate
Al-Hadba Minaret, a Contribution in Characterizing of its Brick
Effect of Reinforcement Width on the Behavior of Buried Pipe in Sandy Soil
Comparative Analysis of Young’s Modulus Predictions for Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Experimental Study of Flexural Tensile Strength of Sand Concrete Plates Reinforced with Metallic Fibers
Compressive Strength and Shrinkage Behavior of Concrete Produced from Portland Limestone Cement with Water Absorption Polymer Balls
Effect of Bedding Compaction on the Behavior of Buried Plain Concrete Pipes
Numerical Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Slabs under Impact Loading
Behavior of Strengthened RC Beams with CFRP Sheets under Combined Bending and Torsion
Numerical Investigations on Behavior of Strengthened RC Beams with CFRP under Combined Bending and Torsion
Systematic Design of Short-Span Segmental Beams Reinforced by CFRP Plates
Influence of Temperature and Rest Period on Damage Repair of Aged Asphalt
The Effect of Particle Size Distribution on some Properties of Gypsum
Finite Element Analysis for the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete T-Section Deep Beams Strengthened with CFRP Sheets
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Multiple Openings
Strengthening of I-Section Steel Beams by Prestressing Strands
Chapter 2: Mechanical Properties of Soil and Methods of Soil Improvement
A Field Study on Bearing Capacity of Al-Najaf Sandy Gypseous Soil
Effect of Wetting-Drying Cycles on Desiccation Crack Pattern and Soil Behavior
Effect of Coefficient of Variation on the Reliability of Collapse Potential's Equation Predicted by ANNs
Characterization of Shear Strength and Interface Friction of Organic Soil
Reliability of Shear-Box Tests Upon Soaking Process on the Sand Soil in Al-Najaf City
Effect of Cavities from Gypsum Dissolution on Bearing Capacity of Soil under Square Footing
Tests of Soils on Triaxial Device
Performance of Raft Foundation under Static Vertical Loading in Contaminated Soil
Measurement and Calibration of the Parameters of Hypoplasticity Model for an Iraqi Soil
Effect of Slag on Engineering Properties of Contaminated Soil
Investigation to some Preliminary Geotechnical Properties of Soft Clay Stabilized by Fly Ash Based Geopolymers
Dry Density Based on Soil Index Properties by Using Expert System
Using some of Microsoft Office Excel Functions to Compute Soil Engineering Parameters Based on Raw Results of Laboratory Tests
Improvement of Soft Soil by Stone Column Treated with Bentonite
Collapsibility and Shear Strength of Gypseous Soil Improved by Nano Silica Fume (NSF)
Controlling the Permeability of Sandy Soil Using Different Local Waste Materials
Effect of the Time on the Undrained Shear Strength and Permeability of Clay-Wooden Sawdust Mixtures Used to Improve Landfills Liner
Analytical Study of Load-Settlement Behavior of Soil Treated with Stone Columns have Different Sectional Shape
Effect of Adding Sand on Clayey Soil Compressibility
Numerical Analysis of One-Dimensional Consolidation in Fine-Grained Soils
Numerical Modeling of Square Footing Subjected to Eccentric Loading on Geogrid Reinforced Loose Sand
Effect of Saline Soils on Durability of Road between Alsamawa and Sawa Lake
Experimental Study on the Modulus of Subgrade Reaction for Sandy Soil Improved by Grouting Materials
Effect of the Grain Size of Sand on Expansive Soil
Utilization of Mosul City Demolition Waste to Improve some Soil Engineering Properties
Studying the Geotechnical Properties of Clayey Soil Contaminated by Kerosene
Diagnostic Geotechnical Study of Cracks Experienced by Residential Compound: A Case Study
Experimental and Statistical Study on Single and Groups of Stone Columns
Estimation of Bearing Capacity Dropping Due to Cavities from Gypseous Soils Melting
Influence of Initial Anisotropy, Stress Path and Principal Stress Rotation on Monotonic Behavior of Clean and Mixed Sands

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