Kauffman / Hallahan / Pullen | Handbook of Special Education | Buch | 978-1-138-69914-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 964 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2540 g

Kauffman / Hallahan / Pullen

Handbook of Special Education

Buch, Englisch, 964 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 2540 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-69914-4
Verlag: CRC Press

The purpose of the Handbook of Special Education is to help profile and bring greater clarity to the already sprawling and continuously expanding field of special education. To ensure consistency across the volume, chapter authors review and integrate existing research, identify strengths and weaknesses, note gaps in the literature, and discuss implications for practice and future research. The second edition has been fully updated throughout to take into account recent changes to federal laws as well as the most current academic research, and an entirely new section has been added on research methods in special education.
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Book and Section Editors


List of Contributors

Section I. Historical and Contemporary Issues in Educating Exceptional Learners

Section Editor, James M. Kauffman

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 1. A History of Special Education

Michael M. Gerber

Chapter 2. Contemporary Issues

James M. Kauffman, C. Michael Nelson, Richard L. Simpson, & Devery Mock Ward

Chapter 3. Statistics, Data, and Special Educational Decisions: Basic Links to Realities

James M. Kauffman & John Wills Lloyd

Chapter 4. Special Education Teacher Preparation

Margo Mastropieri, Tom Scruggs, & Clara Hauth

Section II. Legal Aspects of Special Education

Section Editor, Mitchell L. Yell

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 5. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: The Evolution of Special Education Law

Mitchell L. Yell, Antonis Katsiyannis, & M. Renee Bradley

Chapter 6. Free Appropriate Public Education

Mitchell L. Yell, Jean B. Crockett, James G. Shriner, & Michael Rozalski

Chapter 7. Individual Education Programs for Children with Disabilities

Barbara D. Bateman

Section III. Research Methods in Special Education

Section Editors, Thomas R. Kratochwill Paige Cullen Pullen

Section Editors’ Introduction

Chapter 8. Designing Rigorous Group Studies in Special Education: Standards and Quality Indicators for Contemporary Group Design Research

Russell Gersten, Madhavi Jayanthi, Lana Santoro & Rebecca Newman-Gonchar

Chapter 9. Designing Robust Single-Case Design Experimental Studies

Sharlene A. Kiuhara, Thomas R. Kratochwill, Paige Cullen Pullen

Chapter 10. Regression Discontinuity Design for Cross-sectional Data, Longitudinal Data and Intervention Research for Special Education

Ji Hoon Ryoo & Paige Cullen Pullen

Chapter 11. Meta-Analysis and Special Education

H. Lee Swanson & Amy C. Allen

Chapter 12. Research Synthesis and Meta-Analysis of Single-Case Designs

James E. Pustejovsky & John M. Ferron

Section IV. The General Education Context of Special Education

Section Editor, Naomi P. Zigmond

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 13. Responsiveness to Intervention and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Reducing Reading Difficulties and Identifying Learning Disability

Rollanda E. O’Connor, Victoria Sanchez, & Joyce J. Kim

Chapter 14. Standards-Based Reform and Students with Disabilities

Rachel F. Quenemoen & Martha L. Thurlow

Chapter 15. Academic Progress Monitoring

Sheri Berkeley & Paul J. Riccomini

Chapter 16. Co-Teaching for Students with Disabilities: A Critical and Updated Analysis of the Empirical Literature

Sara Cothren Cook, Kimberly A. McDuffie-Landrum, Linda Oshita, & Bryan G. Cook

Chapter 17. General and Special Education Are (and Should Be) Different

Naomi Zigmond & Amanda Kloo

Section V. Special Education Categories

Section Editors, Paige Cullen Pullen & Daniel P. Hallahan

Section Editors’ Introduction

Chapter 18. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Edward A. Polloway, Emily C. Bouck, James R. Patton, & Jacqueline Lubin

Chapter 19. Specific Learning Disabilities

Paige Cullen Pullen, Holly B. Lane, Kristen E. Ashworth, & Shelly P. Lovelace

Chapter 20. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Karen J. Rooney

Chapter 21. Emotional and Behavioral Disorders

Timothy J. Landrum

Chapter 22. Communication Disorders

Filip T. Loncke

Chapter 23. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Gabriel I. Lomas, Jean F. Andrews, & Pamela C. Shaw

Chapter 24. Blind and Low Vision

Kim T. Zebehazy & Holly Lawson

Chapter 25. Traumatic Brain Injury

Renee Lajiness-O'Neill and Laszlo A. Erdodi

Chapter 26. Current Issues and Trends in the Education Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Janine P. Stichter, Maureen Conroy, Rose O’Donnell, & Brian Reichow

Chapter 27. Severe and Multiple Disabilities

Susan M. Bruce & Sarah E. Ivy

Chapter 28. Special Gifts and Talents

Jonathan A. Plucker & Carolyn M. Callahan

Section VI. Policy and Leadership in the Administration of Special Education

Section Editor, Jean B. Crockett

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 29. High-Stakes Testing and Accommodations

Jennifer H. Lindstrom

Chapter 30. Conceptual Models for Leading and Administrating Special Education

Jean B. Crockett

Chapter 31. Fiscal Policy and Funding for Special Education

Thomas Parrish & Jenifer Harr-Robins

Chapter 32. Transforming Leadership in Special Education: Converging Policies, Professional Standards, and Scholarship

Mary Lynn Boscardin

Chapter 33. Improving Special Education Teacher Quality and Effectiveness

Bonnie S. Billingsley & Elizabeth Bettini

Section VII. Instructional Issues for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities

Section Editor, John Wills Lloyd

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 34. Reading

Paige Cullen Pullen & Deanna B. Cash

Chapter 35. Writing and Students with Language and Learning Disabilities

Gary A. Troia, Steve Graham, & Karen R. Harris

Chapter 36. Intervention to Improve Arithmetic, Word-Problem, and Fraction Performance in Students with Mathematics Disabilities

Lynn S. Fuchs, Amelia M. Malone, Pamela M. Seethaler, Sarah R. Powell, & Douglas Fuchs

Chapter 37. Science and Social Studies

Thomas E. Scruggs, Margo A. Mastropieri, Frederick J. Brigham, & Lisa Marshak Milman

Chapter 38. Physical Education

Luke E. Kelly, Martin E. Block, & Andrew Colombo-Dougovito

Chapter 39. The Promise and Problem with Technology in Special Education: Implications for Academic Learning

Michael J. Kennedy & Joseph R. Boyle

Section VIII. Instructional Issues for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities

Section Editor, Stacy K. Dymond

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 40. Educating Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Historical Overview and Future Projections

Fred Spooner & Fredda Brown

Chapter 41. Systematic Instruction of Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Erik Drasgow, Mark Wolery, Laura C. Chezan, James Halle, & Zahra Hajiaghamohseni

Chapter 42. Instructional Contexts

John McDonnell

Chapter 43. Access to General Education Curriculum for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Michael L. Wehmeyer & Karrie A. Shogren

Chapter 44. Functional Curriculum for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Stacy K. Dymond

Section IX. What It Will Mean to Transition

Section Editor, David Scanlon

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 45. Transition to Postsecondary Education

Joseph W. Madaus, Manju Banerjee, Deborah Merchant, & Walter R. Keenan

Chapter 46. Career Decision-Making and Preparation, Transition, and Postsecondary Attainment of Work-bound Youth with High Incidence Disabilities

Jay W. Rojewski & Noel Gregg

Chapter 47. Transition to Daily Living for Persons with High Incidence Disabilities

David Scanlon, James R. Patton, & Marshall Raskind

Section X. Transition from School to Adulthood for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities

Section Editor, Katherine J. Inge

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 48. Preparing Students with Low Incidence Disabilities to Work in the Community

Katherine J. Inge, Paul Wehman, & Hannah Seward

Chapter 49. Preparing Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities for Community Living Opportunities

Lauren E. Avellone & Joshua Taylor

Section XI. Parent and Family Issues in Special Education

Section Editor, George H. S. Singer

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 50. Promoting Collaborative Partnerships with Families

Tracy Gershwin Mueller

Chapter 51. Resilience in Families of Children with Disabilities: Risk and Protective Factors

George H.S. Singer, Christine Maul, Mian Wang, & Brandy L. Ethridge

Chapter 52. Promoting Family Outcomes in Early Intervention

Melissa Raspa, Siobhan Colgan, Amanda Wylie, & Donald B. Bailey, Jr.

Section XII. Early Identification and Intervention in Exceptionality

Section Editor, Maureen A. Conroy

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 53. Contemporary Early Intervention Models, Research and Practice

for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities and Delays

Carl J. Dunst & Marilyn Espe-Sherwindt

Chapter 54. Early Intervention and Prevention of Disability: Preschoolers

Kathleen Marshall, William H. Brown, Maureen A. Conroy, & Herman Knopf

Chapter 55. Frameworks for Guiding Program Focus and Practices in Early Intervention

Patricia A. Snyder, Tara W. McLaughlin, & Crystal C. Bishop

Chapter 56. Early Identification and Intervention in Gifted Education: Developing Talent in Diverse Learners

Catherine M. Brighton & Jane M. Jarvis

Section XIII. Cultural and International Issues in Special Education

Section Editor, Dimitris Anastasiou

Section Editor’s Introduction

Chapter 57. Minority Disproportionate Representation in Special Education: Politics and Evidence, Issues and Implications

Dimitris Anastasiou, Paul L. Morgan, George Farkas, & Andrew L. Wiley

Chapter 58. Cross-national Differences in Special Education: A Typological Approach

Dimitris Anastasiou & Clayton Keller

James M. Kauffman (Ed.D., University of Kansas) is Professor Emeritus of Education at the Curry School of Education at the University of Virginia, where he had been a faculty member of the Curry School of Education since 1970. He received the Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children in 1994 and the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (of which he is a past president) in 2002. He has served as editor of several journals in special education and been a member of several editorial boards. He is the author or co-author of many books, chapters, and articles in special education.
Daniel P. Hallahan (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is Professor Emeritus of Education at the University of Virginia, where he had been a faculty member in the Curry School of Education since 1971. He was the inaugural editor of Exceptionality and has served onnumerous editorial boards, including Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Learning Disability Quarterly, The Journal of Special Education, and Exceptionality. He is a past president of the Division for Learning Disabilities of CEC and in 2000 received the CEC Career Research Award. He is the author or co-author of many books, chapters, and articles in special education.
Paige Cullen Pullen (Ph.D., University of Florida) is Research Professor in the College of Education and Director of Research and Program Development—Early Childhood, Learning Disabilities, and Reading in the Lastinger Center at the University of Florida. She has been principal investigator on federally funded projects and hasco-authored books, book chapters, and articles on evidence-based reading instruction. She is a frequent conference presenter, a fellow of the International Academy for Research on Learning Disabilities, and has received multiple teaching and mentoring awards. Her work has been not only with in-service teachers and pediatric residents in the US, but also in Zambia and Botswana. She is also the editor of Exceptionality and serves on the editorial board of other journals.

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