Kaushik | Quick Review Series B.SC Nursing III Year | Buch | 978-81-312-5759-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 952 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm


Quick Review Series B.SC Nursing III Year

Buch, Englisch, 952 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5759-3
Verlag: Elsevier India

Quick Review Series (QRS) for BSc Nursing 3rd Year is an extremely exam-oriented book. The content has been developed and arranged in a manner so the entire INC syllabus has been covered. The subject content has been divided unit-wise and according to the weightage of marks in each unit. It is well-illustrated with simple reproducible diagrams and flowcharts. To aid in quick learning before examinations, memory aides have also been added.

The book will serve the requirements of BSc Nursing 3rd year students to prepare for their examinations. This book covers questions from all major universities across the country.
- Content presented in well-classified sections, in the manner of long and short answer questions

- The language is simple, and content is up to the mark

- The book includes frequently asked questions from practical point of view

- Includes solved mock question papers of each subject, which can be really helpful to students

- Highlights the exam pattern, gives direction to students from where they should start to study smartly, with unitwise weightage coverage

Covers questions from all major Indian universities
Kaushik Quick Review Series B.SC Nursing III Year jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

- QRS III, Clinical Pediatrics and Sobotta were the 4 most challenging titles of this year. With lot of difficulty and persuasiveness, QRS III got published. Clinical Pediatrics is in 1st pass proof cycle and in Sobotta, Volume II is in 1st pass proof cycle.

- QRS III and IV - Dr Kaushik was not reachable for weeks due to COVID situation, her family was impacted by COVID and her busy schedule. The MS had lot of plag content and the author had to be pushed very hard and convinced to work on those areas. I had to search for source details of all elements used in MS as she did not provide these details. She had to be educated and guided reg why permission is important in publishing.

Clinical Pediatrics - Dr Sankaran being 1st time author and had to be guided and supported during MS submission phase. To deliver quality MS, she was educated about the structure and format of the chapters, including providing correct and complete source lines of elements used. In spite of Dr Sankaran and her family being affected by COVID, she was able to submit all the required chapters, in the proper format.

- Content development.

QRS III and IV - Worked closely with author to present content in bulleted format, and graphically for easy and quick understanding of the students. Worked on images and figures and ensured that the term 'Sims' is not used in any form in the chapters. Had to work on lot of alternative options for figures and tables when the author could not provide source lines of the ones included by her.

Clinical Pediatrics - Dr Sankaran was guided about headline structure and proper format so that she can shape the content in proper way. The first few chapter drafts were totally unstructured and unformatted. To support her, I had to work on many chapters and help her with the source lines of the figures. In many chapters, figures, flowcharts, and tables were not properly named and these were corrected at my end. The author has used many figures/images in the chapters, and I had to provide alternative options for many figures when complete source lines could not be found. In few chapters, important content like growth charts were provided in pdf formats and I had to work on these.

Practical Periodontics - worked with author in making changes in some figures and chapters.

Porter - Assisted authors and editor (multi contributory title) in finding images through image finder.

Kavi Nagar - SBI. 120-2755509. SBI, B- Block-04, Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad, uttar Pradesh. 201002

Sbi.03279@sbi.co.in. Manager -

Section I

Medical Surgical Nursing II (Theory)

Section II

Child Health Nursing (Theory)

Section III

Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing (Theory)

Section IV

Mental Health Nursing (Theory)

Section V

Nursing Research and Statistics (Theory)

Section VI

Practical Examination

Medical Surgical Nursing Practical

Child Health Nursing Practical

Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Practical

Mental Health Nursing Practical


Appendix 1 Medical Surgical Nursing Exam and Annexure

Appendix 2 Child Health Nursing Annexure

Appendix 3 Child Health Nursing Exam Pattern

Appendix 4 Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing Annexure

Appendix 5 Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing

Appendix 6 Mental Health Nursing Annexure

Appendix 7 Mental Health Nursing Exam Pattern

Appendix 8 Research and Statistics Annexure

Appendix 9 Research and Statistics Exam Pattern

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