Klaver | The Apostle of the Flesh | Buch | 978-90-04-15128-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 140, 686 Seiten, Gewicht: 1367 g

Reihe: Brill's Studies in Intellectual History


The Apostle of the Flesh

A Critical Life of Charles Kingsley

Buch, Englisch, Band 140, 686 Seiten, Gewicht: 1367 g

Reihe: Brill's Studies in Intellectual History

ISBN: 978-90-04-15128-4
Verlag: Brill Academic Publishers

This Life of Charles Kingsley is a detailed intellectual biography, which is at the same time a critical and contextual study. Working from the original manuscript letters, the author has placed the events of Kingsley’s life against a social-historical-religious background, paying much attention to such mid-nineteenth-century issues as geological discoveries, the Oxford Movement, biblical Higher Criticism, Chartism, sanitary reform, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, Darwinism, the American Civil War, and the anti-slavery campaigns. Analyses of Kingsley’s relationships with important contemporaries are allotted ample space, and special emphasis has been given to themes on which previous biographies have remained relatively silent. Kingsley emerges from this study as one of England’s leading nineteenth-century voices as poet, novelist, social reformer, churchman and historian.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Abbreviations
List of Illustrations


1. Semi-Sensual Delights of Ear and Eye (1819–1838)
2. Noble Courts and Cloisters and Bold, Bedizened Women (1838–1842)
3. Making of the Debauchee a Preacher of Purity and Holiness (1842–1843)
4. Who Can Tell Whither the Wind May Waft Its Seeds When the Crop Is Ripe? (1844–1845)
5. What Right Have I to Arrogate Christ’s Bride-Bed? (1846–1847)

6. The Flag and the Horns (1848)
7. Addle Brain, Hoggish Life, and the Wild Longing to Do Something (1849)
8. Red-hot Shot Against the Devil’s Dung-heap (1850)
9. What Are We To Do With the Christian Socialists? (January–June 1851)
10. He Bade Her Change Her Nun’s Dress (July–December 1851)

11. The Energetic Healthy Animal Man (1852)
12. Which the Young and Innocent Will Do Well to Leave Altogether Unread (1853)
13. A Little of the Wolf-vein (1854)
14. A Most Ruthless Bloodthirsty Book ( January–June 1855)

15. Alone among Mankind, on a Cliff which is Crushing beneath One ( July 1855–December 1856)
16. A Literary Man, a Modern Hercules, and a Country Clergyman (1857)
17. A Minute Philosopher (1858)
18. An Excellent Darwinian (1859–1860)

19. Cambridge In Magnificent Repose (1861–1862)
20. Truth, For Its Own Sake (1863–1864)
21. In Much Mire (1865–1866)
22. God’s Facts, Instead of Men’s Lies (1866–1867)
23. The Ugly After-Crop of Superstition (1868–1869)

24. The Dream of Forty Years (1870–1872)
25. The Great Young Free New World (1873–1874)
26. No More Fighting (1874–1875)



Jan Marten Ivo Klaver, Ph.D. (1997) University of Amsterdam, has a deep interest in the relationship between nineteenth-century science, religion and literature. His Geology and Religious Sentiment was published by Brill in 1997, and his work on George Eliot has been included in the New Riverside Edition of The Mill on the Floss (2004).

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