Loseblattwerk, Englisch
Loseblattwerk, Englisch
ISBN: 978-90-411-2810-2
Verlag: Wolters Kluwer
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Last updated: Supplement 3 04/2012
USD 358.00; GBP 212.00
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften Betriebswirtschaft Unternehmensfinanzen Finanzierung, Investition, Leasing
- Rechtswissenschaften Ausländisches Recht Common Law (UK, USA, Australien u.a.)
- Rechtswissenschaften Internationales Recht und Europarecht Internationales Recht Internationales Handels-, Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1 The `Ground Rules' of the Internal Revenue Code: Rental Income
Chapter 2 The `Ground Rules' of the Internal Revenue Code: Interest, Dividends and the Branch Profits Tax
Chapter 3 The `Ground Rules' of the Internal Revenue Code: Sales and other Dispositions
Chapter 4 Enforcement of the FIRPTA Tax: Withholding
Chapter 5 The Effect of Tax Treaties on the Code Ground Rules
Chapter 6 Legal Structure Alternatives
Chapter 7 Special US Tax Planning Techniques and Considerations
Chapter 8 US Estate, Gift, and Generation-Skipping Taxes
Chapter 9 State and Local Considerations
Chapter 10 Transfer of Ownership of US Real Property under a “Home Country” or US Will
Chapter 11 Planning Techniques to Avoid US Probate of a Will
Chapter 12 Introduction to Federal Disclosure Laws with Respect to Foreign Investment in US Real Estate
Chapter 13 Responding to Foreign Direct Investment: Current Federal Disclosure Laws from an Historical Perspective
Chapter 14 Disclosure of Real Estate Investments under the International Investment Survey Act of 1976 (Reentitled the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act) (the IISA)
Chapter 15 Disclosure, Requirements of the Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978
Chapter 16 The FIRPTA Disclosure Requirements
Chapter 17 State Restrictions and Reporting Requirements
Chapter 18 Structures to Protect US Assets against the Effects of Foreign Political Emergencies
Chapter 19 Structures to Protect US Assets against Freezing or Vesting under the US Trading with the Enemies Act and Related Laws
Chapter 20 Structures to Protect US Assets in Insolvency Situations
Appendix A Internal Revenue Code Sections 861-897 Appendix B Internal Revenue Code Sections 1441-1446; 1461-1464; 6039C Appendix C Income Tax Regulations Issues Under Code Section 897 Appendix D Income Tax Regulations Issues Under Code Section 1445 Appendix E Internal Revenue Code Sections 2001; 2003-2041; 2051-2055; 2102-2108; 2501-2551; 2061-2663 Appendix F The Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978 Appendix G The International Investment Survey Act of 1976, re-entitled ‘The International Investment and Trade in Services Act’ Appendix H Instructions for FIRPTA Withholding Certificate Applications Appendix I Internal Revenue Service Form 8288-A (Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests) Appendix J Internal Revenue Service Form 8288-B (Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests) Appendix K Internal Revenue Service Revenue Procedure 2000-35