Kose / Gupta / Marmolejo Saucedo | Computational Modeling Applications for Climate Crisis | Buch | 978-0-443-21905-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Kose / Gupta / Marmolejo Saucedo

Computational Modeling Applications for Climate Crisis

Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-21905-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-21905-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Computational Modeling Applications for Climate Crisis provides readers with innovative research on the applications of computational modeling to moderate climate change. The book begins with an overview and history of climate change, followed by several chapters covering the concepts of computational modeling and simulation, including parameters of climate change, modeling the effects of human activities, visualization tools, and data fusion for advanced modeling applications. It then proceeds to cover decision support systems, modeling of technological solutions for climate change, modeling of greenhouse gas emissions, tracking of climate factors, and modeling of earth resources. In the final chapters of the book, the authors cover nation-based outcomes, big data, and optimization solutions with real-world data and case studies. Climate change is one of the most pressing existential issues for humans and the planet, and this book covers leading-edge applications of computational modeling to the vast array of interdisciplinary factors and challenges posed by climate change. As life itself is a mixture of occurrences that can be mathematically modelled, it is important to work with specific parameters, which are critical for monitoring and controlling the dynamics of the earth, natural resources, technological factors, and human activities.
Kose / Gupta / Marmolejo Saucedo Computational Modeling Applications for Climate Crisis jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Overview of Climate Change and Crisis
2. Computational Models for Tracking Parameters of the Climate Factors
3. Computational Modeling of Human Activities
4. Simulations for Climate Change
5. Visualizations for Better Interpretability of Climate Parameters
6. Data Fusion for Advanced Numerical Applications Against Climate Crisis
8. Decision Support Applications for Climate Crisis
9. Modeling of Technological Solutions for Climate Change
10. Modeling of Greenhouse Emissions for Predictive Purposes
11. Tracking of Climate Factors for Sustainability
12. Modeling of Earth Resources for Predictive Climate Change Management
13. Nation-based Outcomes for Numerical Analysis of Climate Change
14. Big Data and Computational Modeling Against Climate Crisis
15. Artificial Intelligence and Computational Modeling Against Climate Crisis
16. Modeling for Responsible Use of Technological Components
17. Optimization-Based Solutions to Deal with Climate Change

Kose, Utku
Dr. Utku Kose is an Associate Professor at Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey. He received his PhD from Selcuk University, Turkey, in the field of computer engineering. He has more than 100 publications to his credit, including Deep Learning for Medical Decision Support Systems, Springer; Artificial Intelligence Applications in Distance Education, IGI Global; Smart Applications with Advanced Machine Learning and Human-Centered Problem Design, Springer; Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Medical Diagnosis, DeGruyter; Computational Intelligence in Software Modeling, DeGruyter; Data Science for Covid-19, Volumes 1 and 2, Elsevier/Academic Press; and Deep Learning for Medical Applications with Unique Data, Elsevier/Academic Press, among others. Dr. Kose is a Series Editor of the Biomedical and Robotics Healthcare series from Taylor & Francis/CRC Press. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine ethics, artificial intelligence safety, optimization, chaos theory, distance education, e-learning, computer education, and computer science.

Gupta, Deepak
Dr. Aditya Khamparia has expertise in teaching, entrepreneurship, and research and development of 11 years. He is presently working as Assistant Professor in Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Satellite Centre, Amethi, India. He received his Ph.D. degree from Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India in May 2018. He has completed his M. Tech. from VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India and B. Tech. from RGPV, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has completed his PDF from UNIFOR, Brazil. He has published around 105 research papers along with book chapters including more than 25 papers in SCI indexed Journals with cumulative impact factor of above 100 to his credit. Additionally, he has authored and edited eleven books. Furthermore, he has served the research field as a Keynote Speaker/Session Chair/Reviewer/TPC member/Guest Editor and many more positions in various conferences and journals. His research interest include machine learning, deep learning for biomedical health informatics, educational technologies, and computer vision.

Marmolejo Saucedo, Jose Antonio
Dr. Jose Antonio Marmolejo Saucedo is a Professor at Panamerican University, Mexico. His research is on large-scale optimization techniques, computational techniques, analytical methods for planning, operations, and control of electric energy and logistic systems, sustainable supply chain design, and digital twins in supply chains. He received his PhD in Operations Research (Hons) at National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is a member of the Network for Decision Support and Intelligent Optimization of Complex and Large Scale Systems, Mexican Society for Operations Research and System Dynamics Society. He is the author/editor of Computational Intelligence for Covid-19 and Future Pandemics, Springer; Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization, Springer; Data Analysis and Optimization for Engineering and Computing Problems, Springer; Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change, Wiley; Intelligent Computing and Optimization, Springer; and Innovative Computing Trends and Applications, Springer; among others.

Kose, Utku
Dr. Utku Kose is an Associate Professor at Süleyman Demirel University, Turkey. He received his PhD from Selcuk University, Turkey, in the field of computer engineering. He has more than 100 publications to his credit, including Deep Learning for Medical Decision Support Systems, Springer; Artificial Intelligence Applications in Distance Education, IGI Global; Smart Applications with Advanced Machine Learning and Human-Centered Problem Design, Springer; Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Medical Diagnosis, DeGruyter; Computational Intelligence in Software Modeling, DeGruyter; Data Science for Covid-19, Volumes 1 and 2, Elsevier/Academic Press; and Deep Learning for Medical Applications with Unique Data, Elsevier/Academic Press, among others. Dr. Kose is a Series Editor of the Biomedical and Robotics Healthcare series from Taylor & Francis/CRC Press. His research interests include artificial intelligence, machine ethics, artificial intelligence safety, optimization, chaos theory, distance education, e-learning, computer education, and computer science.

Gupta, Deepak
Dr. Aditya Khamparia has expertise in teaching, entrepreneurship, and research and development of 11 years. He is presently working as Assistant Professor in Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Satellite Centre, Amethi, India. He received his Ph.D. degree from Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India in May 2018. He has completed his M. Tech. from VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India and B. Tech. from RGPV, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has completed his PDF from UNIFOR, Brazil. He has published around 105 research papers along with book chapters including more than 25 papers in SCI indexed Journals with cumulative impact factor of above 100 to his credit. Additionally, he has authored and edited eleven books. Furthermore, he has served the research field as a Keynote Speaker/Session Chair/Reviewer/TPC member/Guest Editor and many more positions in various conferences and journals. His research interest include machine learning, deep learning for biomedical health informatics, educational technologies, and computer vision.

Marmolejo Saucedo, Jose Antonio
Dr. Jose Antonio Marmolejo Saucedo is a Professor at Panamerican University, Mexico. His research is on large-scale optimization techniques, computational techniques, analytical methods for planning, operations, and control of electric energy and logistic systems, sustainable supply chain design, and digital twins in supply chains. He received his PhD in Operations Research (Hons) at National Autonomous University of Mexico. He is a member of the Network for Decision Support and Intelligent Optimization of Complex and Large Scale Systems, Mexican Society for Operations Research and System Dynamics Society. He is the author/editor of Computational Intelligence for Covid-19 and Future Pandemics, Springer; Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization, Springer; Data Analysis and Optimization for Engineering and Computing Problems, Springer; Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change, Wiley; Intelligent Computing and Optimization, Springer; and Innovative Computing Trends and Applications, Springer; among others.

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