Kostka / Payne | Tonal Harmony | Buch | 978-0-07-802514-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 688 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1295 g

Kostka / Payne

Tonal Harmony

Buch, Englisch, 688 Seiten, Format (B × H): 213 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 1295 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-802514-3
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

For over two decades Tonal Harmony has been the leading text for the two-year theory curriculum for music majors. Used at nearly 800 schools, Tonal Harmony has been consistently praised for its practicality and ease of use for student and instructor alike. The straightforward approach is supported by well-chosen examples and thoughtful exercises, and the total presentation is compatible with differing teaching styles and theoretical points of view. In addition, students can purchase a CD of recorded examples for use with the textbook, while audio examples for the workbook are available for download as MP3 files. For instructors, an extensive Instructor's Manual is available and rounds out this comprehensive teaching package.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Fundamentals Chapter 1: Elements of Pitch The Keyboard and Octave Registers Notation of the Staff The Major Scale The Major Key Signatures Minor Scale Minor Key Signatures Scale Degree Names Intervals Perfect, Major, and Minor Intervals Augmented and Diminished Intervals Inversion of Intervals Consonant and Dissonant Intervals SummaryVariations Chapter 2: Elements of Rhythm Rhythm Durational Symbols Beat and Tempo Meter Division of the Beat Simple Time Signatures Compound Time Signatures Time Signatures Summarized More on Durational Symbols Summary Variations Chapter 3: Introduction to Triads and Seventh Chords Introduction Triads Seventh Chords Inversions of Chords Inversion Symbols and Figured Bass Lead Sheet Symbols Recognizing Chords in Various Textures Summary Variations Chapter 4: Diatonic Chords in Major and Minor Keys Introduction Diatonic Triads in Major The Minor Scale Diatonic Triads in Minor Diatonic Seventh Chords in Major Diatonic Seventh Chords in Minor Summary VariationsPart II: Diatonic Triads Chapter 5: Principles of Voice Leading Introduction The Melodic Line Notating Chords Voicing a Singe Triad Parallel Motion Summary VariationsChapter 6: Root Position Part Writing Introduction Root Position Part Writing with Repeated Roots Root Position Part Writing with Roots a 4th (5th) Apart Root Position Part Writing with Roots a 3rd (6th) Apart Root Position Part Writing with Roots a 2nd (7th) Apart Instrumental Ranges and Transpositions Summary Chapter 7: Harmonic Progression Introduction Sequences and the Circle of Fifths The I and V Chords The II Chord The VI Chord The III Chord The VII Chord The IV Chord Common Exceptions Differences in the Minor Mode Progressions Involving Seventh Chords More About Harmonic SequencesHarmonizing a Simple Melody Conclusion Summary Chapter 8: Triads in First Inversion Introduction Bass Arpeggiation Substituted First Inversion Triads Inversions in Lead SheetsParallel Sixth Chords Part Writing First Inversion Triads Soprano-Bass Counterpoint Summary VariationsChapter 9: Triads in Second Inversion Introduction Bass Arpeggiation and the Melodic Bass The Cadential Six-Four The Passing Six-Four The Pedal Six-Four Part Writing for Second Inversion Triads Summary Chapter 10: Cadences, Phrases, Periods, and Sentences Musical Form Cadences Cadences and Harmonic Rhythm Motives and Phrases Mozart: “An die Freude” Period Forms The SentenceSummary Chapter 11: Non Chord Tones 1 Introduction Classification of Non-Chord Tones Passing Tones Neighboring Tones Suspensions and Retardations Embellishing a Simple Texture Figured Bass and Lead Sheet Symbols Summary Chapter 12: Non-Chord Tones 2 Appoggiaturas Escape Tones The Neighbor Group Anticipations The Pedal Point Special Problems in the Analysis of Non-Chord Tones Summary VariationsPart III: Diatonic Seventh Chords Chapter 13: The V7 Chord Introduction General Voice-Leading Considerations The Approach to the 7thThe V7 in Root PositionThe V7 in Three Parts Other Resolutions of the V7 The Inverted V7 Chord The V6/5 Chord The V4/3 Chord The V4/2 Chord Summary Chapter 14: The II7 and VII7 Chords Introduction The II7 Chord The VII7 Chord in Major The VII7 Chord in Minor Summary Chapter 15: Other Diatonic Seventh Chords The IV7 Chord The VI7 Chord The I7 Chord The III7 Chord Seventh Chords and the Circle-of -Fifths Progression Summary Part IV: Chromatici

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