Shiban Kishen Koul is an emeritus professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. His research interests include: RF MEMS, high frequency wireless communication, microwave engineering, microwave passive and active circuits, device modeling, millimeter wave IC design, body area networks, flexible and wearable electronics and reconfigurable microwave circuits including miniaturized antennas. He has successfully completed 38 major sponsored projects, 52 consultancy projects, and 61 technology development projects. He has authored/co-authored 510 research papers, 13 state-of-the-art books, 4 book chapters and two E-books. He holds 20 patents, 6 copyrights and 1 trademark. He is a life fellow of IEEE and fellow of INAE and IETE. He is the chief editor of
IETE Journal of Research
and an associate editor of the International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Cambridge University Press. He served as a distinguished microwave lecturer of IEEE MTT-S for the period 2012-2014. He is recipient of numerous awards including IEEE MTT Society Distinguished Educator Award (2014), Teaching Excellence Award (2012) from IIT Delhi, Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Young Scientist Award (1986); Top Invention Award (1991) of the National Research Development Council for his contributions to the indigenous development of ferrite phase shifter technology; VASVIK Award (1994) for the development of Ka- band components and phase shifters; Ram Lal Wadhwa Gold Medal (1995) from the Institution of Electronics and Communication Engineers (IETE); Academic Excellence Award (1998) from Indian Government for his pioneering contributions to phase control modules for Rajendra Radar, Shri Om Prakash Bhasin Award (2009) in the field of Electronics and Information Technology, VASVIK Award (2012) for the contributions made to the area of Information, Communication Technology (ICT) and M N Saha Memorial Award (2013) from IETE. Richa Bharadwaj is currently a post-doctoral fellow at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India. Her current research interests include ultra-wideband communication, 3D localization, wireless sensor networks, body-centric communication, radio propagation characterization and modeling, miniaturized antenna design, flexible and wearable communication, nano-sensors, MEMS, and molecular electronics. She has authored/co-authored two book chapters and a number of research publications in leading international journals and peer-reviewed conferences. Dr. Bharadwaj is a reviewer for several leading journals in the field of antennas and propagation, wireless communication, sensors, and vehicular technology. She was awarded the C.J. Reddy Best Paper Award for Young Professionals at the Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (INCAP 2019), held at Ahmedabad, India.