Kraul | New Digital Services Act | Buch | 978-3-7560-0318-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 306 Seiten, gebunden, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 694 g


New Digital Services Act

A Practitioner's Guide
1. Auflage 2024
ISBN: 978-3-7560-0318-1
Verlag: Nomos

A Practitioner's Guide

Buch, Englisch, 306 Seiten, gebunden, Format (B × H): 159 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 694 g

ISBN: 978-3-7560-0318-1
Verlag: Nomos

The Digital Services Act (DSA) is the successor to the e-Commerce Directive and forms the European “Constitution for Online Services”. The new Act includes obligations for providers of digital services to protect business and private users in order to ensure that activities that are illegal offline are also prohibited online.

Understanding the new law in time
This Practitioner’s Guide provides clarity at an early stage, both for companies offering online services and for business users of digital services. It clarifies in a comprehensible and legally sound manner
- which providers (intermediary and hosting services, online platforms and search engines) are affected under which conditions,
- which obligations (such as transparency, reporting and risk management obligations) which providers must comply with,
- which innovations apply to liability on the internet,
- how business users can take action against providers of digital services and
- what the consequences of breaches of law are.

Target groups
In-house counsel, companies, lawyers, supervisory authorities, business and consumer associations, insurance companies, research institutions, European institutions, non-governmental organisations.

Expert knowledge
The book is edited by Dr. Torsten Kraul, LL.M. (London), Lawyer, who is an experienced and renowned expert in the field of digitalisation with a special focus on advising on digital business models and new technologies.
The authors are also experts in the field of digital law:

Dr. Marvin Bartels, Lawyer, Berlin Dr. Torsten Kraul, LL.M. (London), Lawyer, Berlin Dr. Niklas Maamar, Lawyer, Berlin Konstantina Nathanail, Berlin Patrick Neidinger, LL.M. (University of Southern California), Lawyer, Munich Dr. Julia Wildgans, Lawyer, Munich
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