Buch, Englisch, 444 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 880 g
Buch, Englisch, 444 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 880 g
ISBN: 978-3-03835-606-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Geowissenschaften Geologie Geotechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Boden- und Felsmechanik, Geotechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Technische Dynamik (Modalanalyse), Erdbebensicherheit
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Verkehrsingenieurwesen, Verkehrsplanung
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Baustatik
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Baukonstruktion, Baufachmaterialien
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Produktionstechnik Zuverlässigkeitstechnik
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1: Engineering Hydrogeology and Water Resources
Identification of Suspended Sediment Concentration in Stream Network
Rainfall Simulation at Bah Bolon Watershed with Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Based on Rainfall Data Using Scilab
Decentralized System of Greywater Recycling for Sustainable Urban Water Source (Case Study: Surakarta City-Indonesia)
Rainfall-Discharge Simulation in Bah Bolon Catchment Area by Mock Method, NRECA Method, and GR2M Method
The Analysis of Sediment Transport Using Yang Method, Engelund-Hansen Method, and Bagnold Method in Bah Bolon River, Simalungun Regency of North Sumatera
Chapter 2: Geotechnical Engineering
Seismic Upgrade of Earth Dams - Australian Practice
Analysis of Seismic Ground Response in Makassar Using Geotechnical In Situ Tests
A Numerical Method of the Flexible Pavement Supported by SSC on Expansive Soil
Axial Pile Capacity Prediction Obtained from Environmental Friendly Jack-In Piling Test on Clayey Soil
Technical Review of Slope Failure (Case Study of Tawangmangu-Cemorosewu Sta. 4+600 Section)
Finite Element Method (FEM) of Rigid Pavement Laid on Soft Soil Stabilized with Soil Cement Column
Stress Analysis in the Combination of Footplate and Caisson Foundation
Development of Graphical Method of Pile Group Foundation Design
Pencel Pressuremeter Efficiency for Data Compilation and Analysis
A Quick Assessment Method for the Mud Eruption Hazard Risks of the Lusi Surrounding Area with a Special Reference to Ground Deformation Behavior
Chapter 3: Materials and Structures in Construction
Inclusion-to-Specimen Volume Ratio Influence on the Strength and Stiffness Behaviors of Concrete: An Experimental Study
Yield Penetration Displacement of Lightly Reinforced Concrete Columns
Performance of Reactive Powder Concrete Partial Prestressed Beam-Column Sub-Assemblage Structure System with Partial Prestressed Ratio Exceeds 30%
Experimental Study on Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Variety Lap Splices of Reinforcing Steel Bars
Determination of Damage Location in Reinforced Concrete Beams Using Mode Shape Curvature Square (MSCS) Method
Experimental Investigation of Trapezoidal Profile Sheeting under Varying Shear Spans
Experimental Study on Shear Capacity of RC Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Mandated by ACli 440
Structural Behavior of Steel Reinforced Sandwich Concrete Beam with Pumice Lightweight Concrete Core
Behaviors of Repaired Edge Column Slab Connections after Punching Failure Using Normal and Non-Shrinkable (CAH) Concrete
Experimental Investigation on the Flexural Performance of Brick Masonry Wall Retrofitted Using PP-Band Meshes under Cyclic Loading
Strengthening and Retrofitting Strategy for Masonry (New Build Construction in Indonesia)
The Effect of Steel Ring Width Variations as the External Confinement on Load-Moment Interaction Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Column
Strength Models of Axial Capacity of FRP-Confined Circular Concrete Columns
Sisal Fiber as Steel Bar Replacement of Lightweight Concrete under Flexural Loading
Flexural Capacity of Bamboo Strip Notched
Reinforced Concrete Beams
Performance of Ferro Foam Concrete Girder Beam Subjected to Static Load
Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete to Improve the Characteristics of Fire-Resistant Concrete
An Artificial Neural Networks Model for Compressive Strength of Self-Compacting Concrete
Chapter 4: Dynamic of Structures and Earthquake Resistance of Buildings
Friction-Type Seismic Isolation Device of Steel Pile Foundation in Shaking Table Tests and its Numerical Simulations
Effect of Supplemental Damping on the Seismic Performance of Triple Pendulum Bearing Isolators under Near-Fault Ground Motions
Structural Assessment: A Case Study of Low Rise Building Performance after Experiencing Earthquake
Seismic Vulnerability of Reinforced Concrete Building Based on the Development of Fragility Curve: A Case Study
Parametric Study on the Influence of Bays Number and Frame-Span Length on the Redundancy Indices of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Structural Performance Evaluation with Pushover Analysis Case Study: The Integrated Central Surgery Building, Bethesda Hospital in Yogyakarta
Structural Response and Pounding of Andalas University Hospital Building Using New Indonesian Seismic Code SNI 1726-2012
Retrofitting of STKIP ADZKIA Padang Building Using V-Inverted Steel Bracing
Chapter 5: Monitoring, Maintenance and Management in Construction
Design of Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network Case Study Pasupati Bridge
Optimization in Indonesia’s Bridge Preventive Maintenance Programme: A Proposal
Relationship between Predetermined Maintenance Interval and Maintenance Performance
A Study on the Characteristics of Building Maintenance on Public Universities in Malang City
Application of AHP Method for Determining the Priority of Puskesmas Pembantu Building Maintenance Based on GIS in Sukoharjo District Central of Java
Implementation of Life Cycle Costing: A Case of Hostel Building in Kediri, Eastern Jawa, Indonesia
Computer Program for Reinforced Concrete Bar Bending Schedulling to Increase Efficiency of Reinforcement
Assessing Contractor Satisfaction towards Client Performance in Construction Projects
Structural Condition Assessment of Steel-Framed Maintenance Plant in Muara Badak, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan
Chapter 6: Transportation Engineering
The Challenges of Road Preservation Program for Indonesian National Roadway
Impact of Performance Based Contract Implementation on National Road Maintenance Project to Road Functional Performance
Genetic Algorithm Applied for Optimization of Pavement Maintenance under Overload Traffic: Case Study Indonesia National Highway
Numerical Analysis on the Deformation of Flexible Pavement System
Study on the Properties of Sand Sheet Asphalt Mixture Using Old Road Pavement Milling and Asphalt Emulsion
The Application of Traffic Conflict Technique as a Road Safety Evaluation Method: A Case Study of Hasselt Intersection
Water Resistance Evaluation of Asphalt Concrete Wearing Course Made with Crumb Rubber of Motorcycle Tire Waste
Value of Travel Time for Public Transport Passenger in Urban and Intercity Trip
Characteristics of Freight Transport Parking and Infrastructures Facilities of Sustainable Primary Arterial Road (A Case Study of Surakarta Ring Road - Central Java - Indonesia)