Buch, Englisch, 828 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 1520 g
ISBN: 978-3-0364-0349-6
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1: Analysis of Seismic Behaviour and Seismic Resistance of Structural Members
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Opening on the Strength of Masonry Wall
Laboratory Testing and Numerical Analysis on Reinforced Concrete Frames with Prefabricated Cellular Lightweight Concrete (CLC)
A Bending Test Set-Up for the Investigation of the Bond Properties of FRCM Strengthenings Applied to Masonry Substrates
A Simplified Modelling Approach for the In-Plane Analysis of Masonry Structures Strengthened by FRCMs
Study on Seismic Performance of C105 Prestressed High Strength Concrete Hollow Pipe Pile
Impact Response of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Different Axial Load under Low-Velocity Impact Loading
Optimum Shear Walls Distribution in Framed Structures for Buildings Subjected to Earthquake Excitations
Study the Impacts of Aggregate’s Geometry and Cement Contents on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Concrete
Numerical Simulations of Masonry Elements Strengthened through Fibre-Reinforced Mortar: Detailed Level Modelling Using the OOFEM Code
Experimental Out-of-Plane Behaviour of a Rammed Earth Sub-Assemblage Subjected to Seismic Inputs
Design Criteria for Masonry Reinforcement with Composite Reinforced Mortars (CRM)
Grout Injection Effect on the Shear Behavior of FRCM Strengthened Stone Masonry Panels
Half-Scale Tests on Masonry Panels Strengthened with Pultruded FRP Frames
Simulation of the Response of Multi-Story Buildings with Concrete-Silica Fume and Concrete-Liquid Carbon Dioxide
Influence of the P-Delta Effect on the Design of Steel Moment Resisting Frame in Seismic Areas
Seismic Performance of Eccentrically Braced Frames with Shear Link
Amplification Factor for Wood-Concrete Hybrid Structures Based on Dynamic Numerical Simulation
Vulnerability and Reliability Analysis of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings: Case Study
A Deployable Brace Model with Joint Clearance and Strut Eccentricity in Seismic Design
Numerical Investigation on the CFRP Strengthened Steel Frame under Earthquake
Response Spectrum with Uncertain Damping Using Artificial Neural Networks
Experimental Study on the Seismic Behavior of Semi-Precast Reinforced Concrete High-Rise Buildings Using Shaking Table
Study on Seismic Absorption Performance of Assembled Shear Wall Structure under Pre-Stressed Constraint
Evaluation of Structure Performance under Seismic Load with Non-Liner Time History on High-Rise Building Affected by Kendeng Fault Earthquake Simulation
Torsional Behavior of Irregular RC Building under Static and Dynamic Loading
Numerical Analysis of Masonry Structures through a Modified Composite Interface (MCI) Model
Finite Hinge Stiffness and its Effect on the Capacity of a Dry-Stack Masonry Arch Subjected to Hinge Control
On Collapse Behavior of Reinforced Masonry Domes under Seismic Loads
Influence of Rotational Component of Earthquake Excitation to the Response of Steel Slender Frame
Fragility Curves of RC Bridges in México
The Effect of Type and Height of Piers on the Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Overstrength of RC Medium Length Span Bridges
Calculation of Lateral Soil Pressure at the Hydraulic Construction and its Sustainability on the Stone Bed
Study on Application of Vibration Response Control System on a Teaching Hospital Foundation Structure that Subjected to Earthquake Excitation
Modeling of Interaction between the Bridge Girder and Piers with the Use of Commercial Software
Effects of Base Isolation and Infill Panels on the Nonlinear Time History Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Building
Numerical Analysis to Evaluate the Structural Performance of NFRCM (Natural Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious) Strengthened Masonry
Rehabilitation of Masonry Buildings with Fibre Reinforced Mortar: Practical Design Considerations Concerning Seismic Resistance
Evolution of Soil Settlements under a Rockfill Dam Based on Potential Earthquake Harmfulness (PEH) 'Case of Boumerdes Earthquake, Algeria 2003'
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Keddara Dam
Chapter 2: Design and Implementation of Seismic Resistance of Structures and Buildings
Tests of Slab-Column Connections Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Moments in Addition to Different Levels of Gravity Shear Load
Shake Table Tests on a Masonry Structure Retrofitted with Composite Reinforced Mortar
Dynamic Parameters of Prestressed Hanging Systems
Experimental Study on the Behaviour of Short Columns Confined by Waste Plastic Bags-Epoxy Composites
Design of Sustainable Earthquake Resisting Structures
FRP Pultruded Material as Reinforcement for Masonry: Expected Interaction in the Medium and Long Time
Bond Behavior of Steel Cords for SRG Systems to Cementitious and Lime Based Mortar
In-Plane Behavior of Adobe Masonry Wallets Strengthened through Inorganic Matrix-Grid Composites
Features of the Design of Steel Frame Structures in India for Seismic Areas
Strengthening of Masonry Structures: Current National and International Approaches for Qualification and Design
Study of Dimension Variation Effect on a Batter Piled Wharf Structure with Seismic Isolation Systems
Comparative Study of the Non-Linear Dynamic Behaviour of Different Seismic Isolation Systems
Numerical Simulation of Geotechnical Isolation of Building Subjected to Earthquake Using Rubber Sand Mixtures
Damping Optimization in Seismic Isolation Systems
Hysteresis Loops of Base Isolation System - An Overview
Seismic Protection of an Over-Ground Parking Lot over the Dambovita River Using the Basic Insulation Method
Full-Scale Experimental Investigations on Seismic Performance of Square RC Frame Columns with Hollow Sections
Dynamic Elasto-Plastic Analysis of a Hybrid Coupled Wall System
Durability of Polyurethane Matrix in Composite Strengthening for Masonry
Experimental Investigation of Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of High-Performance Steels
Innovative UHS Steel Material for Tension-Only Braced CFS Walls
Lateral Force Resisting Systems Made of Cold-Formed Steel Material: Proposal of Seismic Design Criteria for 2nd Generation of Eurocode 8
Mechanical Properties of Various Models of Interlocking Concrete Blocks under In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Loads
Behaviour and Strengthening Methods of Tall Slender Columns in Earthquake Conditions
Study on the Effect of V Microalloying on Earthquake Resisting High-Strength Reinforcing Bar Steels
Composite Materials with Natural Fiber NFRC on Inorganic Matrix for Seismic Reinforcement of Masonry Structures
Experimental Investigation on Masonry with Textile Reinforcement in Thin Bed Joints
Can Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Systems Be Really Effective to Increase Compressive Strength of Masonry Panels?
Axial Behavior of Columns Strengthened with Seismic RC Jacket Section
FLAX-TRM for the In-Plane Shear Strengthening of Masonry
Influence of Matrix Properties on FRCM-CRM Strengthening Systems
Shear Capacity of Masonry Panels Reinforced with Inorganic Strengthening Systems
Reinforced Jacketing of Wall Panels: A Comparative Experimental Investigation
On the Lateral Capacity of Reinforced Masonry Members Using Combined Retrofitting Methods
Structural Reinforcement of a Masonry Building
Software Program for Two Levers Damper Configurations Used for Anti-Seismic Protection of the Buildings during Seism
Development and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Translational Tuned Mass Damper
Retrofit of Masonry Buildings through Seismic Dampers
Chapter 3: Seismic Vulnerability Analysis and Seismic Retrofitting of Historical Heritage Sites
Seismic Vulnerability of Italian Historical Towns: The Case of Borgo San Rocco
Seismic Behavior for the Main Nave and Cloister of an XVIII Century Masonry Convent in Morelia, Mexico
Dynamic Characterization of Nepali Masonry Temples Hit by 2015 Earthquake
Advanced Seismic Analyses of “Apennine Churches” Stroked by the Central Italy Earthquakes of 2016 by the Non-Smooth Contact Dynamics Method
Tracking Modal Parameter Evolution of Different Cultural Heritage Structure Damaged by Central Italy Earthquake of 2016
Damage Assessment of San Francesco Church in Amandola Hit by Central Italy 2016-2017 Seismic Event
Masonry Spires: 3D Models to Understand their Seismic Vulnerability
Reducing Seismic out of Plane Vulnerability of Masonry Church Fac¸ades through Optimization of Capacity Spectrum by Tie Rods
Experimental Response of Rubble Stone Masonry Walls Retrofitted with Basalt Textile Reinforced Mortar under Compressive-and-Shear Load
Diagnosis and Structural Assessment of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Chapel in Prague (CZ)
Post-Cracking B-FRCM Strengthening of a Traditional Anti-Seismic Construction Technique (Casa baraccata): Extensive Experimental Investigations
Comparative Seismic Behavior the Retrofit of 60year Old Hospital between CFRP Materials and Concrete Walls by Nonlinear Static Analysis
First-Aid and Provisional Devices in Historical Structures with Collapse Risk after Seismic Shock
Masonry Vaults Reinforcement with FRCM-PBO: Conservative and Structural Issues
Annular Post-Compression by FRP inside Mortar Joints and Vertical Post-Compression by Stainless Steel, for Seismic and Wind Retrofitting of Historical Masonry Chimney
Modeling and Design of the Restoration and Seismic Strengthening of the Sanctuary of Santa Maria Delle Grazie at Forno` under New Italian Rules NTC 2018