Kumar / Karri | Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Suggested Remediation Measures of Polluted Waters: A Combined Approach | Buch | 978-0-443-13659-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 151 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

Kumar / Karri

Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Suggested Remediation Measures of Polluted Waters: A Combined Approach

Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-443-13659-7
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 151 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 450 g

ISBN: 978-0-443-13659-7
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Suggested Remediation Measures of Polluted Waters: A Combined Approach is a reference handbook for scientists, engineers and early-career researchers seeking guidance in the areas of water quality and remediation studies. The comprehensive book, which includes case studies and applications from a range of contributors in the field, offers an essential resource in the science of water quality assessment.
Kumar / Karri Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Suggested Remediation Measures of Polluted Waters: A Combined Approach jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Introduction to Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Remediation Measures1. Introduction to Environmental Metagenomics, Water Quality and Remediation Measures: An overview2. Environmental metagenomics and associated functional annotations in polluted ecosystem3. Protocols to e-DNA with special reference to polluted wetlands, riverine ecosystem, groundwater and Drinking water microbiome4. Metagenomics Data mining and storage: Policies, Linkages, and Interlinkages5. Impact toxic pollutants including heavy metals, organic and anthropogenic impurities on the water quality and their permissible limits6. Detailed overview of techniques used across the globe for the remediation of pollutants from polluted water7. Health impacts of pathogens, metal, organic and anthropogenic pollutants on human health and prevailing fauna

Part II: Water Quality and Environmental Metagenomics of Polluted waters8. Metagenomics* and limnological studies of sewage fed aquaculture ponds across the globe9. Metagenomics* and heavy metal speciation studies of economically important Ramsar sites10. Metagenomics* and heavy metal speciation studies of drinking water across the globe11. Metagenomics*, Limnological and heavy metal speciation studies of groundwater12. Metagenomics* and limnological studies of riverine ecosystem13. Metagenomics*, Limnological and heavy metal speciation of STPS/ETPs/WWTPs*Metagenomics covering bacterial, eukaryotic and Antibiotic (ARGs) or Antimicrobial Resistance Genes (AMRs)

Part III: Case Studies

Part IV: Sustainable Technologies in pollutants remediation and Environmental Metagenomics14. Biochars as low-cost alternative materials for remediation of pollutants15. Constructed wetland as sustainable alternative for wastewater treatment16. Fecal matter sensing and remediation using combined wastewater treatment and sensing approach17. Antibacterial agents for the remediation of pathogenic diversity18. Application of nanomaterials loaded activated carbon as possible solution for remediation of pollutants Chapter 19: Hydrothermally treated low-cost material for remediation of toxic metal and organic impurities20. Monitoring of microbes and possible remediation through genetically engineered microbes21. Green technologies as possible remediating approach for wastewater treatment

Kumar, Vikas
Dr. Vikas Kumar is working as Division In-charge and Scientist E, in Molecular Systematics Division at Zoological Survey of India. Owing to his expertise, he has more than twenty-four years of research experience on areas such as Environmental Metagenomics, Molecular Phylogenetics comparative Mitogenomics and gut microbiome. He has published more than 150 SCI articles in journals of international reputation, such as Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, Molecular biology Reports, Scientific reports (Nature Publishing group), PLosOne, PeerJ. His work is widely recognized across the globe by well-known researchers. Dr. Kumar is interested in the environmental metagenomics of heavily polluted stretches with relation to the noxious pollutants especially for polluted wetlands, paper industries, and riverine ecosystems. He has been on the editorial board of different journals and has served as a reviewer for more than fifty journals in the field.

Karri, Rama Rao
Dr. Rama Rao Karri is a professor (senior assistant) in the Faculty of Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Brunei. He has over 18 years of experience in academia, industry, and research. He has published 200+ research articles in reputed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings.

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