Dr. Sachin Kumar is Assistant Director in the Biochemical
Conversion Division at the Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of
Bio-Energy, Kapurthala, India since 2009. Dr. Sachin Kumar obtained his Ph.D.
in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, India in
2011. He has more than eleven years of research experience in Biochemical
Conversion of Biomass to Biofuels. His areas of research interest include
biofuels including bioethanol, biogas, biobutanol, and biohydrogen, algal
biomass, bioprocess engineering, enzyme technology, and metabolic engineering.
Dr. Samir Kumar Khanal is Associate Professor of
Biological Engineering at the University of Hawai‘i at Manoa and
Collaborating Professor at Iowa State University. Dr. Khanal obtained a Ph.D.
in Civil Engineering with focus in Environmental Biotechnology from the Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong in 2002. Dr.
Khanal is an internationally leading researcher inthe bioenergy field and has
over ten active research projects in the field of bioenergy/bio-based products
and environmental biotechnology.
Prof. (Dr.) Y. K. Yadav received his
Ph.D. in Energy Studies from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and at
present he is the Director, Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of
Bio-Energy (Formerly Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable
Energy), Kapurthala, India. Prof. Yadav has been actively engaged in research,
teaching, consultancy, administration and management in the field of renewable
energy for more than two decades. He developed and taught renewable energy
courses to undergraduate and postgraduate students at CCS Haryana Agricultural
University, Hisar, India and established a Renewable Energy Laboratory there.
He also contributed in the establishment the Department of Energy at Tezpur
University, Assam, India.