Laahs / McKenna / Vanamo | Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies | Buch | 978-0-12-373616-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 688 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

Laahs / McKenna / Vanamo

Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies

Planning, Design and Implementation
Erscheinungsjahr 2008
ISBN: 978-0-12-373616-1
Verlag: Academic Press

Planning, Design and Implementation

Buch, Englisch, 688 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-0-12-373616-1
Verlag: Academic Press

SharePoint provides a vital service to businesses--content sharing over Intranet and Internet sites. Microsoft is investing tons of research and development money into content sharing technologies: SharePoint is the "next big thing" for MS Office users, especially in a world where many work teams are becoming geographically dispersed. SharePoint 2007 is a big improvement over former releases, due to enhanced security, better search capabilities, and more robust functionality. Lots of change means that users will have to come up to speed on the new enhancements.

With Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies, readers will gain a working knowledge of the architecture, administration, and end user features offered by SharePoint 2007. This book also provides practical techniques to help IT professionals integrate Sharepoint with other MS products such as Exchange Server. The expertise of the authors, who have helped many businesses leverage Microsoft technologies, makes this book an invaluable tool to anyone interested in deploying Sharepoint '07.

- More than 50,000 HP employees already use SharePoint, and that's just one company!
- SharePoint 2007 enables businesses to share documents, implement version controls, intensify security, and create workgroups, all in real-time
- All companies using MS Exchange Server will examine the latest iteration of SharePoint
Laahs / McKenna / Vanamo Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Technologies jetzt bestellen!


Microsoft Sharepoint users, administrators, and application developers

Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Product Overview and Major Components
Ch 1Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 Architecture
Ch 2 Upgrading and Migrating to SharePoint Server 2007
Ch 3 Planning a SharePoint Server 2007 Deployment
Ch 4 Planning Extranet Deployments
Ch 5 Deploying SharePoint Server 2007
Ch 6 Disaster Recovery
Ch 7 SharePoint Server 2007 Operations
Ch 8 Supporting SharePoint Server 2007
Part II: Planning, Deployment and Operations
Chapter 9 SharePoint Concepts and Architecture
Chapter 10 Building and Deploying Web Parts
Chapter 11 Branding your SharePoint 2007 Sites
Chapter 12 Site Definitions and Site Templates
Chapter 13 Features
Chapter 14 SharePoint Programmability
Chapter 15 Events
Chapter 16 Workflow
Chapter 17 InfoPath Forms Services
Chapter 18 Supporting SharePoint Server 2007
Part III: Customizing and Extending SharePoint-ERM
Chapter 19 SharePoint Concepts and Architectures
Chapter 20 Building and Deploying Web Parts
Chapter 21 Branding your SharePoint 2007 Sites
Chapter 22 Site Definitions and Site Templates
Chapter 23 Features
Chapter 24 SharePoint Programmability
Chapter 25 Events
Chapter 26 Workflow
Chapter 27 InfoPath Forms Services

McKenna, Emer
Emer McKenna is a member of the Technology Leadership Group within HP's Consulting and Integration practice. She is focused on assisting customers with the planning, design, implementation and integration of messaging and collaborative technologies into their enterprise. Emer is co-author of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server: Building Knowledge Sharing Applications.

Laahs, Kevin
Kevin Laahs is a senior member of the Technology Leadership Group within HP's Consulting and Integration practice. He is currently focused on Exchange Server 2003 and SharePoint Portal Server V2 and helps customers determine how such products can assist in solving their business problems. Kevin is a frequent speaker at industry events such as the Microsoft Exchange Conference and TechEd. Kevin is co-author of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server: Building Knowledge Sharing Applications.

Vanamo, Veli-Matti
Veli-Matti Vanamo is a KM Technologist in the HP Consulting and Integration Knowledge Management group. His main focus is designing, developing and deploying enterprise knowledge management systems based on Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, Microsoft.NET and
Groove. For the last 2 years he has been the technical architect responsible for the internal HP Consulting and Integration Enterprise Knowledge Management Systems. Veli-Matti is a frequent speaker at industry events such as Microsoft TechEd.

Kevin Laahs is a senior member of the Technology Leadership Group within HP's Consulting and Integration practice. He is currently focused on Exchange Server 2003 and SharePoint Portal Server V2 and helps customers determine how such products can assist in solving their business problems. Kevin is a frequent speaker at industry events such as the Microsoft Exchange Conference and TechEd. Kevin is co-author of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server: Building Knowledge Sharing Applications. Emer McKenna is a member of the Technology Leadership Group within HP's Consulting and Integration practice. She is focused on assisting customers with the planning, design, implementation and integration of messaging and collaborative technologies into their enterprise. Emer is co-author of Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server: Building Knowledge Sharing Applications. Veli-Matti Vanamo is a KM Technologist in the HP Consulting and Integration Knowledge Management group. His main focus is designing, developing and deploying enterprise knowledge management systems based on Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, Microsoft.NET and Groove. For the last 2 years he has been the technical architect responsible for the internal HP Consulting and Integration Enterprise Knowledge Management Systems. Veli-Matti is a frequent speaker at industry events such as Microsoft TechEd.

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