Lakshmanaswamy | Textbook of Pediatrics | Buch | 978-81-312-5767-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm


Textbook of Pediatrics

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm

ISBN: 978-81-312-5767-8
Verlag: Elsevier India

. Aligned as per the competency based curriculum; includes a competency mapper to help identify relevant competency coverage throughout the text.

. Well-illustrated text, in sync with DOAP model as adopted in the new curriculum.

. Written in simple language with explanations to make it student friendly.

. Decision making algorithms for better understanding, mnemonics to help in retention.

. Includes numerous boxes, figures, tables to aid in quick learning.

. Contains recent advances in pediatrics.

. Special emphasis laid on behavioral disorders and psychiatric problems in children.

. Includes detailed coverage of emergencies in children; modern diagnostic tests provides an up-to-date content in the field of Pediatrics and Neonatology.

. Will aid in preparation for the forthcoming NEXT exam.

The book has been written with the intent of help students remember and recollect medical facts easily. With the ever-expanding field of medicine, the students are facing an increased burden to compete. The book through its approach and simple construct helps ease this burden in the understanding of pediatrics. It follows a point-wise simple format that is easy to read and comprehend. Liberal use of mnemonics and clues are used throughout to make learning more impactful.

One should be aware of any adverse events following administration of drugs or vaccines or else it may be missed. The temporal criteria for adverse events following immunization is discussed in detail so that the adverse events can be identified.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1 Introduction

2 Growth and Development

3 Behavioural and Psychiatric Disorders in Children

4 Adolescence

5 Pathophysiology of Body Fluids and Electrolytes

6 Human Genetics

7 Nutrition

8 Newborn

9 Immunology and Immunological Disorders

10 Infections

11 Inborn Errors of Metabolism

12 Cardiovascular Diseases

13 Respiratory Tract Infections

14 Gastrointestinal Disorders

15 Diarrhoeal Disorders

16 Nervous System Disorders

17 Neuromuscular Disorders

18 Genitourinary Disorders

19 Haematological Diseases

20 Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders

21 Neoplasms

22 Collagen Vascular Disorders

23 Metabolic Disorders

24 Community Paediatrics

25 Child Welfare Services and Agencies

26 Children With Special Needs

27 Surgical Problems in Newborns

28 Orthopaedic Problems in Newborns

29 Emergencies in Children

30 Recent Advances in Paediatrics

31 Miscellaneous

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