Lampshire / Meers | The Data and Analytics Playbook | Buch | 978-0-12-802307-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 292 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 520 g

Lampshire / Meers

The Data and Analytics Playbook

Proven Methods for Governed Data and Analytic Quality
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-0-12-802307-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Proven Methods for Governed Data and Analytic Quality

Buch, Englisch, 292 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 520 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-802307-5
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

The Data and Analytics Playbook: Proven Methods for Governed Data and Analytic Quality explores the way in which data continues to dominate budgets, along with the varying efforts made across a variety of business enablement projects, including applications, web and mobile computing, big data analytics, and traditional data integration.

The book teaches readers how to use proven methods and accelerators to break through data obstacles to provide faster, higher quality delivery of mission critical programs. Drawing upon years of practical experience, and using numerous examples and an easy to understand playbook, Lowell Fryman, Gregory Lampshire, and Dan Meers discuss a simple, proven approach to the execution of multiple data oriented activities. In addition, they present a clear set of methods to provide reliable governance, controls, risk, and exposure management for enterprise data and the programs that rely upon it.

In addition, they discuss a cost-effective approach to providing sustainable governance and quality outcomes that enhance project delivery, while also ensuring ongoing controls. Example activities, templates, outputs, resources, and roles are explored, along with different organizational models in common use today and the ways they can be mapped to leverage playbook data governance throughout the organization.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Purpose, Scope and Audience 2. Executive Call to Action-How Chief Data Officers and Business Sponsors Can Empower Results 3. Assessing Conditions, Controls and Capabilities 4. Detailed Playbook Activities 5. Aligning the Language of Business: The Business Glossary 6. The Business Data Governance Toolkit 7. Playbook Deployment 8. Data Governance as an Operations Process 9. Governing Big Data and Analytics 10. Rapid Playbook Deployment

Lampshire, Gregory
Gregory Lampshire has started and led consulting practices and product development efforts in multiple industries including financial services, healthcare, life sciences, telecommunications and energy. His work in work in playbook development and deployment extends to multiple data sprints addressing complex financial crimes detection and prevention solutions in large financial services institutions. He has a strong background in advanced sales and marketing strategy and analytics, sales & marketing processes including strategic and operational segmentation, targeting, acquisition and retention. He has built and deployed multiple front-line CRM applications. His clients and companies have won a variety of innovation awards win awards in bringing analytics to customer touchpoints.

Meers, Dan
Dan Meers serves as the President of K2 Solutions LLC, and manages the Reston, VA based consultancy solving complex data centric problems with asset based consulting services. He has over 25 of experience with clients in financial, retail, manufacturing, government and other markets. Dan regularly addresses enterprise risk issues including information assurance and security, anti-money laundering and broader financial crime detection & prevention, and integration of social media data. Dan has worked with Bill Inmon and John Zachman in the development and application of Corporate Information Factory and other models for global firms including Shell Oil Services, BP, Target and others.

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