Laskaris | Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases | Buch | 978-3-13-241787-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 436 Seiten, Mixed Media Product, Format (B × H): 131 mm x 190 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

Reihe: Thieme Flexible Taschenbücher


Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases

Third Auflage
ISBN: 978-3-13-241787-8
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

Buch, Englisch, 436 Seiten, Mixed Media Product, Format (B × H): 131 mm x 190 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

Reihe: Thieme Flexible Taschenbücher

ISBN: 978-3-13-241787-8
Verlag: Georg Thieme Verlag

The complete pictorial guide to oral diseases, a pocket-sized bestseller now in its third edition

Laskaris' Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases is a practical interdisciplinary pocket reference for dentists, dermatologists, otolaryngologists, primary care practitioners, and dental and medical students.

This popular book provides comprehensive guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of an exhaustive range of oral diseases. The fully revised and updated third edition includes over 40 new conditions.

Highlights include:

- Full coverage of both local and systemic oral diseases

- Consistently structured texts describe each condition, covering definition, etiology, clinical features, lab tests, differential diagnosis, and treatment

- 418 high-resolution color photographs, most are new for this edition

The Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases is a superb and convenient pocket reference of invaluable practical use to any clinician involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity.
Laskaris Pocket Atlas of Oral Diseases jetzt bestellen!




Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction to Oral Medicine
Schematic Classification of Oral Diseases
1 White Lesions
2 Red Lesions
3 Black and Brown Lesions
4 Vesiculobullous Lesions
5 Ulcerative Lesions
6 Papillary Lesions
7 Gingival Enlargement
8 Soft-Tissue Tumors
9 Soft-Tissue Cysts
10 Bone Swellings
11 Neck Swellings
12 Lip Disorders
13 Tongue Disorders

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