Law, Cultural Studies and the Burqa Ban" Trend" | Buch | 978-1-83970-058-3 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 900 g

Law, Cultural Studies and the Burqa Ban" Trend"

An Interdisciplinary Handbook
1. Auflage 2021
ISBN: 978-1-83970-058-3
Verlag: Intersentia Ltd

An Interdisciplinary Handbook

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 900 g

ISBN: 978-1-83970-058-3
Verlag: Intersentia Ltd

Law, Cultural Studies and the ''Burqa Ban'' Trend: An Interdisciplinary Handbook offers an in-depth and multi-perspective account of the ''burqa ban'' trend. With a focus on Europe and America, this book examines the law at national and international levels. Its interdisciplinary approach encompasses ethics, gender studies, philosophy, political science, and religion to provide much needed insights into value and identity politics, diversity, discrimination, and human rights, in addition to the discussions surrounding the courts' contradictory judgments.The book also includes a first-hand account by a Muslim burqa-wearer, alongside contributions by leading academic researchers and legal professionals that provide food for thought that can benefit future discussions among scholars, students, legal professionals, and policymakers. Analytical work is supplemented with, among other aspects, examinations of the frameworks that derive from dialectical thinking or ideas and theories about democracy, autonomy, and male and white desire to control, conquer, and dominate.
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Weitere Infos & Material

An Introduction to the Interdisciplinary Considerations of the "Burqa Ban" Trend: Criminalizing the Trivial or Separating National and International Law? (p. 1) PART I. INTERDISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ON THE STRATEGY OF PROHIBITION. The "Burqa Bans" and Superficial Politics (p. 35) Philosophical Analysis as a Pathway to Progress: From the Burqa to the Emperor's New Clothes (p. 55) A Taxonomy and Criticism of Rationales for Banning Face Veils (p. 81) Toward "Living Together" as (A)religious Convergence: Against the Burqa Ban (p. 93) PART II. LEGAL PERSPECTIVES: Religious Clothing, Law, and a Veil-Wearer's Experiential Account. The Law and Religious Dress (p. 117) Wearing Religious Clothing at the Workplace in EU Law and the Risks of a "Neutrality Policy" in Private Employmen (p. 131) I Am the "Veil Woman": A Muslim Narrative (p. 147) PART II. LEGAL PERSPECTIVES: Human Rights Perspectives. Burqas and Niqabs as Protected Expression: "This is My Face" (p. 167) Social Conditions of Freedom, International Human Rights Law, and Women's Dress: Identity, Belonging, and Recognition (p. 187) Dressing Neutrally v. Religious Freedom in European "Headscarf Cases": Looking for a Rationale to Legitimize the Ban on Concealing Faces in International (Human Rights) Jurisprudence (p. 205) Conflicting Human Rights Perspectives on the French Burqa Ban: European Court of Human Rights v. UN Human Rights Committee (p. 231) The Use of Artificial Intelligence for Public Security Among Prejudices, Secularism, and Respect for Fundamental Guarantees (p. 263) PART II. LEGAL PERSPECTIVES: National Perspectives. The Italian Uncertain Approach to the Burqa: A Testing Ground for the Unifying Role of "Laicita" (p. 283) Inter-American Perspectives on the Burqa (Ban) (p. 301) The Perspective of Post-Soviet States on the Burqa Ban: A Study of the Delegalization of Religious Headwear in Post-Soviet States (p. 329) Denmark's Blanket Burqa Ban: A National(ist) Perspective (p. 349) PART III. RESPONSES TO OTHERNESS: GENDER, RACE, AND THE VEIL FACTOR. Wearing the Hijab: Cultural Awareness, Cross-Cultural Competence, and Interactions in an Unfamiliar Cultural Context (p. 393) Integration, Culture, and Gender in Swedish City Council Motions: Veils and Other Obstructions to "Swedishness" (p. 411) The Racial/Spatial Politics of Banning the Muslim Woman's Niqab: A Site/Sight We Cannot Bear (p. 439) Epilogue (p. 463)

Matwijkiw, Anja
ANJA MATWIJKIW is Professor of Ethics & Human Rights at Indiana University Northwest, USA. She served as the 2019-2020 Fulbright Distinguished Chair of Public International Law at the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law & Faculty of Law, Lund University (Sweden).

Oriolo, Anna
ANNA ORIOLO is Professor of International Law, Lecturer of EU Law, International Criminal Law and Diplomatic and Consular Law at the University of Salerno, Italy.

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