Laws / Prideaux | Tourism Crises | Buch | 978-1-138-15487-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 172 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Laws / Prideaux

Tourism Crises

Management Responses and Theoretical Insight

Buch, Englisch, 172 Seiten, Format (B × H): 210 mm x 280 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-15487-2
Verlag: CRC Press

Don’t wait until it’s too late to learn how to manage a crisis situation

The impact of crises on tourism has increased in the last ten years in response to terrorism, war, health emergencies, and natural disasters. Tourism Crises presents the latest research on crisis management with in-depth analysis of tourism flows and the economic well-being of communities at the regional, national, and international levels. This timely book examines a range of conceptual issues, including crisis communication and the safety of employees of the industry, and features case studies of responses to the World Trade Center terrorist attacks, SARS, the 1999 Austrian avalanche disaster, and the epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in the United Kingdom.

As new crises emerge, it’s essential that the tourism industry be prepared to minimize the impact on both hosts and guests. Tourism Crises identifies key issues that need to be addressed in dealing with future incidents, examining specific cases of management success?and failure?with suggestions for improved responses. Academics, practitioners, and professionals discuss effective methods of maintaining yield during crisis situations, offering analysis, reflection, and new management strategies.

Topics addressed in Tourism Crises include:

- the significance of communication in crisis situations
- keeping the media informed
- attracting business after the crisis has passed
- how alpine areas can respond to the dangers of avalanches
- the effect of the SARS epidemic on Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan
- a typology of tourism crisis terms
- employee work stress in crisis situations
- quantifying the effects of tourism crises
- how tourism managers have re-tooled their promotional campaigns after 9/11
- and much moreTourism Crises is a must-have for tourism professionals, practitioners, and academics as they develop new agendas for dealing with future crisis situations.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface
- Crisis Management: A Suggested Typology (Eric Laws and Bruce Prideaux)
- Crisis Management in Alpine Winter Sports Resorts?The 1999 Avalanche Disaster in Tyrol (Mike Peters and Birgit Pikkemaat)
- Quantifying the Effects of Tourism Crises: An Application to Scotland (Juan L. Eugenio-Martin, M. Thea Sinclair, and Ian Yeoman)
- Tourism and the Impact of the Foot and Mouth Epidemic in the UK: Reactions, Responses and Realities with Particular Reference to Scotland (David Leslie and Lynn Black)
- The Impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease on a Peripheral Tourism Area: The Role and Effect of Crisis Management (Wilson Irvine and Alistair R. Anderson)
- Canadian Seasonality and Domestic Travel Patterns: Regularities and Dislocations as a Result of the Events of 9/11 (Wayne W. Smith and Barbara A. Carmichael)
- The Significance of Crisis Communication in the Aftermath of 9/11: A National Investigation of How Tourism Managers Have Re-Tooled Their Promotional Campaigns (Lisa T. Fall and Joseph Eric Massey)
- A Study of Crisis Management Strategies of Hotel Managers in the Washington, DC Metro Area (Larry Yu, Greg Stafford, and Alex. Kobina Armoo)
- Privation as a Stimulus to Travel Demand? (Bob McKercher and Ray Pine)
- Japanese Tourism and the SARS Epidemic of 2003 (Malcolm Cooper)
- Tourism Industry Employee Workstress?A Present and Future Crisis (Glenn F. Ross)
- Tourism Crises and Disasters: Enhancing Understanding of System Effects (Noel Scott and Eric Laws)
- Index
- Reference Notes Included

Eric Laws, Bruce Richard Prideaux

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