Leduc | Digital Moving Pictures - Coding and Transmission on ATM Networks | Buch | 978-0-444-81786-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1160 g


Digital Moving Pictures - Coding and Transmission on ATM Networks

Erscheinungsjahr 1994
ISBN: 978-0-444-81786-0
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 244 mm, Gewicht: 1160 g

ISBN: 978-0-444-81786-0
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Image communication technologies have advanced rapidly in recent years and the book series, Advances in Image Communication is dedicated to documenting these developments. Third in the series, this publication contributes as effectively as its forerunners to the multidisciplinary overview afforded by the series as a whole. At the same time, it stands alone as a comprehensive synopsis of its own particular area of interest.
The book specifically explores two complementary topics, namely:

the coding algorithms made to compress the data rate of digital moving-picture sequences (video-telephony, television [TV] and high-definition television [HDTV]) and
the transmission on Asynchronous Transfer Mode [ATM] networks (packet-switching transmission media). It provides an in-depth view of the current state-of-the-art and endeavors to stimulate increasing research efforts for the future.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Figures. List of Tables. Introduction to ATM Networks. Introduction. Data Communications on Networks. Broad-band ISDN. Potential User Services. ATM-OSI Layers. Cell Structure. ATM Switching Techniques. ATM Multiplexers. ATM Network Architecture. Traffic Models. Traffic Descriptors. ATM Network Management. Conclusions. Bibliography. ATM Terminology. TV and HDTV Coding Algorithms. Introduction. Sampling Theorem and Spectra. Theoretical Introduction to Coding. Techniques of Signal Decomposition. Lapped Orthogonal Transforms. Wavelet Transform and Multiresolution. Quantization. Variable-Length Entropy Coding. Quantizer Rate-Distortion Function. Extensions of the OSI Layering. TV Encoding Architectures. Conclusions. Bibliography. Bit Rate Models. Introduction. Experiment with Actual Time Digital TV. Complete Model Description. Statistical Modeling Approach. Statistics at the Programme Layer. Statistics on other Coders. Conclusions. Bibliography. Markov Modulated Poisson Processes. Video Signal Models. Auto-regressive Estimation of DNSPP. Detection of Scene Changes. Coding Control Algorithms. Introduction. Loop with Linear Feedback Response. Regulators in the Feedback Chain. Optimum Control Algorithm. Regulators against Controllers. The Use of Neural Networks. Conclusions. Bibliography. Complements on the Non-Linearities. Statistical Multiplexing. Introduction. Superposition of ATM Traffics. Queueing Models for ATM Multiplexers. Performances of ATM Multiplexers. Conclusions. Bibliography. Properties of Renewal Processes. Autocovariance of Counting Processes. ATM Adaptation Layer. Introduction. Cell Losses and Bit Errors. Synchronization of Decoders. Conclusions. Bibliography. Transmission on ATM Networks. Introduction. Principle of Queueing Networks. Allocation of Network Resources. Enforcement Actions. Switching Operations on Traffics. Input-Output Relations in Multiplexers. Congestion Control Strategies

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