Leon-Guerrero / Frankfort-Nachmias | Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society | Buch | 978-1-4522-0583-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 229 mm

Leon-Guerrero / Frankfort-Nachmias

Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-1-4522-0583-0
Verlag: SAGE Publications

Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society is a briefer version of the successful Social Statistics for a Diverse Society now in its 6th edition. As in the parent text, the context of diversity, illustrated through the use of real data in examples from contemporary social issues, will continue to differentiate this briefer statistics text. Better illustrated with more interesting examples and exercises with aá focus on student learning, will set this book apart from its competitors.

Features and Benefits:

- The book's informal writing style -- coupled with the use of real-world examples makes the book more accessible and engaging for students.

- A focus on race, class, gender and other aspects of social diversity sets the book apart from others in the field and mirrors the major emphasis in the social sciences today.

- Reading the Research Literature sections in most chapters help students read and interpret statistical information in professional and scholarly publications.

- Learning Checks within chapters engage students in reviewing key concepts and techniques.

- Statistics in Practice extended examples show students applications to meaningful social issues.

- Heavily illustrated with many charts, tables and graphs

- Extensive end of chapter exercise sets
Leon-Guerrero / Frankfort-Nachmias Essentials of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

About the Authors
1. The What and Why of Statistics
2. The Organization and Graphic Presentation of Data
3. Measures of Central Tendency
4. Measures of Variability
5. The Normal Distribution
6. Sampling, Sampling Distributions, and Estimation
7. Testing Hypotheses
8. Relationships Between Two Variables: Cross-Tabulation
9. Regression and Correlation
10. Analysis of Variance
Appendix A. The Standard Normal Table
Appendix B. Distribution of t
Appendix C. Distribution of Chi-Square
Appendix D. Distribution of F
Appendix E. A Basic Math Review
Learning Check Solutions
Answers to Odd-Numbered Exercises

Leon-Guerrero, Anna
Anna Leon-Guerrero is a Professor of Sociology at Pacific Lutheran University in Washington. She received her PhD in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles. She teaches courses in statistics, social theory, and social problems. Her areas of research and publications include family business, social welfare policy, and social service program evaluation. She is also the author of Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action.

Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava
Chava Frankfort-Nachmias is an Emeritus Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She is the coauthor of Research Methods in the Social Sciences (with David Nachmias), coeditor of Sappho in the Holy Land (with Erella Shadmi) and numerous publications on ethnicity and development, urban revitalization, science and gender, and women in Israel. She was the recipient of the University of Wisconsin System teaching improvement grant on integrating race, ethnicity, and gender into the social statistics and research methods curriculum. She is also the coauthor (with Anna Leon-Guerrero) of Social Statistics for a Diverse Society.

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