Optoelectronics Engineering and Information Technologies in Industry
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03785-773-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2013 2nd International Conference on Opto-Electronics Engineering and Materials Research (OEMR 2013), October 19-20, 2013, Zhengzhou, Henan, China
Buch, Englisch, 2336 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 4000 g
ISBN: 978-3-03785-773-1
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Elektronik Elektronische Baugruppen, Elektronische Materialien
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Bildsignalverarbeitung
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Computeranwendungen in der Technik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Angewandte Informatik Computeranwendungen in Wissenschaft & Technologie
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Technische Wissenschaften Sonstige Technologien | Angewandte Technik Signalverarbeitung, Bildverarbeitung, Scanning
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Maschinenbau Mechatronik, Mikrosysteme (MEMS), Nanosysteme
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1: Optoelectronic, Communication Technology and Applications
Stability Condition of a Haken-Lorentz Equation with Self-Feedback Light Field
Simplification of the Maxwell-Bloch Equation of Standing Wave Lasers
Research on Minimum Resolvable Contrast of the Telescope
Research on Useful Life of Low Power LED Illumination Sources
Fabrication and Optimum Design of Lens on Luminous Uniformity of High-Power LED
Study of Edge Emission and its Induced Photo Pumping by Using Microcavity Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Terahertz Spectra of Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
Oxygen Sensor Based on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy with a Vertical Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
RETRACTED: A Novel Material for Laser Diodes of Optical Fiber Communication
Next-Generation ROADM Architecture and Technologies
Design of Low Voltage Low Power LPF for WSN Node
Simulation System of Atmospheric Transmission Attenuation Effect for Mid-Wave Infrared Radiation
Numerical Simulation Ignition of Energetic Material with Femtosecond Laser
An Improved Method Based on FPGA and DSP for Designing FBG Sensor Analyzer
Fourth-Harmonic Generation of High-Repetition Femtoscond Ti:Sapphire Laser by a BBO Crystal
A Method for Eliminating Zero-Order Image in Digital Holograph Based on Contourlet Transform
Improving the Stability of Tunable Diode Laser Sensor for Natural Gas Leakage Monitoring
Application of Laser Radar in Atmosphere Environment Monitoring
Design and Simulation of the Avalanche Transistor Pulse Generator
Detecting on Forward Error Correction Codes
CO2 Laser Treatment for the Second-Degree Scald of Mouse Skin
Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Light Scattering by Biological Cells with Discrete Dipole Approximation
Progress of Gain-Switched Tm-Doped Fiber Lasers
A 10-Gb/s 0.18-µm CMOS Optical Receiver Front-End Amplifier
A 10Gbps Limiting Amplifier for STM-64 Application Driver in 0.18µm CMOS Technology
Acousto-Optic Q-Switched Pulse Fiber Laser with the Peak Power of 9kW
The Detection System of Watercrafts Traffic Volume Based on Laser Sensation
Spectral Efficiency of Phase Encoding OCDMA Systems
Study of Mesa Etching for Infrared Detector Based on InAs/GaSb Superlattice
Semi-Distributed Power and Subcarrier Allocation in LTE Hetnet System
10Gbps VCSEL Driver in 0.18µm CMOS Technology
A Reliability Assessment Method of Fiber Optic Gyro
Method of Moment Analysis of Wire Antennas Based on Different Basis Function
Design and Implementation of Wireless Mobile Unit Based on GPS & GSM
A 94 Ghz Orthomode Transducer for Dual Polarization Receivers
A Comparative Study of a Ka-Band High Harmonic Peniotron
A Novel Wideband Transition between Waveguide and SIW
Optimal Placement Strategy of DHT-Based Systems to Minimize Lookup Latency
A Novel High-Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber and its Polarization Maintaining Properties
A New Algorithm to Reduce PAPR in STBC MIMO-OFDM System
Design and Investigation on Characteristics of a Semiconductor Micro-Ring Laser with Retro-Reflector Cavity
Study on Fog Attenuation Characteristics and Experiment Measurement for Laser Propagation in Atmosphere
Study and Simulation on Turbulent Atmosphere Modeled by Gamma-Gamma Distributions
Optimization of Launching Angle Base on the Acquisition Probability for Laser Semi-Active Terminal Correction Projectile
Low-Cost Implementations of LED Intelligent Lighting Based on DALI
The Accurate Method for Removing Misalignment Errors from Testing Rectangular Optics
Microscopic Analysis for the Role of Laser to the Seeds of Erigeron Breviscapus (Vant)Hand-Mazz
Analyses of Optical Emitter Performance in Terehertz Wireless Communication System
Fabrication and Testing of PDMS Pitch-Variable Gratings Based on Silicon Mold Technology
A Simple Compact Microstrip Wideband Bandpass Filter
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Bandpass Filter Using Multi-Mode SIR
The Investigation on Defect Mode Property of the Ten-Fold Photonic Quasicrystal
Basic Study on Important Parameters of Spatial Filter Used in High Power Laser System
A Novel Optical Network Units Source-Free Scheme Using Optical Frequency Comb Generator for OFDM-PON
The Research of UAV Sensors Training Virtual Laboratory
Research and Development of the Standard Optical Fiber Light Source with Variable Degree of Polarization
A LMS-Based Equalization Algorithm for 28Gbaud PM-MQAM Optical Coherent System
Designing a Tunable Filter on the One-Dimensional Ternary Photonic Crystal
Investigation on Temperature Stability of Scale Factor for an Optical Voltage Sensor Based on Pockels Effect
Applications of Photonic Crystals in Solar Cells
Femtosecond Laser Micro-Nanofabrication Technology and its Experimental System
Multiformality of 1st, 2nd and 3rd-order Subschemes of Four-Level Optical Quantum Coherence Systems
Application of FORJ Technology in Photoelectric Tracking Equipment
The High-Speed Video Signals Fiber Transmission Design Using of Optical Fiber in Photoelectric Tracking Equipment
Study on the Electromagnetic Responses of Split Ring Resonator in THz Regions
The Information Measurement and Characterization of Polarization Coherent Light Based on Stokes Parameters
Parallel Computing of Laser Propulsion with Hypergraph Partitioning
A Novel Method to Realize Zero Phase Delay of Electromagnetic Wave
Signal Integrity Analysis of High-Speed Signal Connector USB3.0
SNR Estimation of OFDM Adaptive System in Gauss Channel
Study of the Frequency Synthesizer in FH Radio Based on CMOS Chip
The Application of RFID Technology in Development Embedded Systems
The Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Cipher Unit on FPGA
Analysis of Optimal Spectral Efficiency with Adaptive Modulation Coding and Cooperative ARQ Protocols
Interference Excision of GPS Received Signal in Complex Environment
Relay Protection Based on Multi-Agent System
Design of Single-Ended Forward Bi-Directional DC-DC Converter Based on ARM
Development of Ammonia Gas Sensors with PPy Films on Base of Mg2SiO4 Porous Ceramics for Better Behavior of Chemo-Electrical Relationship
Comparison of Design and Spatial Stability of Two Kinds of Optical Systems for Stereoscopic Mapping Camera
An Adaptive Acquisition Algorithm of GNSS Receiver
Splitting and Filtering Properties of Defect-Mode in One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal
The Domestic and International Research Situation of Photoelectric Interconnection Technology
Research on the Near-Infrared (NIR) Photon Migration in the Knee
Third-Harmonic Generation in Special Parabolic Quantum Wells
A New Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Channel Drop Filter Based on Two-Resonant Cavities
The Design of Wideband Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Dual Stepped Impedance Stub-Loaded Resonator
Fabrication of 3D Photonic Crystals of Non-Magnetic Ellipsoids with Different Aspect Ratio
The Application of Non-Destructive Testing Based on Terahertz Technology in the Field of Smart Grid
Multiple Healing Fatigue Damage by Laser Shock Peening for Copper Thin Film
A New Two-Sided Coupling Channel Drop Filter Based on a Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal
Mechanism of Plasma Radiation Optics-Ammunition Inspired by Electrically Exploding Wires
Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of InN: A First-Principles Study
Equivalent Luminous Efficiency - A Normalization Index to Luminous Efficiency of Luminaries
A Novel Integrated MEMS Pyramidal Horn Antenna for Terahertz Applications
Research of LED Lamp Constant Current Driver Software System
Heat Dissipation Simulation Research of LED Downlight and Optimization of Light Source Layout
Modeling and Analysis of Grid-Connected Inverter for PV Generation
Carrier-Phase Differential GPS/INS Integrated Navigation System
The Design and Realization of Wireless Sensor Network Gateway Node
New FSE Based on MCMA and PLL
Bit and Power Allocation Algorithm for OFDM UWB Systems
New Dual-Mode FSE Suitable for High-Order QAM Signals
Photoluminescence Properties of Europium Complexes Encapsulated into MSBA-15
Analysis and Design of E-Shaped Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antenna Based on CPSO Algorithm
Research on Three Fierce Exploders Reflected Terahertz Spectrum
Compression of Digital Hologram Based on Binary Holographic Interference
Off-Axis Digital Holographic Reconstruction Based on the Spatial Filtering of the Hologram Illuminated with the Reference Wave
The Fiber Grating Signal Acquisition System Design Based on FPGA and USB Interface
Influence of Synchronous Jitter on GPS Receiving
Low Voltage Low Power Up-Conversion Mixer for Wireless Sensor Networks Node Application
A Fiber-Gating Intelligent Adaptive Alarm Algorithm Based on Wavelet Analysis
A 2.4 GHz Low Voltage Low Power Folded Down-Conversion Quadrature Mixer Design
A New Source Encoding Algorithm Based on Shannon Encoding
Improved Spectral Subtraction Speech Enhancement Algorithm
Research of Asynchronous Communication Based on the 1394 Bus Network
A 2.5GHZ-2.7GHz Unsymmetrical Doherty Power Amplifier with Digital Predistortion for LTE-Advanced Applications
Signal to Leakage and Noise Ratio Based Beamforming and User Scheduling for TD-LTE-A Systems
Aware Handoff Algorithm Based on the Location of the 3G and WIFI
Design of Low Voltage Low Power ADC for WSN Node
A Method for Real-Time Radar Signal Main Sorting
Multi-Plane 3-D Holographic Image Fusion in DCT Domain
Design of 10Gb/s VCSEL Driver IC in 0.18µm CMOS
One Data Transmission System for the Indoor Wireless Communications
Application in Data Fusion of Internet of Things Based on the KL Distance of Reputation Model
An UWB Non-Coplanar Power Diveider
The Security of E-Commerce Data Transmission
Practical Enhanced Topology Discovery Algorithm for MANET
The Monte Carlo Method Used in Self-Switching Device
A Novel Loophole-Free Minimum Overlap Model
The Analysis and Research of Intrusion Detection System Based on IPv6 Protocol Analysis
Performance Comparison of Survival Routing Mechanisms in Wireless Mesh Networks
Research and Analysis about Array Antennas in Mobile Communications
Delay Statistics for ARQ Protocols over Network-Coded Cooperative Networks
Video Quality Evaluation for H.264 Video Streaming over Wireless Networks
Communication Performance Research for Online Video over Wireless Multimedia Network
The Impact of Environment on the Node Coverage Modeling in Wireless Sensor Network
Heterogeneous Communication Architecture to Enable Demand Response Management for the Smart Grid
How to Design Mobile Advertising: A Field Experiment with Wireless Telecommunication Technology
Design Location-Specific Advertising with Wireless Telecommunication Technology
A Set of Inverse Telecommunication Network Problems
Application of Ontology Engineering in Satellite Network Simulation
LBS System Design and Prototyping of Digital Campus
Multi-Agent Based Modeling Simulation about VANET
A Fuzzy Based Clustering Protocol for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
Novel DFE for Underwater Acoustic Channels
Chapter 2: Materials Science Engineering
Optical Transparent Behaviors of Double Plasmonic Arrays Sandwiched with a Metal Film
2-Propanol Photodegradation over Bi5AgM4O18 (M=Nb and Ta) Powders under Visible-Light Irradiation
Preparation and Properties of CCTO-BCTO Ceramics with Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant
Investigation on the Solution-Based Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Film and its Properties
Structures and Properties of BiFeO3 Thin Films on Pt(111)/Ti/SiO2/Si Substrates Prepared by Pulsed-Laser Deposition under Various Oxygen Partial Pressures
Application of Carbon Fiber Composites in the Elevating Mechanism of an Unmanned Airborne Electro-Optical Platform
Spectroscopic Properties Calculation of some 1, 8-Naphthalimide Derivatives
Photosensitivity Improvement in Multi-Component Doped Photopolymer
Synthesis of Single-Crystal Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) Nanotubes Using AAO Templates
Research of the THz Reflectors Based on Hybrid Polymeride
White Electroluminescence Using Eu-Complexed Copolymer as the Red Unit
Experimental System for the Micro-Nanofabrication of Three-Dimensional Structures by Femtosecond Laser Two-Photon Absorption
Facile Synthesis of PtAu Nanoparticles/Graphene Nanocomposites for Direct Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis
Preparation and Kinetic Property of Iron-Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles
The High Temperature Creep Behavior of Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn-2Cu Alloy
Influence of Calcined Temperature on the Piezoelectric Properties of (Na0.48K0.47Li0.05)NbO3 Lead-Free Piezoelectric Ceramics Doped with CuO
Dielectric Properties of CaTiO3 Doped Ba0.65Sr0.35TiO3 (BST) AC High Voltage Capacitor Ceramics
Influence of Titanium Ion Doped Amount on the Dielectric Property of BMNT Ceramics
Role of Sputtering Power on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO/SiO2 Films Deposited by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering
Experimental Study of Low-Pressure Water Jet Assisted Laser Drilling on Al2O3 Ceramic
New Type Intellectualized Clothing Materials-Color-Changing Materials
Synthesis of Nickel Nanoparticles/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes Composites with Pre-Treated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Modifier
Synthesis of Graphene Load Nickel Nanoparticles Composites with Hydrothermal Process
Effect of Sintering Time and Heating Rate on the Structure of LiFePO4/C Prepared by Electrospinning
Local Electric Field Enhancement of Neighboring Ag Nanoparticles in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
The Optimization and Experiment of the Low-Pressure Water Jet Assisted Laser Etching on Al2O3 Ceramic
Synthesis, Crystal Growth and Characterization of Organic Nonlinear Optical Co-Crystal: 4-N, N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium (3-nitrobenzenesulfonate)0.6I0.4
Effect of Growth Conditions on Morphology and Photoluminescence Properties of ZnO Nanowires Fabricated by Thermal Evaporation without a Metal Catalyst
Photoluminescent Properties of Y2O3:Tb3+ Nanowires in AAO
Chapter 3: Mechatronics, Control and Management, Testing, Measurement and Monitoring Technologies
Petri Based Formal Verification of Data Session Transmission for Lighting Control System
A Remote Monitoring System of Water Injection well Based on TWACS
Research on Wells Monitoring Background Management Software Based on Labview
Design and Analysis of a New Dynamic Tracking Performance Testing System
Study of Fiber Grating Strain Sensing to On-Line Monitoring for Optical Cable of Electric Power System
Semantic Similarity Measure Based on Concreteness Degree of a Concept
Research on Rule Extraction Technology Based on Genetic Algorithm in Intrusion Detection
On the Security of a Secure Batch Verification Scheme for VANET
Test Methods Research and Verify for FPGA
Feasibility Study of Photoacoustic Imaging for Monitoring Temperature in Photothermal Therapy
The Application of Parameterization in Human Behavior Analysis
Research of College Classroom Intelligent Lighting Adjustment System Based on ARM
Research on Acoustic Monitoring for Boiler Tube Leakage Based on Information Fusion Theory
The Rotational Speed Measurement of Brushless DC Motor Based on STM32 Microcontroller
A Non-Magnetic Temperature Controlling System Applied in Atomic Magnetometer
The Non-Constant Speed Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Speed Measuring Method
Research and Realization on IVI Driver
Design of Application Management Software of Multimedia Rescue Communication System
Design and Implementation of the Computer Monitoring and Management System for the Multi-Mode Combination Timer Device
Influence of Groove Structure on the Performances of Water Lubricated Marine Stern Bearings
Mapping of Rescue Environment Based on NDT Scan Matching
Design and Implementation of Library Management System Based on.NET
The Vibration Modal Testing and Analysis of an Experiment Gun Mount
Design and Implementation of Teaching Affairs Management System Based on.NET in Colleges and Universities
Design and Implementation of University Archives Management System Based on.Net Technology
Design and Implementation of the Web Service-Based Archives Management System of Universities
TD-SCDMA Smart Antenna Signal Intensity Measurement System
Assessment and Management the Security Risk of Public Cloud Service
Design and Realization of the Multi-Function Tower CraneBlock Box Based on ZigBee
A Multi-Agent Management System for Grid Resource Allocation
Design of and Research on the Web-Based Teaching Management System
Researches on the Mechanism of Thermo-Mechanical Coupling and Boundary Effects in Thick Wall Cylinders
Construction of the Library Knowledge Management System Based on Semantic Web
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation Studies of a Human-Rifle System Considering Bio-Characteristics of Human Body
Energy Enhancement of a Piezoelectric Cantilever Generator with Magnetic Coupling
Model Predictive Control of Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor
Application of MATLAB in the Analysis of Reliability Data
The Enterprise Stratagem Diagnostic System Based on Agent
Analysis of Finite Element and Experimental Study on Elastic Body of the Grip Force Sensor
Research and Application of Integrated Scheduling Management System of Steelmaking-Casting-Rolling Based on Heat Process Model
A Visual Computing Method for Coal Mine Roadway Deformation
Design and Implementation of SNMP Agent's Extension
Management System in Routing and Switching Platforms
Design of Library Temperature and Humidity Control System
Design & Application of Forest Fire Monitoring System by Remote Sensing for Beijing, Tianjin & Hebei
A Novel BiCMOS Current-Mode Bandgap Reference
Research on the Frequency Automatic Tracking in Ultrasonic Power Based on Fuzzy-DPLL
Integrating Rough Set in Evolution Agorithm for Path Planning of Mobile Robots
Spacecraft Fault Diagnosis Based on Telemetry Data Mining and Fault Tree Analysis and Design of Expert System
Development of the Online Automatic Measuring System for Total Sugar Content in Chlortetracycline Fermenter
Research and Application of Automatic Measuring System in Fermenters Total Sugar Content
Research of Several PID Algorithms Based on MATLAB
Creation of Fuzzy Control Table with Data Mining
Research on Software Testability Requirement Analysis Method
Research of AMU Unit Fault Testability Based on Multi-Signal Modeling and Fuzzy Decision
Research of Reader Network Access Management in IOT
Trusted Class Measurement Module - A Novel Fine-Grained Integrity Measurement Method for Java Application
Research of Flight Control System Maintenance Model Based on ARINC624 Specification
Discussion and Analysis of Digital Citys Management in Anhui
A Kind of Improved PID Control Algorithm
Design of Automatic Control System for Casting Equipment Based on PLC
Robust H8 Control for a Class of Nonlinear Uncertain Singular Systems with Time Delays both in State and Output
The Model of Distributed Grid-Connected DC Micro Network Inverters and Double Loop Control Method
Research of New Ultrasonic Domestic Gas Meter
Multi-Frequency Proportional-Resonant Control for Wave Power Generation System
A Search and Rescue Training Simulator for the China Coast Guard Vessels
Selection and Analysis of Servomotor for Three-Axis Transmission System in CNC Machine Tool
3-D Simulation of Remote Field Eddy Current Detection for Stress Corrosion Cracks in Pipeline
Research on Real-Time Fuel Consumption Measurement in Internal-Combustion Engines
Study on Automatic Control of Urban Traffic Based on Computer Vision
Design and Implementation of the Network Electronic Identity Management System
Analysis of the Relationship between Main Shock and Aftershocks Based on Association Rules
MTF Measurement Research on Satellite Remote Sensing Images Based on the Knife-Edge Method
Particle Swarm Optimization Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems in Power System
Steady State Model of Cooling Tower Used in Air Conditioning
Analysis of Network Management Technology and Development Trend in the Future
Performance Measurement Technique of Cloud Storage System
Autonomous Aerial Refueling Modeling and Dynamic Inversion Adaptive Sliding Mode Control
PD Control Strategy Design and Simulation of Magnetic Bearing with Single Freedom of Degree
Design and Implementation of Remote Control Software for Nuclear Inspecting Devices
Modeling and Attitude Control of a Spinning Spacecraft with Internal Moving Mass
The Planning of Maintenance Support Capabilities of the Wartime Armored Equipment Autonomic Logistic System Based on QFD
High-Accuracy Modeling of Ship Deformation Based on Inertial Measuring Method
Fabric Defect Detection Based on Cross-Entropy
A Novel Document Services Framework for Multi Process Site Based on SOA
The Network Security Management Problem of Library
Simulation of Vehicles Frontal Crash with Dummy Inside
A Kind of Environment Monitoring System Used for Aircraft Fire Training Simulator
Study on Explosively Formed Projectiles Test System
A FPGA-Based Digital-Mirror Driving Control System for Compressive Imaging
Research on the Mining Personnel Orientation Method Based on the Zigbee and GIS
“Big Fire Control” in the Condition of Information War
Mine Design and Optimization of Lifting Mechanism of Dumping Truck
Research on Control Method of Complex Time-Varying System
A Case Study of Distributed Network Fault Detection Technology in Distance Education
Structure Analysis and Pressure Control of Electro-Hydraulic Braking System
Cloud Computing Environment Based on Web Log Mining Algorithm Implementation of Test
Research on New Techniques and Development Trend of Software Testing
A Fire Monitor Terminal for Reliable and Stable Image Acquisition Based on ARM
A Uniform Magnetic Field Produced by Rectangular Coils
An Optical Flow-Based PIG Method for Active Contour Tracking Initialization
Reliability Research of Fiber-Access Devices Monitoring System on Fault Tree
Appearance Model Based Moving Object Matching across Disjoint Camera Views
Design and Implementation of New Multi-Functional Intelligent Single Phase Meters
Hardware Design of Microgrid Experimental System Based on Inverter-Interfaced Micro Sources
Design a Modified Michelson Interferometer for THz Spectrum Measurement
Energy Field Filling of NEIC Broadband Radiated Energy Catalogue Based on Method of Least Squares
Energy Saving Design Principle Analysis of Power Electronic Transformation System
Study on the Preparation and Implementation of a New Type Digital Electronic Thermometer
Current Source Design for 3D Magnetic Field Simulation
Design of PowerPC-Based Radar Universal Signal Processing Unit
Investigation of Internal Faults for a Direct-Driven PMSG with Maxwell
Series-Parallel Combined Constant Pressure Water Supply Pipeline Design of High-Rise Building
Research on Electrified Railway Evaluation and Compensation Method
ANN-Based Modeling for Load and Main Steam Pressure Characteristics of a 600MW Supercritical Power Generating Unit
Chapter 4: Image Processing Technology and Methodology, Recognize Technologies
Infrared Image Contrast Enhancement Based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization
A Secondary Pretreatment Method of Particled Graph
A New Location Method of ROI for Contactless Palm Vein Recognition
A Novel Image Motion Compensation Method for the Pendular Aeronautical Camera
Study of Palm Vein Imaging Based on NIR
A Study of Two Dimensional Fisher Linear Discriminant for Palm Vein Recognition
Research of Radiographic Image Enhancement Technology
Images Rapid Recognition of Potatoes under Soil Background
Design and Implement of Large Dimension Matrix Transpose Based on DDR3 SDRAM
Staff Line Removal Algorithm and Research Based on Run-Length Graph Slice and Topological Structure of Music
Preprocessing for Local Bianry Pattern Based Face Recognition
The Design of High Speed and Parallel Convolutional Encoder Based on FPGA
A Real-Time Method for License Plate Location
Recognition and Matching of ROI Region Finger-Vein Based on NMI Feature
A Feature Extracting Method for Chinese Character Recognition of License Plate Based on Elastic Mesh and Wavelet Transform
Multi-Thresholding Based on Symmetric Tsallis-Cross Entropy and Particle Swarm Optimization
Segmentation of Marine Spill Oil SAR Image Based on Gabor, Krawtchouk Moments and KFCM
Segmentation of Welding Defect Image Based on Exponential Cross Entropy and Improved PCNN
Segmentation of Fabric Defect Images Based on PCNN Model and Symmetric Tsallis Cross Entropy
Change Detection of Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images Based on NSCT and ICA
Micro-Motion ISAR Imaging Method Based on MP Sparse Decomposition for Fast Moving Target
Based the Morphological Filtering BP Algorithm of SAR Image Recognition
Feature Extraction Method for Wheat Diseases Based on Multi-Fractal Spectrum
Improved Self-Adaptive Image Histogram Equalization Algorithm
Research on Path Recognition System of Intelligent Vehicle Based on Neural Network
Extraction of Image Features on Tooth Flank Pitting and Gluing
Lymph Node Image Segmentation Based on Improved FCM Clustering and Multi-Threshold
Image Denoising Algorithm via Spatially Adaptive Bilateral Filtering
An Edge Detection Algorithm Based on Human Visual System
A Jointed Image Fusion Algorithm of Two-Dimensional PCA and Curvelet Transform
Application of Wavelet Transforms Method to Infrared Image Enhancement
HybridModeling Based on Multiple Range Image
Recent Progress in Human Face Detection, Tracking and Recognition
Data Hiding in Digital Image Based on Color Difference
The Location of Cancer Area Based on Region Growing Algorithm in Medical Image
Kinect Depth Data Segmentation Based on Gauss Mixture Model Clustering
A Remote Educational Video Dynamic Image Sharp Processing Algorithm
Coastline Detection from Remote Sensing Image Based on K-Mean Cluster and Distance Transform Algorithm
Path Recognition Technology of Self-Tracing Car Based on OV6620
Iris Boundary Localization Based on Improve Hough Transform
Indoor Passive Millimeter-Wave Imaging for Concealed Object Detection
Impervious Surface Information Extracting Approach Using Landsat TM Remote Sensing Image
Medical Image Segmentation
Image Mosaic Based on Improved SIFT
SAR Image Compression by Using Neural Network in Wavelet Domain
Content Based Image Retrieval with Color Invariants
Research on Image Feature Extraction Method Based on Orthogonal Projection Transformation of Multi-Task Learning Technology
Cost-Sensitive Sparsity Preserving Projections for Face Recognition
Kernel Feature Extraction Approach for Color Image Recognition
A New Kernel Orthogonal Projection Analysis Approach for Face Recognition
Research on Digital Audio Authenticity Analysis
Application of Image Processing to the Vehicle License Plate Recognition
A Fast BPNN Based Image Deblurring Method
Real-Time Human Action Recognition System Using Depth Map Sequences
Chapter 5: Computing Methods and Algorithms, Automation and Information Technologies, CAD Applications
Application of the Sub-Ode Method for the Broer-Kaup Equation
Distributed Fusion Kalman Self-Turning Filter
Using Exchange Attenuation to Control Non-Disentanglement Quantum Information Transport in Phase Damping Channel
Design of Process Management for Multi-Process Micro-Kernel Embedded OS on ARM
Design of Tiny TTY for Multi-Process Micro-Kernel Embedded OS on ARM
A Novel Construction Method of QC-LDPC Codes Based on Generalized ACE Constrained
Design of 3D-Route Planning Based on the Improvement of Simple Genetic Algorithm
The Study of the PCI Bus Expansion Based on PCI Bridge Chip
The Research of Acceleration Methods which Based on GPU Hardware
Semantic Inner Product Based Web Service Matchmaking Method
The Research of Semantic Web Service Matching Algorithm Based on the Formal Concept Analysis
A TIFF-Tree Based High Utility Itemset Mining Algorithm
Constructing Secure Cloud Computing Platform for Strong Smart Grid
Comparisons on the Architecture and Implementation of Distance Education Platform
Design and Implementation of Intelligent Distance Education Platform
An Improved Data Possession Checking Scheme in Cloud Computing
The Research of LCD Driver on Embedded Linux System
Mean-Square Exponential Stability of Stochastic Interval Cellular Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay
52°North WPS and its Application in Fire Emergency Response
Flow Field of XCP Probe's Head and Optimization Choice of Structural Parameters
Research of Distributional Ecology Cloud-Structure
A Method of Utilizing Semantic File to Realize CAD and FEA Information Integration
Semantic Annotation of CAD Model Based on Ontology
Design of the B/S Model-Based Automated Course Scheduling System of Universities
Single Point Blow-Up and Regional Blow-Up of Solutions for a Degenerate Semilinear Parabolic Equation
Research on the Application of College Automated Course Scheduling System Based on Genetic Algorithm
A Planning Algorithm with Temporal Constraints in the Working Procedures
Fast Tabu Search Algorithm for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Design and Implementation of Online Photos Collection of B/S Based Registration Systems
Research of Personalized Information Service Based on Association Rules
The Architecture of Digital Library Platform Based on Cloud Computing
The Design and Research of Digital Service Platform Based on Semantic Web
A Modular Approach of Computer Support Cooperative Work System
A Research and Implementation on the Optimum Proposal of Self-Adaptive Mobile Learning Activity Mode Based on Android
Research of Transport Junctions of Flow Analysis Algorithm Based on Decision-Making Theory
Harmony Search Optimization Algorithm Based on Normal Cloud
Application of Artificial Fish-Swarm Algorithm in the Optimization for Taxi Dispatching System
Design and Realizing of WEB-Based Notebook
The Application of KBE on Stamping Process Design
A New Multi-Node Heartbeat Mechanism in Cluster System
The Optimization Algorithm of Aviation Equipment Maintenance Cost Forecast and its Applied Research
Numerical Simulation for Free Rolling Motion of a Surface Vehicle
The Research on the Consuming Prediction of Military Aircraft Spare Parts
A Calculation Model of Pull-Off Force with Edge-Effect
Nearby Phase Search Algorithm with Reduced Complexity for Higher Order QAM Formats
An Algorithm for Moving Target Detection in Dynamic Background Based on Gray-Weighted Kernel Function
A Infrared Small Moving Object Extraction Method in the Context of Complex Background Motion
On Real-Time Modeling of 3D Terrain Database
Application of Similarity Algorithm in the Assessment of the Students Curriculum Design
Coordination Algorithm Design of the Distributed Storage Proxy Servers for Streaming Media
Analysis of Web Log Data Mining Based on Improved Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
A Method on Process Planning Decision Based on Genetic Algorithm
A Hybird Virtual Machine Placement Aglrithm for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure
Curve-Skeleton Extraction Using Appropriate Threshold Optimization
A General Vertex Partition Refinement Algorithm for Graph Isomorphism
Research of Clustering Algorithm Based on Different Data Field Model
Structure Design of the Database in the INS/Database Matching Navigation System
Construction Security Architecture of the Internet of Things Based on IPv6 Technology
Automatic Translation in Chinese and English Based on Mixed Strategy
Simulation and Study of Poisonous Gas Diffusion Based on ArcEngine Techniques about the City after the Earthquake
Determine Execution Time and Selection Probabilities in Process Mining via Petri Nets
Process Mining Based on Statistic Ordering Relations of Events
Software Development in Mining Subsedence Prediction
Accelerated Compression Algorithm Based on Factoring Repeated Content
A Horizontal Segmentation Based Ontology Parallel Query Approach
Research on Spreading and Evolution of Opinion in Online Social Network
Optimization of Financial Forecasting Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine
Elements of Supplier Risk Assessment Based on Network AHP
Target Tracking Analysis Based on Corner Registration
The Design of Item Bank System of Computer Operating System
Topology Optimization of Frame of Aircraft Deicing Vehicle under Multiple Loading Conditions Based on Ansys
Packet Sampling Applications in Campus High-Speed Network Intrusion Detection System
The Research on Ethernet Ring Protection Switching
Path Planning of Quadrotor Based on Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Analysis of Generalization for a New Kind of Neural Network
A Fuzzy-Dynamic-Programming Approach to the Scheduling of Cascaded Hydropower Plants
An Empirical Study for Chinese Sentiment Classification Based on Machine Learning Techniques
Flexible Recommendation System Based on the Contents of Emergency Plan
Application of Thinking Method of Decomposition and Combination in Developing Software
An Mixed Method Based on Video Sequences of Moving Object Detection
Research on the Individual Learning Process Model of the E-Learning System Based on Social Tags
Research on the Layout of the Chinese Tag Cloud
Normal Contact Stiffness Fractal Geometric Model Based on the Gamma Distribution of Rough Joint Surface
Study on Predicting Tumor Motion via Memory-Based Learning
Information Hiding Algorithm Based on Two m-Sequences
Design Method of Database System Based on DPT and P2P Point Cloud for Internet of Things
An Optimized Algorithm to Measure Arterial Blood Pressure
Hippocampus Segmentation Techniques: A Survey
Research on Reliability Assessment for the Armored Equipment Based on Multi-Source Information Fusion
Design and Implementation of Object-Oriented Teaching Aid System Based on UML Language
Design and Implementation of Network Topology Discovery System Based on OSPF
Web-Based Interactive Visualization of Virtual Reality
Research and Application of the Workshop Scheduling Algorithm Based on the Rules
The Partial Inverse Minimum Connected Spanning Subgraph Problem with Given Cyclomatic Number
The Application of Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization in Economic Dispatch of Power System
DWT Based Blind Watermark in Relational Database
Use of Watermark in Educational Administration System
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis in Leukopoiesis Models with Two Delays
Multiple Data Source Discovery with Group Interaction Approach
The Application of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms Model in Solving Product Optimization Problem
An Approach of Advanced Optimistic Protocol Based on Time Dams
Three Conjectures about the Number Systems and their Conversion
An Adaptive Level Damped Algorithm Based on PINS for Ship
An Evaluation Model to Human Factors in Information Systems Based on Consistent Quantification of Index and Evaluation Equilibrating
Methods for Determining Differences of Attribute Weight between Evidences in Bridge Assessment
A Novel Performance Metric of Routing Algorithm
Analysis on Local Congestion of Network-on-Chip
Numerical Simulation of the Protection System of Explosive Reaction Armor
Self-Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm with Mutation Operation Based on K-Means
Graph Colorings Applied in Scale-Free Networks
Analysis of Project Shedule Risk Indexes in PERT Network Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Fuzzy Reliability Design on Mechanical Components under Normal Distribution Based on Entropy Theory
Circular Arc Gear Reliability Study Based on Modified FOSM Method
The Application of Fuzzy Clustering Number Algorithm in Network Intrusion Detection
Research on Food Safety RFID Anti-Collision Algorithm
Design of Low-Noise and High-Density Signal Intelligent Detection System
Design Method of Database System Based on DPT and P2P Point Cloud for Internet of Things
An Intrusion Detection Method Study under the Environment of IPv6
The Research of Improved Apriori Mining Algorithm in Bank Customer Segmentation
Design and Implementation of a Digital Campus System Based on the URP Platform
Schur D-Stability of Linear Grey Discrete Dynamic Systems
Exponential Stability for Grey Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delay
Mathematical Model Establishment and Analysis on the Pipe Deformation under External Pressure with the Ovality
On Business-Oriented Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining