Achim Lichtenberger, Professor für Klassische Archäologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und im Vorstand des Zentrums für Mittelmeerstudien der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Studierte Klassische Archäologie, Alte Geschichte und Evangelische Theologie an den Universitäten Münster, Rom, Berlin und Tübingen. Promotion 2001 in Tübingen, 2008 Habilitation in Münster, seit 2010 in Bochum.Constance von Rüden, Dr. phil., ist zur Zeit am Karl Jaspers Zentrum für Transkulturelle Forschung der Universität Heidelberg tätig.Constance von Rüden is currently post-doctoral researcher at the Karl Jaspers Centre for Transcultural Studies of the University of Heidelberg. 2007 she finished her PhD about the wall paintings of Tall Mišrife/Qatna, published as a monograph in 2011. Between 2007 and 2010 she inherited a Foreign Fellowship at the German Archaeological Institute in Athens and between 2010 and 2012 she worked at the Centre of Mediterranean Studies at the University of Bochum. Among other things she co-directs the Tell el Dab'a Wall Painting Project together with Prof. Dr. Manfred Bietak, and coordinates the publication of two 12th century BCE well fillings from Palaepaphos on Cyprus.
Achim Lichtenberger, Professor für Klassische Archäologie an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und im Vorstand des Zentrums für Mittelmeerstudien der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Studierte Klassische Archäologie, Alte Geschichte und Evangelische Theologie an den Universitäten Münster, Rom, Berlin und Tübingen. Promotion 2001 in Tübingen, 2008 Habilitation in Münster, seit 2010 in Bochum.Constance von Rüden, Dr. phil., ist zur Zeit am Karl Jaspers Zentrum für Transkulturelle Forschung der Universität Heidelberg tätig.Constance von Rüden is currently post-doctoral researcher at the Karl Jaspers Centre for Transcultural Studies of the University of Heidelberg. 2007 she finished her PhD about the wall paintings of Tall Mišrife/Qatna, published as a monograph in 2011. Between 2007 and 2010 she inherited a Foreign Fellowship at the German Archaeological Institute in Athens and between 2010 and 2012 she worked at the Centre of Mediterranean Studies at the University of Bochum. Among other things she co-directs the Tell el Dab'a Wall Painting Project together with Prof. Dr. Manfred Bietak, and coordinates the publication of two 12th century BCE well fillings from Palaepaphos on Cyprus.