Loseblattwerk, Englisch
Loseblattwerk, Englisch
ISBN: 978-1-4548-0123-8
Verlag: Aspen Publishing
There should be no question in the mind of any exporter about the government's intention to enforce applicable legislation and regulations. The penalties imposed by export laws and regulations are severe. Violations often lead to heavy fines and, in serious cases, to debarment from contracting with the U.S. Government, and possibly imprisonment. Additionally, the privilege of exporting can be withdrawn from firms or individuals who have violated the regulations, either for specified periods or indefinitely. Ample resources are devoted by the government to the detection and prosecution of violators. The Departments of Defense, Commerce, Homeland Security, Justice, and the several intelligence agencies cooperate in this endeavor. Knowing and willful violations receive, of course, the heaviest sanctions, but unintentional violations are by no means exempt from penalties. Parties to an export transaction are expected to know and comply with the regulations.
United States Export Controls, Sixth Edition provides a reference to which exporters, and those who work closely with them, can refer in their daily business operations in order to comply with the myriad export rules and regulations. Thorough knowledge of the regulations is essential in finding practical solutions to export licensing problems related to specific transactions, in formulating export marketing plans to minimize the impact of controls, and in the organizing company resources to deal correctly and efficiently with both the legal requirements and the day-to-day operational demands of the export control regulations.
Weitere Infos & Material
Chapter 1. Overview of Agency Jurisdiction
§ 1.01 Overview
§ 1.02 Export Controls on Persons and Entities
§ 1.03 Export Controls on Items and Activities
§ 1.04 The National Export Initiative
Chapter 2. Treasury Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) Controls
§ 2.01 Overview
§ 2.02 Common Elements
§ 2.03 Comprehensive Sanctions Programs
§ 2.04 Limited Sanctions Programs
§ 2.05 FOIA Requests
§ 2.06 Conflicting Foreign Laws
Chapter 3. Export Administration Regulations
§ 3. 01 Basic Concepts
§ 3. 02 Export Licenses and License Applications
§ 3. 03 Export Clearance
§ 3. 04 License Exceptions and Post-Shipment Responsibilities
§ 3. 05 Retention of Records
Chapter 4. International Traffic in Arms Regulations
§4.01. Introduction
§4.02 What and Whom Does the ITAR Regulate?
§4.03 Before You Export—Prerequisites
§4.05 Exemptions
§4.06 ITAR Appendix
Chapter 5. Enforcement
§ 5.01 Introduction and Scope of Discussion
§ 5.02 Extraterritorial Sanctions
§ 5.03 Issues and Concepts Common to Export Enforcement Activities
§ 5.04 Denied Parties
§ 5.05 Voluntary Disclosures
Chapter 6. Encryption
§ 6.01 Introduction
§ 6.02 Classification
§ 6.03 License Exception ENC
§ 6.04 Other License Exceptions
§ 6.05 Licensing
§ 6.06 Special Subjects
§ 6.07 Terrorist-Supporting Countries
§ 6.08 Wassanaar
§ 6.09 Conclusion
Chapter 7. Hazardous Substances
§ 7.01 Environmental Protection Agency
§ 7.02 Consumer Product Safety Commission
§ 7.03 Food and Drug Administration
§ 7.04 Drug Enforcement Agency
Chapter 8. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Export Controls
§ 8.01 Introduction
§ 8.02 The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
§ 8.03 The FCPA and the Export Regulations
§ 8.04 Implementing Comprehensive Compliance Programs
Chapter 9. Commerce Anti-Boycott Restrictions
§ 9.01 The Arab League Boycott of Israel
§ 9.02 The Blacklisting of Firms
§ 9.03 Application of the Boycott
§ 9.04 United States Anti-Boycott Legislation
§ 9.05 Export-Related Anti-Boycott Legislation
§ 9.06 Tax-Related Anti-Boycott Legislation
§ 9.07 Differences Between Export-Related and Tax-Related Anti-Boycott Legislation
Chapter 10. Chemical Weapons Convention
§ 10.01 General Obligations
§ 10.02 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
§ 10.03 Verification System
§ 10.04 Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act
§ 10.05 Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations
§ 10.06 Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence
§ 10.07 Disclosure of Confidential Business Information