Lipkowitz / Cundari / Boyd | Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 24 | Buch | 978-0-470-11281-6 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 24, 552 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 889 g

Reihe: Reviews in Computational Chemistry

Lipkowitz / Cundari / Boyd

Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 24

Volume 24
1. Auflage 2007
ISBN: 978-0-470-11281-6
Verlag: Wiley

Volume 24

Buch, Englisch, Band 24, 552 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 243 mm, Gewicht: 889 g

Reihe: Reviews in Computational Chemistry

ISBN: 978-0-470-11281-6
Verlag: Wiley

Reviews In Computational Chemistry

Martin Schoen and Sabine Klapp

Kenny B. Lipkowitz and Thomas Cundari, Series Editors

This volume, unlike those prior to it, consists of a single monograph covering the timely topic of confined fluids. Volume 24 features the thermodynamics of confined phases, elements of statistical thermodynamics, one-dimensional hard-rod fluids, mean-field theory, treatments of confined fluids with short-range and long-range interactions, and the statistical mechanics of disordered confined fluids. Six appendices are included, which cover the mathematical derivation of equations used throughout the book.

From Reviews Of The Series

"Reviews in Computational Chemistry remains the most valuable reference to methods and techniques in computational chemistry."

-Journal Of Molecular Graphics And Modelling

"One cannot generally do better than to try to find an appropriate article in the highly successful Reviews in Computational Chemistry. The basic philosophy of the editors seems to be to help the authors produce chapters that are complete, accurate, clear, and accessible to experimentalists (in particular) and other nonspecialists (in general)."

-Journal Of The American Chemical Society

Lipkowitz / Cundari / Boyd Reviews in Computational Chemistry, Volume 24 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Thermodynamics of Confined Phases
Elements of Statistical Thermodynamics

A First Glimpse: One-Dimensional Hard-Rod Fluids

Mean-Field Theory

Confined Fluids with Short-Range Interactions

Confined Fluids with Long-Range Interactions

Statistical Mechanics of Disordered Confined Fluids

Appendix A: Mathematical Aspects of Equilibrium Thermodynamics

Appendix B: Mathematical Aspects of Statistical Thermodynamics

Appendix C: Mathematical Aspects of One-Dimensional Hard-Rod Fluids

Appendix D: Mathematical Aspects of Mean-Field Theories

Appendix E: Mathematical Aspects of Monte Carlo simulations

Appendix F: Mathematical Aspects of Ewald Sumrnation

Appendix G: Mathematical Aspects of the Replica Formalism



Kenny B. Lipkowitz, PhD, is a retired Professor of Chemistry from North Dakota State University.

Thomas R. Cundari is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Memphis.

Donald B. Boyd was apponted Research Professor of Chemistry at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis in 1994. He has published over 100 refereed journal papers and book chapters.

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