Literature along the Lines of Flight | Buch | 978-90-420-3882-0 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 205, 6 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 274 g

Reihe: Costerus New Series

Literature along the Lines of Flight

D.H. Lawrence’s Later Novels and Critical Theory

Buch, Englisch, Band 205, 6 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 274 g

Reihe: Costerus New Series

ISBN: 978-90-420-3882-0
Verlag: Brill | Rodopi

This book presents new readings of D.H. Lawrence’s later novels from the perspective of established critical theory and contemporary thought: a specific critical theory or critical perspective is selected and applied to each novel in order to present particular interpretations of each. Although remaining faithful to one’s personal desires without being unduly concerned with the outside world is considered a Lawrentian virtue, I would like to show another Lawrence who was sensitive enough to the outside world and to the social discourses of his time to employ elements of them in his novels, although subtly, and with critical shifts and displacements. Lawrence is a writer who continually draws lines of flight to escape from capitalist societies that ascribe essential value and power to money.
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Chapter 1: The Mediator Transcended: The Structure of Desire in Women in Love
Chapter 2: The Invisible Core of Resistance: The Antiaesthetic and Anti-organic Tendency in Aaron’s Rod
Chapter 3: Deterritorialization and Reterritorialization: Aaron’s Rod and A Thousand Plateaus
Chapter 4: Renunciation of Revenge and Vertebral Consciousness: Kangaroo and the Theory of the Crowd
Chapter 5: The Disappearance of the Crowd and the Prevalence of Evil: From Kangaroo to St Mawr
Chapter 6: The Absence of Destructive Creation: The Concepts of Nature and Civilization in St Mawr
Chapter 7: “The Core of Asia” as a Vanishing Mediator: St Mawr and Nativist Modernism
Chapter 8: Sexuality, Nazism, Post-colonialism: The Plumed Serpent and The History of Sexuality Volume I

Conclusion: Lawrence and Canon


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