Lönnberg | Chemistry of Nucleic Acids | Buch | 978-3-11-132532-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 398 Seiten, Format (B × H): 166 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 700 g

Reihe: De Gruyter Textbook


Chemistry of Nucleic Acids

2. Revised and Extended Auflage 2024
ISBN: 978-3-11-132532-3
Verlag: De Gruyter

Buch, Englisch, 398 Seiten, Format (B × H): 166 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 700 g

Reihe: De Gruyter Textbook

ISBN: 978-3-11-132532-3
Verlag: De Gruyter

Life in all its forms is based on nucleic acids which store and transfer genetic information. The book addresses main aspects of synthesis, hydrolytic stability and solution equilibria of nucleosides, nucleotides and oligonucleotides, as well as synthesis of their structural analogs that are of interest in chemotherapy. In addition, recent achievements in chemistry of catalytic nucleic acids, development of oligonucleotide based drugs and novel strategies for their targeting and delivery are discussed. The central theme always is the correlation of structure and function.
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Students, Biochemists, Biophysisists, Organic Chemists, Pharmaceu


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Dr. Harri Lönnberg is Professor of Organic chemistry and chemical biology, Department of Chemistry, University of Turku. Research Interest: Recognition and cleavage of RNA targeting of therapeutic oligonucleotides by bioconjugation, pro-drug strategies for nucleotide drugs, and novel paradigms for large scale synthesis of oligonucleotides. ca 500 publications.

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