Professor of the Law Faculty in the Department of Private Law, Paraiba State University (UEPB), specializing in Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law. Dean of the Law Faculty, Center for Legal Studies, at Paraiba State University, in Brazil from 2011 to 2013.Attorney-at-law registered in Brazil, with over 10 years of experience in consulting and litigation in aspects concerning the digital environment and internet-related issues, but also in the areas of tort liability, contracts, consumer law, copyright, competition, media, entertainment law and freedom of speech. Former member of the Brazilian BAR's Information Technology Committee.Advisor in the public sector for digital agenda issues, having collaborated with the Government of the State of Paraiba, the Court of Justice and the Secretary of Public Security of the State of Paraiba, as well as with the National Council of Justice and the National Congress.Member of the Faculties' Fundamental Rights, Information and Communication Technologies research group and coordinator of the lines of study which develop works in areas like lawsuit automation systems and the impact of ICTs over Law. Conducted round table discussions during the European Conference on EGovernment Conference (ECEG 2011), South Africa Lex Informatica, Latin American Conferences on ICT Law and published in prominent specialized websites like Consultor Juridico and elDial, magazines like Consulex and Journals like IRIS and LEFIS. Current member of the group of scholars in charge of proposing reforms to the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code, regarding lawsuit automation mechanisms.LLM in International and European Law, Institute of European Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Recently joined the European Centre for Information Policy and Security (ECIPS), an organization that researches and develops initiatives and policy formations to combat new emerging security threats for both governments & corporations. In the legal team of the think tank, collaborates in cyber security and digital crime fighting and prevention projects.