Luo | Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | Buch | 978-3-03835-118-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 680 g


Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 2014), April 13-14, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand
Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03835-118-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 2014), April 13-14, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 170 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 680 g

ISBN: 978-3-03835-118-4
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (AME 2014), April 13-14, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Volume is indexed by Thomson Reuters CPCI-S (WoS).The 45 papers are grouped as follows: Chapter 1: Materials Science and Materials Processing Technology, Chapter 2: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Chapter 3: Computation Methods and Information Technologies
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Preface and Conference Committees
Chapter 1: Materials Science and Materials Processing Technology
Improvement of TA Cloning Method to Facilitate Direct Directional Cloning of PCR Products
High-Temperature Antioxidant Screening for Silicone Oil
Transverse Stiffness Prediction of Fibrous Metal Matrix Composites
Gold Ball Wire Bonding Energy Transfer Mechanism and Experimental Studies
A Preliminary Study on the Sound Absorption of Self-Facing Date Palm Fibers
Study of Thermal Analysis for Monitoring of Liquid Metal in Production of Aluminum Casting
Tool Wear Monitoring of High Speed Milling Based on Vibratory Signal Processing
Neural Network Monitoring Strategy of Cutting Tool Wear of Horizontal High Speed Milling
Influence of Welding Speed over Dilution for Circular Grid Plate Hardfaced with Colmonoy-5
Chapter 2: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics
Quasisolution of the Inverse 3D Aerohydrodynamics Problem
Modeling and Simulation of Solar Array Drive Assembly Disturbance Driving a Flexible Load
Modeling of Atmospheric Processes Based on the Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations
Exploration of Navigation Simulator Applying in Maritime Trial
Estimation of Critical Performance Parameters of the Thermocouple in a Bypass Device, Made of SME Alloy, Designed for LIABs on Spacecraft
Sensitivity Analysis of Airdrop Condition Parameters Based on Response Surface Method
Quadrotor Position Control Using Cascaded Adaptive Integral Backstepping Controllers
Asymmetrical Lateral Jet Interaction on a Slender Body in Supersonic Flow
Simulation and Testing Verification of Tracked Vehicle’s Steering Process Considering Track Skidding
A Development of Human Machine Interface in a Miniature 3-Axis Milling Machine Prototyping
Long Guide Straightness Error Measurement Based on Laser Interference
A High Accuracy of Magnetometer by Using Independent Directional Magnetic Field Measurement Technique
Radiation Degradation Modeling of Bipolar Operational Amplifier Input Offset Voltage in LTSpice IV
Mechanism of the Saturation of the Radiation Induced Interface Trap Buildup
Experimental Study of Wind Driven Scroll Pump
The Study of Flaws of High-Viscosity Fluids in Interaction with Peripheral Annular Water Flow in Complex Pipelines
Numerical Prediction of Erosive Potential of Unsteady Cavitating Flow around Hydrofoil
Study on the Stiffness of Positioning Platform with Large Trip and High Precision under Thermal to Structure Coupling
Chapter 3: Computation Methods and Information Technologies
New Observations from Comparison between the Benner et al. and the Ainley and Mathieson Models for Profile Losses
Study on TEA Encryption for Public Communication Network Wireless Remoter
Educational Opportunities via Distance Learning System
United Estimation of Time Delay and Frequency Drift in XNAV
Task-Level Learning from Demonstration and Generation of Action Examples for Hierarchical Control Structure
Single-Machine Rescheduling of New Orders with Learning and Deterioration Effects Consideration
The Output Competition Game between FDI Port Enterprises and Incumbent Port Enterprises
Research on Parameterized Modeling Technology for the Bolted Joints Structure
GNSS RAIM Performance Analysis for World Wide Area
Emulator of Communication of SATEX-II Satellite with Earth Station
Errors of Timing Diagram of Automatic Machine
Complication Evaluation of Methods of Naval Battlefield Electromagnetic Environment Based on Combat Effectiveness
Research of a New Method to Predict Ocean Wave Spectra
Particle Swarm Optimization Technique for Task-Resource Scheduling for Robotic Clouds
Study on the Grasping Ability and Optimization of Multi-Fingered Robot Hands under Different Postures
Construction of Point Set Surfaces through Quadric Polynomials
Research on Safe Shipment of the Cargoes which May Liquefy
The Research on Methods of Complicated Electromagnetic Environment Construction

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