E-Book, Englisch, 950 Seiten
Luo Key Engineering Materials and Computer Science II
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
ISBN: 978-3-03826-108-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
E-Book, Englisch, 950 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-03826-108-7
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 0 - No protection
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Angewandte Informatik Computeranwendungen in Wissenschaft & Technologie
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Informatik Künstliche Intelligenz
- Technische Wissenschaften Bauingenieurwesen Bauingenieurwesen
- Technische Wissenschaften Technik Allgemein Computeranwendungen in der Technik
- Technische Wissenschaften Elektronik | Nachrichtentechnik Nachrichten- und Kommunikationstechnik Regelungstechnik
- Mathematik | Informatik EDV | Informatik Daten / Datenbanken Data Mining
- Technische Wissenschaften Maschinenbau | Werkstoffkunde Technische Mechanik | Werkstoffkunde
Weitere Infos & Material
Preface and Organizing Committee
Chapter 1: Materials Engineering and Technologies of Material Processing
Effects of Process Parameters on Material Removal Rate and Arithmetic Surface Roughness in Rubber Carbon Black Cutting by EDM
Mechanical, Metallurgical Characteristics and Corrosion Properties of Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Duplex Stainless Steel
Optical Properties of Cu0.95Pt0.05Fe0.97Sn0.03O2 for p-Type Transparent Conducting Oxide Materials
Recycling of Kaolin Processing Waste as Aggregate in Asphalt Concrete
Phase Structure, Microstructure and Electrical Properties of BiMnO3-Doped (Na0.515K0.485)0.96Li0.04(Nb0.8Ta0.2)O3 Lead-Free Ceramics
Hydrothermal Synthesis of LiMnO2 with Orthorhombic Structure as Cathode Materials
A New Synthesis of BaHPO4 Precipitated by BaCO3-H3PO4-NaOH System at Room Temperature
A Simple Route to Synthesize Ferromagnetic Binary Calcium Iron Pyrophosphate CaFeP2O7 Using Aqueous-Acetone Media
Facile, Alternative Synthesis of Spherical-Like Ca(H2PO4)2•H2O Nanoparticle by Aqueous-Methanol Media
Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) /Al2O3 Nanocomposites
Investigation of Nanostructures Materials from Rice Husk Ash by Thermal Process
Optimization of Post Weld Aging on Duplex Stainless Steel UNS31803 Grade with 23 Factorial Designs
Influence of Microporosity Morphology on Hot Compression Behavior of 6063 Alloy
Influence on the Productivity of Modern Thermoset Preheating in the Compression Molding Technology
Phase Transformations and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Powders Preparation via Microwave-Assisted Sol-Gel Method
Surface Properties of Different Travel Speeds and Powder-Feeder Rates for Plasma-Sprayed Coatings on Aluminum Substrates
Chemical Grafting of New Poly(Aminophenyl Bornoic Acid) Chains onto the Surface of Silica Nanoparticles
Photocatalytic Activity of Fe/Ti Mixed Oxide for Degrading Humic Acid in Water
Preparation of Titanium-Oxide-Coated Polypropylene Granules for Photooxidation of Organic Pollutant
Preparation and Characterization of Silica Aerogel Immobilized with Cyanex 301 for Extraction of Zn(II)
Study on Schottky Diode Characteristics Improving by X-Ray Irradiation
Carrier Lifetime of Platinum Doped P-N Diode after Irradiation by Soft X-Ray
The Effect of X-Ray Irradiation on the Electrical Properties of Pt-Doped P-N Diode
Effect of Junction Shape on Diode Properties
Physical Properties of KY1-xErxF4 Investigated by Photoluminescence
Synthesis and Characterization of ALaFeNi0.5W0.5O6 (A= Sr or Ca), a New Structure Distorted Double Perovskite
Radiolytic Synthesis of Pt-M@MWNT Catalysts (M=Ru, Sn, and Au) for Biosensors
The Effect of the Central Metal Atom on the Structural Phase Transition of Indium Doped Metal Phthalocyanine
Guided Modes of Positive and Negative Group Index in the Honeycomb Photonic Crystal Waveguides
An Improvement of the Breakdown Voltage Characteristics of NPT-TIGBT by Using a P-Buried Layer
Optimization of Mechanical Properties of Plasma Spraying Ceramic Coatings Using Artificial Intelligent Approaches
Research Progress on Water-Using System Integration Methods
Multiscale Analysis and Morphology of TiC Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Ablation
Melting Temperature of FeO under Pressure
A Study on the Shear Characteristics of Fine Blanking for Al 5052 and Eco-Al 5052 Sheet
Slurry Erosion Model for Wear Performance Prediction of Tool Steel
Flow Stress Model Based on Internal Variables
Research on the Preparation Technology of GaN Ultraviolet Photoelectric Detector
Microstructure Analysis of Post Weld Aging in Duplex Stainless Steel Welds
Analysis on the Residual Stresses in Functionally Gradient Fe360/Glass-Ceramic Coatings
Influence of Grain Size and Rolling Direction on Stress Measurement by Ultrasonic Surface Wave (Part 2)
Influence of Material Coating on Stress Measurement by Ultrasonic Surface Wave (Part 1)
Polar Probe Study of Water-Organic Solvent-Macromolecule Emulsifier Aggregates Structure
The Potential Application of Light-Emitting Diode on Biodecolorization of Azo Dye
Binding as a Rate-Limiting Step for Substrate Recognition of ADAM17
Osteosynthesis Material Failure: Poor Fixation or Material Defect
Chapter 2: Materials and Technologies in Construction
Sensitivity Analysis of Factors Affecting Asymmetric Deformation of Roadways in Steep Inclined Coal Seam
The Effect of Cast-In-Place Floor Slab on Strong Column-Weak Beam Mechanism of RC Frame Structures
The Design and Analysis of the H Beam Structure Cup Support for Weighing Large Structure
Theoretical and Numerical Study on a New Hybrid FRP Wrapped Anchor
Experimental Studies on Transfer Beam Supported Frame Equipped with Fiber Reinforced Plastics Bars
Fiber Concrete Research on Different Fiber Volume Dosage
Early Strength Fiber Mortar Test Research
Analysis of Deformation in Widening Project of Expressway by Finite Element Method
Evaluation on Quality of Cement Concrete in Pavement of Highway
Seismic Fragility Analysis of RC Industrial Frames Based Stochastic Vibration
Analysis on Thermal Measuring of Rooftop Farming Garden a Case Study of Julong Residential District in Zhongshan
Chapter 3: Mechanical Engineering
Study on Defect Detection Based on D-S Evidential Reasoning in Natural Gas Pipeline
Experimental Testing of the Composite Energy Absorber
Application of Antiwear Pipelines in Thermal Power Plants
Comparison of IMD Symmetry and Asymmetry Model in Power Amplifier Based on Multisine Excitation
Discuss of Unmanned Plane Braking Experiment Base on Eddy Current Technology
A Study of Design and Application of Solar Energy Power Supply System in Highway Tunnel Lighting
Numerical Simulation of Chemical Non-Equilibrium Flow in Hydrocarbon Fuel Scramjet Nozzle
Analysis of Fault Diagnosis Methods of Machine Tool Hydraulic System
Study on Flywheel Rotating System Using Aerodynamic Energy of Running Vehicle
Numerical Simulation of Filling Process in HPDC by Lattice Boltzmann Method
Improved Calibration Method of Amplitude and Phase Errors Based on Diagonal Loading
Methods Development for Realization of Local Vibration
Improving the Performance of Content-Locality Based Storage Management
Maintenance of Hydraulic Systems on Machine Tools
Development of Method for Measurement Sound Pressure Level to Use Earphone
Application of Portable Ultrasonic Phased Array Instrument for Rail Welds Ultrasonic Inspection
Analysis of Data-Driven Prediction Algorithms for Lithium-Ion Batteries Remaining Useful Life
An Elastic Solution of a Functionally Graded Cantilever Beam with Different Modulus in Tension and Compression under Uniform Pressure
Numerical and Experiment Study of Residual Stress and Strain in Multi-Pass GMA Welding
Flexural Response Analysis of Partly Overlapped Piezo Sensor and Actuator on an Infinite Beam
The Predictor-Corrector Method for One-Dimensional Stiff Detonation Capturing
Chapter 4: Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining and Data Processing
Research on Gas Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
A Java-Based Package for Genetic Algorithm
A Novel Hybrid Optimization Method of Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization
Emotion Intelligence Computation Based on Matrix Description of State Machine
Research and Implementation of Vehicle-Logo Recognition Based on Modified Invariant Moments
Quantitative Models for Computing Distance and Directions: A Raster-Based Approach
Bio-Inspired Algorithm for the Shortest Path According to the Maximum Time for Each Trial
Multi-Objective Optimization of Order Oriented Mixed-Model Assembly Line Sequencing Problem
A Priority-Based Weighted Inner Products Matching Coarsening Algorithm on Multilevel Hypergraph Partitioning
A Multi-Language Speech Recognition Method Based on Confidence Bayesian Decision-Making
The Application of Matrix Partial Order in the Comparison of Linear Model
Multi-Scale Seamless Visualization of the Global Terrain Based on DQG
Image Reconstruction on Quincunx Patterned Green Channel
Performance Analysis on Yamanaka Patterned Color Filter Array
Optimally Determined Modified Bayer Color Array for Imagery
A New Error-Diffusion Dithering Kernel for Image Halftoning
Face Alignment for Robust to Background and Occlusion Using Variation of 3D Reference Shape
Differences of Human Reading Mode between Reading a Story and Statistical Information: An Eye Movement Study
A Solution for Image Matching Error in SURF
Sensor Noise Assessment Approach in a Patterned Region
A Neural Network-Based Algorithm for Group Technology
Chapter 5: Applied Solutions in Automation, Control and Mechatronics
Effect of Integral Feedback Control Forbeam Tip Pointing
An Improved AIMD Algorithm for Wireless Cellular Video Transmission
Synthesis Method of Fault Tolerant Control System for Manipulators
A Hybrid of Force and Position Control with Energy Saving in the Electro-Hydraulic System
Method of AC Servo System Based on Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network PID Control
Research on the Design of Smart Home Control System
Method of Semiautomatic Position Control by Manipulator Using Telecamera which Changes its Orientation
Kanembedded Control of Sub Cyclic Ac Chopperwith High Speed and Low Switching Losses
Design of Intelligent System for Soccer Goal Detection Based on Opto-Electronic Technology
Active Visual Sensor Based Weld Seam Tracking for Underwater Wet Welding
Development of Exoskeleton Suit for Rehabilitation
Modeling for a System Operating Characteristic for Wide Area Mines
Research Based on the Position Control Wizard of S7-200
The Electronic Counting System Design Based on Single Chip Microcomputer
Optimization of Industrial Processes in Reactors
Estimation of Reduced Standby Power in Household Considering Occupancy Information
Extensive Particle Swarm Ant Colony Algorithm for the Optical Fiber Phase Sensor with ZnO Coating
Chapter 6: Information Technologies and Computer Technics
Utilizing the Binary Field to Optimize the Performance of the Relational Database
Developing a Cause and Effect Model of ISSM and TAM in Ecotourism Virtual Communities by Applying DEMATEL Method
An Implementation of Teaching Process Control System Based on Java
Design and Implementation of Collaborative Editing System Based on Web
Malicious Information Jamming Algorithms of Content Attack
Statistical Analysis of the Massive Traffic Data Based on Cloud Platform
An Algorithm of XML Algebraic System Based on the Distributed Open Computing Model
Application of Computer Virtual Technology in Metal Packaging Design
TCLOUD: A Reliable Data Storage Architecture for Cloud Computing
TCLOUD: Inter - Node Communication Model Based on Social Trust Framework for Cloud Computing
A Method for Mobile Photo Recommendation
Proposal of Mashup Framework for End Users
Personalized Mobile Catering Recommender System Based on Context Ontology Model and Rule Inference
A Novel Three-Dimensional Recommendation Approach for C2C E-Commerce Platform
Digital Image Watermarking Program
Research on the Web Service Selection with Constraints Based on QoS
A Novel Qt-Based FMECA Platform: Methodology and Architecture
Research on Construction of Database Domain Ontology
Process-Based Assembly Technical Annotation Management in 3D Assembly Instruction
Cache-Enabled Metadata-Aware Storage in Linux Systems
Modified TZ Search Method for Motion Estimation in Multi-View Video Coding
Analyzing Push Schemes for Social Networking Services in Wireless Networks by Using Monte Carlo Simulations
A Cloud-Based Tele-Rehabilitation System for Frozen Shoulder
Intra and Inter Language Control for French to Arabic Machine Translation in the Security Domain
Collaborative Learning in Social Networking Sites: A Case Study on the Use of Mahara
Application of the Multimedia Teaching in Martial Arts Training
A Multi-Server Erasure Code Algorithm Based on the Degree of Restriction
Design of Hardware Trojan Applying on Cryptogrammic-Board for PC
An Improved CAMSHIFT Tracking Algorithm Applying on Surveillance Videos
The Research on Label Propagation Algorithm and Improvement Based on Local Information Mechanism
A Study on Rumor Propagation Model on Micro-Blogging Platforms
The Practice of Constructing the Characteristic Database of the Library under the Network Environment
Data Collection for Medical Data Warehouse Research
The Study of Construction Bill of Quantities Pricing System Based on Software Reuse-Based
Security Evaluation on Speech Biometric Authentication System
Research on the Design Method of Combat Action Military Concept Model in Digital Battlefield
Research and Development of the Computer Aided RCM Analysis System Database
Zero Based Research on Text Watermark Algorithm
Hardware Rules and Improved S-Box on AES
Design and Implementation of Workflow Creation and Scheduling Mechanism on Collaborative System
Research on Intrusion Clustering in the Cloud Platform Based on Kohonen Neural Network
Understanding the Responsiveness of Open Loop Rate Adaptation Algorithms of IEEE 802.11 WLAN
Transmission of Accurate Time Information Using Photonic Services
Chapter 7: Engineering Management
Whole Life Cycle Costing and Quality Satisfaction: Public Housing Floor Material
The Application of Task-Driving Method in the Teaching of Mechatronics Design
Reliability of Safety Instrument System Based on Markov Model and D-S Evidence Theory
On the Application and the Development Trend of Mechatronics Technology
Thermal Power Plant Bidding Strategies IDSS Analysis and Design
Research on the Evaluation Index System of ERP Implementation Performance Based on the Fuzzy Algorithm
Application of Water Poverty Index in the Reclamation Regional Water Security Evaluation
Study on the Structure of Program Management Information System