Macmillan | The Structure of the Life Course: Standardized? Individualized? Differentiated? | Buch | 978-0-7623-1193-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 366 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 710 g


The Structure of the Life Course: Standardized? Individualized? Differentiated?

Buch, Englisch, 366 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 710 g

ISBN: 978-0-7623-1193-4
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Current debates in life course studies increasingly reference theories of individualization, standardization, and differentiation in the structure of the life course. This volume brings together leading scholars from a variety of fields to assess the theoretical underpinnings, the empirical evidence, and the implications of existing arguments. The contributions include comparative-historical work, demographic analysis, and detailed survey research. The topics covered include historical, cross-cultural, and racioethnic variation in the transition to adulthood, the school-to-work transition, educational careers, retirement, activity characteristics over the life span and the life course context of psychological well-being. The various contributions expand our understanding of the contemporary life course and its implications. The authors offer innovative theoretical and methodological approaches that demonstrate the utility of holistic approaches to conceptualizing the life course and understanding its implications for modern society.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I: Introduction. The Structure of the Life Course: Classic Issues and Current Controversies. (R. Macmillan). Part II: Concepts and Characteristics. De-Standardization of the Life Course: What It Might Mean? and if it Means Anything, Whether it Actually Took Place? (H. Brückner, K. Ulrich Mayer). The Structure of the Life Course: Gender and Racioethnic Variation in the Occurrence and Sequencing of Role Transitions. (P. Brayboy Jackson, A. Berkowitz). Measuring the Transition to Adulthood in Mexico: An Application of the Entropy Index. (E. Fussell). Part III: Contexts and Contingencies. Colleges, Careers, and the Institutional Structuring of the Transition to Adulthood. (A.E. Person, J.E. Rosenbaum, R. Deil-Amen). From Old to New Structures: A Long-Term Comparison of the Transition to Adulthood in West and East Germany. (S. Hillmert). Age Norms, Institutional Structures, and the Timing of Markers of Transition to Adulthood. (J.T. Mortimer, S. Oesterle, H. Kr¨t;ger). Trials and Tribulations in Coupling Careers. (S-K Han). Embedded Career Clocks: The Case of Retirement Planning. (P. Moen, S. Sweet, R. Swisher). Part IV: Consequences. Mapping Social Context on Mental Health Trajectories through Adulthood. (P. Clarke, B. Wheaton).
Work and Activity Characteristics Across the Life Course. (P. Drentea). The Life Course of Academic Professionals: Substantive Tasks, False Assumptions, Institutional Accommodations, and Personal Adjustments. (V. Shaw). Author Index. Subject Index.

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