Maierhofer / Reinhardt / Dobmann | Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures | Buch | 978-0-08-101463-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 380 g

Maierhofer / Reinhardt / Dobmann

Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-0-08-101463-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Deterioration Processes and Standard Test Methods

Buch, Englisch, 264 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 380 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-101463-9
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Many concrete structures and elements of concrete infrastructure have exceeded their original design lives and are deteriorating to an extent where they are becoming dangerous. The deterioration can be internal or not obvious and therefore only shows up with detailed testing. Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 1: Deterioration processes and standard test methods reviews the processes of deterioration and classical and standard test methods.

Part one discusses deterioration of reinforced concrete and testing problems with chapters on topics such as key issues in the non-destructive testing of concrete structures, when to use non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures, deterioration processes in reinforced concrete, modelling ageing and corrosion processes in reinforced concrete structures, components in concrete and their impact on quality, and predicting the service life of reinforced concrete structures. Part two reviews classical and standard testing methods including microscopic examination of deteriorated concrete, the analysis of solid components and their ratios in reinforced concrete structures, the determination of chlorides in concrete structures, and investigating the original water content of reinforced concrete structures.

With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 1: Deterioration processes and standard test methods will be a standard reference for civil and structural engineers as well as those concerned with making decisions regarding the safety of reinforced concrete structures.
Maierhofer / Reinhardt / Dobmann Non-Destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1 Deterioration of reinforced concrete and testing problems: Introduction: Key issues in the non-destructive testing of concrete structures; When to use non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures: An overview; Deterioration processes in reinforced concrete: An overview; Modelling of ageing and corrosion processes in reinforced concrete structures; Components in concrete and their impact on quality: An overview; The role and tools of lifetime management of civil structures. Part 2 Conventional/standard testing methods: Conventional/standard testing methods for concrete: An overview; Microscopic examination of deteriorated concrete; The analysis of solid components and their ratios in reinforced concrete structures; The determination of chlorides in concrete structures; Investigating the original water content of concrete.

Maierhofer, Christiane
Dr Christiane Maierhofer is an expert in NDT at the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, German.

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