Maity / Rana / Singha | Advanced Knitting Technology | Buch | 978-0-323-85534-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 712 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Maity / Rana / Singha

Advanced Knitting Technology

Erscheinungsjahr 2021
ISBN: 978-0-323-85534-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 712 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-85534-1
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Advanced Knitting Technology provides complete coverage of the latest innovations and developments in knitting technology, including emerging methods as well as the latest best practice for classical processes. Many technologies can be used for the production of cloth such as weaving, knitting, nonwoven, and braiding. Knitting methods are being selected for a growing range of applications due to the spectacular properties of knitted fabric, such as softer tactile quality, higher stretchability, bulkiness, and functional properties that compare favorably with other woven fabrics. Beyond the well-known apparel applications, specially designed knitted structures are uniquely suitable for high performance applications like reinforcement for composites, medical implants, and geotextiles.

This book presents recent advances in knitting technology, including structures, properties and applications of knitted fabrics in modern apparel, activewear, composites, medical textiles, and geotextiles. With reference to the latest industry practice, testing, quality and process control methods for knitting technologies are discussed.

Advanced Knitting Technology covers recent advances in knitting technology, properties and performance of knitted structures, their applications in apparel and technical fields.
Maity / Rana / Singha Advanced Knitting Technology jetzt bestellen!


<p>Primary: Researchers in academia and industry interested in garment manufacturing</p> <p>Secondary: Students at graduate and undergraduate level studying knitting technology</p>

Weitere Infos & Material

1 Introduction to advances in knitting technology 2 Recent developments in knitting technology 3 Mechanics of loop formation in plain weft knitting machinery 4 Innovation and technology of knitted apparels 5 Yarns for knitting and their selection 6 Use of AI and machine learning techniques in knitting 7 Use of CAD in knitted apparels 8 Production of seamless knitted apparels 9 Process control in knitting 10 Knitted active wears 11 Innovation and technology of knitted intimate apparels 12 Knitted geotextiles 13 Warp knitting for preparation of high-performance apparels 14 Application of knitted fabrics in textile structural composites 15 Application of knitted fabrics in medical textiles 16 Chemical processing of knitted fabrics 17 Sustainable dyeing and printing of knitted fabric with natural dyes 18 Assessment of comfort and quality of knitted apparels 19 Testing and evaluation of knitted fabrics 20 Sustainability analysis for knitting process and products

Rana, Sohel
Dr. Sohel Rana is currently Scientific Head at the Fibrous Materials Research Group at the University of Minho, Portugal. He has edited 3 books and authored 1 book and over 90 publications in various refereed journals and conference proceedings.

Maity, Subhankar
Dr. Subhankar Maity is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Textile Technology in Uttar Pradesh Textile Technology Institute, India. He has more than 10 years of industrial, teaching and research experience. His current teaching areas are technical textiles; structure and properties of fibres; statistical quality control in textile industry; knitting technology, and fabric formation. His main research focuses on conductive polymer coated textiles; graphene-based textiles; MXene based electro-conductive textiles; heat transfer behaviour of fibrous/polymeric materials and related functional textiles. He has more than 50 publications and has edited and authored for leading refereed journals.

Singha, Kunal
Kunal Singha is an assistant professor and course coordinator at the Department of Textile Design at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Patna, India. His primary research focus is on sustainable textile, quality, supply and manufacturing chain. He has written more than eighty papers/book chapters/conference proceedings headed by many reputed national/international publishing houses. He is a member of the Textile Association of India, Institute of Engineers and Society of Dyers & Colorists.

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