Makhlouf / Tiginyanu | Nanocoatings and Ultra-Thin Films | Buch | 978-1-84569-812-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Gewicht: 830 g

Makhlouf / Tiginyanu

Nanocoatings and Ultra-Thin Films

Technologies and Applications
Erscheinungsjahr 2011
ISBN: 978-1-84569-812-6
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Technologies and Applications

Buch, Englisch, 448 Seiten, Gewicht: 830 g

ISBN: 978-1-84569-812-6
Verlag: Woodhead Publishing

Coatings are used for a wide range of applications, from anti-fogging coatings for glass through to corrosion control in the aerospace and automotive industries. Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films provides an up-to-date review of the fundamentals, processes of deposition, characterisation and applications of nanocoatings.

Part one covers technologies used in the creation and analysis of thin films, including chapters on current and advanced coating technologies in industry, nanostructured thin films from amphiphilic molecules, chemical and physical vapour deposition methods and methods for analysing nanocoatings and ultra-thin films. Part two focuses on the applications of nanocoatings and ultra-thin films, with chapters covering topics such as nanocoatings for architectural glass, packaging applications, conventional and smart nanocoatings for corrosion protection in aerospace engineering and ultra-thin membranes for sensor applications.

With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films is an essential reference for professional engineers in the glazing, consctruction, electronics and transport industries, as well as all those with an academic research interest in the field.
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Part I: Technologies

Chapter 1: Current and advanced coating technologies for industrial applications


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Electro-and electroless chemical plating

1.3 Conversion coatings

1.4 Chemical and physical vapor deposition (CVD and PVD)

1.5 Spray coating

1.6 Other coating techniques

1.7 New lightweight materials

1.8 Trends in environmentally friendly coatings, self-assembling and self-cleaning coatings

1.9 Trends in nanocoatings

1.10 New composite and powder coatings

1.11 Advanced polymers and fillers

1.12 Developments in coating processes

1.13 Acknowledgements

Chapter 2: Nanostructured thin films from amphiphilic molecules


2.1 Langmuir monolayer

2.2 Amphiphilic polymers

2.3 Dendrons and dendrimers

2.4 Metal/semiconductor nanoparticles

2.5 2-D arrays of colloidal spheres

2.6 Conclusions

2.7 Acknowledgements

Chapter 3: Chemical and physical vapor deposition methods for nanocoatings


3.1 Substrate preparation for ultra-thin films and functional graded nanocoatings

3.2 Paradigm of functional graded layer-by-layer coating fabrication

3.3 Nanocoating fabrication methods

3.4 Physical vapor deposition-based technologies

3.5 Chemical vapor deposition-based technologies

3.6 Conclusion and future trends

Chapter 4: Surface-initiated polymerisation for nanocoatings


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Physisorption and chemisorption, equilibrium and irreversible adsorption

4.3 Preparation of surface-bound polymer layers

4.4 Properties and applications

4.5 Acknowledgement

Chapter 5: Methods for analysing nanocoatings and ultra-thin films


5.1 Introduction

5.2 Electrochemical methods

5.3 Surface-sensitive analytical methods for ultra-thin film coatings

5.4 Spectroscopic, microscopic and acoustic techniques for ultra-thin film coatings

5.5 Conclusions

5.6 Acknowledgements

Part II: Applications

Chapter 6: Conventional and advanced coatings for industrial applications: an overview


6.1 Introduction

6.2 Conventional coating technologies for the automotive and aerospace industries

6.3 Advanced coating technologies for the automotive and aerospace industries

6.4 Packaging applications

6.5 Coatings for the electronics and sensors industry

6.6 Paints and enamels industry

6.7 Biomedical implants industry

6.8 Acknowledgements

Chapter 7: Nanocoatings for architectural glass


7.1 Introduction

7.2 Spectrally selective glass

7.3 Dynamic smart glazings

7.4 Glass surface protections

7.5 Conclusion

7.6 Acknowledgements

Chapter 8: Nanocoatings and ultra-thin films for packaging applications


8.1 Introduction

8.2 Nanomaterials in packaging

8.3 High barrier packaging

8.4 Anti-microbial packaging

8.5 Nanosensors in packaging

8.6 Packaging as a drug carrier and for drug delivery

8.7 Nanotechnology solutions for the packaging waste problem

8.8 Anti-static packaging applications

8.9 Regulation and ethical issues in the new packaging industry

8.10 Future trends

Chapter 9: Advanced protective coatings for aeronautical applications


9.1 Introduction: corrosion in aeronautical structures

9.2 Types of corrosion in aircraft

9.3 Factors influencing corrosion

9.4 Corrosion of aluminum and its alloys

9.5 Corrosion of magnesium alloys

9.6 Protective coatings in aerospace engineering

9.7 Pre-treatments

9.8 Anodizing coatings

9.9 Functional nanocoatings in aerospace engineering

9.10 Nanocoatings for detection of corrosion and mechanical damage

9.11 Self-healing coatings: nanostructured coatings with triggered responses for corrosion protection

9.12 Application of nanomaterials for protection of aeronautical structures

9.13 Conclusion and future trends

Chapter 10: Nanoimprint lithographic (NIL) techniques for electronics applications


10.1 Lithography techniques and nanoimprint lithography (NIL) fundamentals

10.2 Thermoplastic and laser-assisted NIL

10.3 Photo-assisted nanoimprinting

10.4 Soft NIL

10.5 Extensions of soft NIL

10.6 Scanning probe lithography (SPL)

10.7 Edge lithography

10.8 NIL for three-dimensional (3D) patterning

10.9 Combined nanoimprint approaches

10.10 Applications

10.11 Conclusions

10.12 Acknowledgement

Chapter 11: Ultra-thin membranes for sensor applications


11.1 Introduction

11.2 Graphene and related two-dimensional (2D) structures

11.3 Nanometer-thick membranes of layered semiconductor compounds

11.4 Ultra-thin membranes of gallium nitride

11.5 Conclusion

11.6 Acknowledgement

Chapter 12: Nanocoatings for tribological applications


12.1 Introduction

12.2 Use of nanostructured coatings in tribology

12.3 Review of nanostructured coatings for friction and wear applications

12.4 Advanced techniques for characterizing tribological properties of nanostructured coatings

12.5 Conclusions and future trends

12.6 Acknowledgements

Chapter 13: Self-cleaning smart nanocoatings


13.1 Introduction: TiO2 photocatalysis

13.2 Photocatalysis processes

13.3 The photocatalytic cleaning effect of TiO2-coated materials

13.4 New and smart applications of TiO2 coatings

13.5 Conclusions


Makhlouf, Abdel Salam Hamdy
Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf is a Full Professor (Tenured) at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Texas Pan-American, USA. Professor Makhlouf has received several prestigious international awards for his research work and is an expert evaluator for the EU FP7 programme and various scholarship programmes around the world. He is an Editor for the Nanotechnology section of Insciences Journal and for the International Journal of Applied Sciences. He is also an Advisory Editor for books published by Elsevier in the area of advanced coatings and thin films.

Tiginyanu, I
Ion Tiginyanu is Professor of Electronic Engineering at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Dr Abel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany.

Ion Tiginyanu is Professor of Electronic Engineering at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

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