Martinsson / Reimers | Norm-struggles | Buch | 978-1-4438-1975-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 245 Seiten

Martinsson / Reimers


Sexualities in Contentions

Buch, Englisch, 245 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-1975-6
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Norm-Struggles explores and challenges normativity in general and heteronormativity in particular. A common trait in all chapters is the focus on contradictions, changes, disruptions and uncertainties that follow with different norms and structuring forces. The authors discuss and explore how norms are produced, and reproduced but also disrupted, subverted and changed. The chapters are based on observations from different settings such as preschools, schools, universities, factories, social welfare, popular culture, passanger ships, and the fire service. They are also based on observations from different countries; Lithuania, Canada, USA, Sweden, Finland, and Great Britain. The book presents studies of media, policies, machines, organisations, academic sexual theory, and the ongoing constructions of nations and nationalities.
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Lena Martinsson is Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She works primarily in the fields of gender and queer studies as well as she explores constructions of class in working life and in schools and public texts. She is the author of Jakten på Konsensus. Intersektionalitet och marknadsekonomisk vardag (The Quest for Consensus: Intersectionality and Everyday Life in the Market Economy). Among her publications are also book chapters in Problematizing Identity, Norms at Work, and Skola i normer (School(ing) in Norms).

Eva Reimers is Associate Professor at University of Linköping, Sweden. The common trait for her broad research is a focus on how people construct and communicate norms concerning gender, sexuality, age, ethnicity, and nationality. She has explored this in research areas such as Ritual Studies, Death Studies, and Educational Studies. Among her publications are articles in the journals Mortality and Feminist Media Studies, and book chapters in Problematizing Identity, Norms at Work, and Skola i normer (School(ing) in Norms).

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