Martyushev / Bogdan | High Technology: Research and Applications 2015 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03859-511-3 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 685, 1006 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Key Engineering Materials

Martyushev / Bogdan

High Technology: Research and Applications 2015

The Proceedings “High Technology: Research and Applications 2015” covers a wide range of scientific areas and modern trends in science and technology. This book of Proceedings presents selected papers on chemistry, discharge and plasma technologies, nanomaterials, mechanical engineering, optics, IT, etc. The presented scientific works were carried out by academics as well as by industrials. The aim of the Proceedings is to present and discuss the actual state of the studies in the relevant fields and to show the prospects of its development.
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-3-03859-511-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The Proceedings “High Technology: Research and Applications 2015” covers a wide range of scientific areas and modern trends in science and technology. This book of Proceedings presents selected papers on chemistry, discharge and plasma technologies, nanomaterials, mechanical engineering, optics, IT, etc. The presented scientific works were carried out by academics as well as by industrials. The aim of the Proceedings is to present and discuss the actual state of the studies in the relevant fields and to show the prospects of its development.

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volume 685, 1006 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Key Engineering Materials

ISBN: 978-3-03859-511-3
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

The Proceedings “High Technology: Research and Applications 2015” covers a wide range of scientific areas and modern trends in science and technology. This book of Proceedings presents selected papers on chemistry, discharge and plasma technologies, nanomaterials, mechanical engineering, optics, IT, etc. The presented scientific works were carried out by academics as well as by industrials. The aim of the Proceedings is to present and discuss the actual state of the studies in the relevant fields and to show the prospects of its development.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Comparative Analysis of Calculation Models of Pulse Tube Thermoacoustic RefrigeratorThe Study of Inhibition of Atom-Atom Collisions Cascades by Ni-Al (100) Interphase BoundaryBoundary Value and Optimal Control Problems for Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion-Reaction EquationMultiscale Simulation of Cold Axisymmetric Deformation ProcessesControl Problem for Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Viscous Heat Conducting FluidMathematical Modeling of the Technological Process of Residual Stresses Relief in Metals at Low-Temperature ExposureSteady Flow of Incompressible Elastic-Plastic Medium in a Spherical Matrix at Variable LoadsCalculation of the Residual Stress Field of the Thin Circular Plate under Unsteady Thermal ActionNumerical Analysis of Inverse Extremum Problems for the Nonlinear Nonstationary Diffusion-Reaction EquationPressure Losses of Power-Law Fluid Flow through an Axisymmetric Sudden ContractionThe Mathematical Model of Reflection and Refraction of the Longitudinal Shock Wave at the Interface of Two Nonlinear Elastic MediaNumerical Analysis of 2D Cloaking Problems Using Homogeneus MaterialsAnalysis on the Applicability of Diffusion Approximation for the Radiative Transfer Equation with Compton ScatteringDynamics of Discrete Breathers in the Pt3Al CrystalSimulation of the Acoustic Field of Antenna Arrays2D Electromagnetic Wave Scattering Problem for Cylindrical Cloak Incorporating PEMC-LayerNumerical Approach to Solving Problems of Two-Phase Multicomponent Flow in Porous Medium Based on Finite Volume MethodBurning Rate Calculation for a Frozen Nanosized Aluminum SuspensionBoundary Design of Reflection Properties of a Steady-State Complex Heat Transfer ModelNumerical Study of Combustion Regimes and Heat Radiation of Cylindrical Porous BurnerOptimal Control Problem of Complex Heat Transfer for SP1 ApproximationNumerical Simulation of Melting of Phase Change Material in a Square Cavity with a Heat SourceThe Features of Parallel Program for 3-D Modeling of Dynamic Processes in Porous Objects with Heat-EvolutionTwo Approaches for Simulating the Burning Surface in Gas DynamicsPhenomenological Modeling of Rheological Properties of Polyetheretherketones Reinforced with High Modulus Carbon in the Machining Process by a Reversible Analysis MethodDecay of Low-Barrier Metastable State: Middle FrictionCorrections to Kramers Formula Describing the Decay Rate of a Metastable StateBending Process Simulation of a Flat Workpiece with Various Cross-Sectional Mechanical Properties with PAM-STAMP 2GIdentification Method of Blast-Furnace Process ParametersOptimality Conditions for Pareto-Optimal SolutionsInitial Data Forming for Process Simulation in System ?Intruder ? Physical Protection System?Numerical Modeling of Cyclone Machine for Cleaning Gas Generator GasesSimulation of Conditions of Solid Fossil Fuels Formation for Underground Conversion InvestigationNumerical Study of Grain Evolution and Dislocation Density during Asymmetric Rolling of Aluminum Alloy 7075The End-to-End Computer Simulation of Casting and Subsequent Metal FormingBoundary Element Formulation for Numerical Surface Wave Modelling in PoroviscoelastisityUse of Lagrangian-Eulerian Computing Method for Systems with Phase Change at the Solution of Stefan Boundary Value ProblemFinite Element Modeling of Influence of Roll Form of Vertical Scale Breaker on Decreased Formation of Surface Defects during Roughing Hot RollingMathematical Simulation of Cramped Bending of Sheet Parts Using Finite Element AnalysisAccounting Viscous Dissipation at Round Tubes FillingFeatures of Difference Scheme for the Diffusion-Kinetic Problem of Ion Implantation with Intermetallic Phases FormationThermal Activated Elements Redistribution between Two-Component Coating and SubstrateModifications of the Mathematical Crisher Model for Effective Moduli of Two-Component Elastic Isotropic CompositeSolving Unsteady Boundary Value Problems Using Discrete-Analytic Method for Non-Iterative Simulation of Temperature Processes in TimeCorrect Numerical Methods of Analysis of Structural Strength and Stability of High-Rise Panel Buildings - Part 1: Theoretical Foundations of ModellingCorrect Numerical Methods of Analysis of Structural Strength and Stability of High-Rise Panel Buildings - Part 2: Results of ModellingSpectral Analysis of Narrow Band Periodic SignalsOn Modelling of Creep and Plasticity in a Problem of Viscosimetric Flow of a MaterialInfluence of a Porous Insert on the Fluid Flow inside the Gasifier ShaftMathematical Simulation of Hydraulic Power Pulse Machine at MatlabThe Numerical Study of a Dropwise Condensation Mode when Cooling Heat Transfer SurfacesNon-Uniform Temperature Distribution in Multilayer Thermal Protective Coating with Curved InterfacesNumerical Simulation of Gas Evolution from Oil-in-Water Flow for Multistage SeparationClassification of the Signatures for Doppler Radar from the Standpoint of Active Perception TheoryA Three-Dimensional Boundary Element Approach for Transient Anisotropic Viscoelastic ProblemsConvection Heat Transfer on a Vertical Surface in Porous MediaOne-Dimensional Wave Propagation in a Three Phase Poroelastic ColumnHydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in the Coolant Flows in the Elements of the Technical Designs of Industrial SystemsStudy of Bone Tissue Stress and Strain State Aimed at Development of Intelligent Biomaterials for OsteoimplantationPerspectives of Application of 3D Shape Memory Composite Materials for Peristaltic Transportation of SlurriesEffect of Copper Additives on Mechanical and Tribotechnical Properties of Sintered Composites Al-SnOn Zero-Order Optimization in Problem of the Pressure Computing in Finite Elastic-Creep DeformationsDeforming of Elastic-Plastic Medium with Self-Similar RestrictionExperimental Studies of Thermoelectric Characteristics of Plastically Deformed Steels ST3, 08KP and 12H18N10TEffect of Surface Emissivity on Conjugate Turbulent Natural Convection in an Air-Filled Cavity with a Heat SourceHydraulic Power of Vibration Test Stand with Vibration Generator Based on Switching DevicePropellant Grain with Maximum Combustion Efficiency of MetalEffect of Ultrasonic Impact Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Commercial Purity TitaniumTechnique of Decomposition of Form Deviation for Freeform SurfacesStrength and Stiffness Calculation of Small Diameter Gun DrillsEfficiency of the Small-Sized System with Thermo-Electrical Conversion of the Heat from Gas CombustionReliability Evaluation of Integrated Modular Avionics Computational Structures for Different Hardware ConfigurationsUniversal Reference Test Blocks for Liquid Penetrant TestingForming Effective Cycle of Round Grinding with Radial FeedModel of Hydraulic Rotary Control Valve for Control of Pneumohydraulic Impact UnitThe Statistical Analysis of Granulometric Composition and Microgeometrical Indicators of Abrasive Grains of Grinding Wheels for Rough MachiningTechnology Development of Large-Size Bodies Manufacturing from Thick Plate Materials Based on Combined Methods of DeformationImproving the Quality of the Coating at Hot-Dip Galvanizing of Machine Steels in the Zinc Melt with Microadditives of NickelThe Research of Influence of Cold Rolling Conditions on Mechanical Properties Anisotropy of Sheets from Aluminum Alloy 8011AEffect of Conjugated Heat Transfer Conditions on the Crystallization of the Composite CoatingInvestigation of Lamb Wave Based Ultrasonic Technique for AA2024 Evaluation at Static Tensile LoadingLamb Wave Based Ultrasonic Technique for AA2024 Fatigue EvaluationParticularly Selective Sintering of Metal Powders by Pulsed Laser RadiationResearch into Contact Interaction of an Elastic Tool during Rotational Pattern Cutting of Sheet PartsMetal Surface Treatment with Particle Fluxes Taking into Account the Internal BoundaryImproving Reliability of Hot Plate Mill Electromechanical SystemEfficiency of Microcombustion System with Thermoelectric Generator Combined with Countercurrent Heat ExchangerStrength of Cutting Tool in Titanium Alloy MachiningPhysical Justification of an Increase in the Efficacy of Radiofrequency Systems for Myocardial AblationEstimation of Combustion Engine Rotation Speed Based on Vibration Signal AnalysisFriction Influence on the Accuracy of the Rotors Automatic BalanceMethodological Aspects of Evaluation of Foundry Technologies EffectivenessThe Influence of the Pouring Temperature on the Structure and Properties of Copper Metal AlloysLead Distribution in Centrifugal-Cast Billets Made of Quinary Tin-Base Bronze Depending on the Mould Spin RateCasting Quality Enhancement of Bushings Made of Foundry Aluminium BronzesSampling Control Planning on the Base of Operating Characteristics and with a Grapho-Analytical MethodThermodynamic Analysis of the Effect of ZhS6U Alloy Doping Elements on the Process of Circular Chrome-AluminizingThermodynamic Analysis of the Formation of Aluminum and Chrome Halides for Circular Chrome-AluminizingSLS Setup and its Working ProcedureEvaluation of the Effect of LED-Lamp Spectral Content on the Development of Greenhouse TomatoThe Possibility of Manufacturing Long-Length Metal Products with Ultra-Fine Grain Structure by Combination of Strain EffectsDesign of Composite Wire for Arc Welding and Ni3Al-Based Alloys SurfacingInfluence of Granulation of Powder Charge of Titanium-Boron on Regularities of Self-Propogating High-Temperature Synthesis of Porous MaterialsWear-Resistant Coatings Reinforced with TiB2 Micro-Particles and TiCN Nano-Sized ParticlesTwo-Step Synthesis of Tungsten and Molybdenum DisulfidesMorphology of Aluminum Nanopowder Combustion Products in a Magnetic Field in AirThe Influence of Aluminium Nanopowder Density on the Structure and Properties of its Combustion Products in AirInfluence of Severe Plastic Deformation on Physicomechanical Properties of Ti-40 mas % Nb AlloyDeveloping Nanomaterials with Given Properties Based on Aluminum OxyhydroxideInteraction Potential of Open Carbon Nanotube with Natural Gas Molecular ComponentsUse of Zinc Oxide Nanopowder as an Additive in a Tribotechnical Composite Based on Refractory Metal DisulfideStrains Determination at the Joints of Cylindrical Glass-Metal Composite Shell LayersInfluence of Filling Agent Quantity on Characteristics of Polymeric CompositesMicrowave Composite Absorbers Based on Barium Hexaferrite/Carbon Nanotubes for 0.01-18 GHz ApplicationsObtaining Nanopowder Ligature Briquettes Ni-(SiC+Si3N4) for Modification of Aluminum AlloysElectrochemical Activity of Methionine at Graphite Electrode Modified with Gold NanoparticlesElectrical Properties of Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Polymer CompositesInvestigation of Deformation Mechanisms for High-Purity Aluminium at Various Fatigue StagesSelf-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Composite Nanopowder AlN-BN from Systems "Sodium Azide ? Halides of Aluminum and Boron"The Feasibility of Usage TiN and CrN Barrier Sublayers for Improving the Adhesion of Polycrystalline Diamond Films on WC-Co Hard AlloysThe Effect of Cu?Mo?S Coatings on Wear Resistance of Copper Friction PairEffect of Aluminum Content on the Performance of Coatings Based on Al-Si-NProperty Investigation of Pt-Rh Alloy Nanopowders Obtained by Conductor Electric Explosion MethodThe Influence of Hydrogen on the Process of Plastic Flow Self-Organization in TiMicrostructure and Properties of the Composite on the Basis of Copper and DiamondEstimation of Orientation and Optical Properties of Plane Crystals by Polarization Characteristics of Lidar ReturnsOptical Model of Medium for the Numerical Imitation of Wave Surface Forming High-Intensity Reflected Radiant EnergyLuminescence of LiF Crystals Doped with Metal Oxide ImpuritiesStimulated Emission in CdHgTe Structures with Quantum Wells under Optical PumpingOligomerization of Carbon Monoxide in Plasma of the Dielectric Barrier DischargeThe Energy Stored in the Aluminum Nanopowder Irradiated by Electron BeamThe Deposition of Silicon-Carbon Coatings in Plasma Based Nonself-Sustained Arc Discharge with Heated CathodeRemoval of Iron Colloid Substances from Aqueous Solutions Using Pulsed Corona DischargeDissipation of Pulsed Electron Beam in Hydrogen and Oxygen in High PressureStudy of the Mechanism of Interaction of Microwave Plasma Discharge with Solutions of Organic SubstancesStudy of Destruction of Organic Substances in Water Solutions by Pulsed Electrical Discharges in the Iron Granules LayerMulticapillary Carbon-Epoxy Tubes as a Cathode Material for a Pulsed Electron AcceleratorTreeing Morphology in Oil ShaleInfluence of the Plasma of Nanosecond Diffuse Discharge in Air at Atmospheric Pressure on the Electrophysical Properties of Epitaxial CdHgTe FilmsThe Study of Properties Characterizing Aluminum Hydroxides Produced by Electric DischargeModel of Powder Material Plastic Transformation during Plasma Coating ApplicationCoating Composition Evolution during the Deposition of Al and N from Plasma on a Cylindrical SubstrateElectron Beam Coatings with SHS Composite Powders ?TiC - Cast Iron Binder" Synthesized in AirThe Analysis of the Mechanisms for Plasticization of Boron Carbide Ceramics Irradiated by an Intense Electron BeamMobile Electric-Discharge Blasting Unit for Splitting off and Destruction of Rocks and ConcreteProduction of Powders by the Method of Electrospark DispersionRegularities of Structure and Phase Composition Formation of Surface Layer of Silumin Subjected to Electron-Beam TreatmentStructure and Properties of Electron-Beam Coatings, Overlaid of SHS Composite Powders "TiC ? Ti", Synthesized in AirProperties of WC-6Co Hard Alloy Powders Obtained by the Method of Spark Plasma DispersionThe Application of Electrochemical Technology in the Production of EthylenediamineInfluence of Ultra-Violet Radiation on Sublimation Energy of Silver Chloride (AgCl)Comparative Characteristics of Voltammetric Methods Determination of Platinum in Mineral Raw MaterialsExtraction of Oil Heteroatomic Compounds Using Metal PowdersInvestigation of the Influence of Matrix Components of Gold Mineral Resources on the Electrochemical Determination of Pt and ReSynthesis and Characterization of Transition Metal Complexes of 1,2-Bis(3,5-Dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-1,2-EthanediolCalculation of Equilibrium Concentrations of Calcium Ions for Calcium Bicarbonate Removal from Water Solution with Ammonium HydroxideDehydrogenation of Methylbutenes with Intermediate Oxidation of HydrogenFe Reduction by Carbon during Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis of Fe-TiC CompositeOxidative Conversion of Methane into Syngas Using Porous Catalysts Prepared by Combustion SynthesisDeposition of a Thin-Film CGO Electrolyte for Solid Oxide Fuel CellsAnalysis of Oil Shale Applicability for Gasification Using TGA ResultsOne-Pot Amide Synthesis via Thermal Decomposition N-Acylureas under Microwave IrradiationChemical Reaction Front Propagation between Inert Materials with Different Properties Taking into Account the Reagent MeltingInfluence of Mineral Salts on the Production of Antibiotics Phenazine Series from Pseudomonas AeruginosaSynthesis and Study of Norfloxacin Labeled with Technecium-99m as a Potential Imaging Agent of Bacterial InflammationsReliability Model of Fault-Tolerant Dual-Disk Redundant ArrayComputer-Aided Modelling of a Latch Die Cutting in Deform - 2D Software SystemSimulation of Multidimensional Non-Linear Processes Based on the Second Order Fuzzy ControllerInformation Technologies in Industrial Enterprises Production Assets ManagementAdaptive Algorithm of Sensor Polling for Device Used for the Dam Condition's DiagnosticsDevelopment of Intelligent Algorithm for Positioning a Vehicle on a RouteSimulation of Telephone System with Reserved Communicational Channels and Automatic Correction of Transmission?s Delay of the Audio StreamArchitecture of Enterprise Information Systems Based on the Semantic Web TechnologiesMethod of Evaluation of Social Network User Sentiments Based on Fuzzy LogicEffective Method for Constructing Pseudo-Random Vectors Uniformly Distributed in ConeOptimal Methods of Segmentation of Tomographic Volume Searching System: A Preliminary ReviewIntegration of Heterogeneous Company Information Resources Using Semantic TechnologiesDistributed Information System for Processing and Storage of Meteorological DataContent-Based Image Retrieval Using Color, Texture and Shape FeaturesSource Code Analysis: Current and Future Trends & ChallengesSoftware Traceability ? 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