McKeever | McKeever CCSA Study System | Sonstiges | 978-1-935133-23-0 |

Sonstiges, Englisch


McKeever CCSA Study System

Sonstiges, Englisch

ISBN: 978-1-935133-23-0
Verlag: The Institute of Internal Auditors

This unique interactive CD-ROM contains explanations of CCSA domains, over 300 CCSA practice questions with a description of the approach to answer correctly, and a listing of additional helpful resources. It is designed for use in both self-study mode and training sessions.

Also available as a workbook.

This self-study system provides the user an excellent chance to study to both pass the CCSA certification and to learn to become a CSA practitioner in the workplace. The material and practice questions in this course are representative of the body of knowledge tested by the CCSA exam, they are not actual questions from current or past CCSA exam.

The McKeever CCSA Study System helps you prepare for the CCSA exam as follows:

1. Describes the many areas covered by the CCSA Exam itself
2. Presents over 300 practice questions similar to what you will see on the CCSA exam
3. Makes you comfortable with complexities and approaches required to produce the best answers to questions similar to what you encounter on the CCSA exam
4. Provides you with assurance for correct answers and feedback about incorrect ones
5. Helps you identify areas on the CCSA exam that will require your additional study time
6. Lists additional references that will help you with any further study requirement
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