Anderson, Robert N.
Dr. Anderson is president of RNA Consulting, Inc., a forensic engineering consulting corporation that specializes in materials engineering and sciences.
His expertise is the analysis of the behavior of materials, such as metals, plastics, glass, wood, and ceramics, in their related environments.
Dr. Anderson's experience includes accident analysis including industrial equipment, industrial materials applications, design failures, corrosion issues, and water systems failures. He is a consultant in his specialty areas, and a testifying expert witness in materials and metallurgical engineering, with 30+ years of experience serving courts in the U.S., and Canada.
Dr. Anderson holds a Ph.D. in Metallurgy from Stanford University, M.S. degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from UC Berkeley, and a B.S. in Chemistry from the University of San Francisco.
He has published in the areas of thermodynamics, corrosion, surface chemistry, fire analysis, and understandings of archeological materials. He is a diplomate and immediate Past President of the Board of Directors of the International Board of Forensic Engineering Sciences (IBFES) - the IBFES board certifies engineering sciences forensic experts.
He has both plaintiff and defense experience in civil and criminal matters; he is experienced as a court appointed expert. He has designed and led workshops in presentation of evidence to the jury.
Dr. Anderson is:
. Past member of the Board of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS).
. An elected fellow /past president of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers (NAFE).
. A founding member/past president of the Society of Forensic Engineers and Scientists (SFES).
. Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Materials Engineering, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA.
In the community of Los Altos Hills, he is the immediate Past President of the board of directors of the Purissima Hills Water District, (PHWD), and on the board of the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA), which serves the agencies who subscribe to the Hetch Hetchy water system of the SFPUC.
Dr. Anderson and his family have resided in Los Altos Hills since 1986, and previously lived in Palo Alto. His wife, Dru, is a consultant in life cycle process management and communications, and she is vice president of business and technical operations of their company, RNA Consulting, Inc.
McLay, Richard W.
Dr. McLay is retired. He is the past president of STARK rxp, Inc., a forensic engineering consulting corporation that specialized in the development of restraint systems for motor vehicles, structural analysis of the human body, software development in: biomechanics, structural analysis of vehicles, vehicle dynamics, forensic animation, and vision and perception in human factors.
His expertise is the analysis of vehicles and the human body in the related environments of vehicle accidents and crashes of all types.
Dr. McLay's experience includes simulation in accident analysis and design failures. He is a consultant in his specialty areas and a testifying expert witness in accident reconstruction, with over 40 years of experience serving courts in the United States.
Dr. McLay holds M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Engineering Mechanics with a related B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin.
He has published in the areas of forensic animation; accident reconstruction; perception, reaction, and conspicuity; engineering evidence and lay testimony; forensic air bag analysis methods, the use and misuse of engineering standards; this forthcoming book: Engineering Standards for Forensic Application, and a series of papers on biomechanics.
He has both plaintiff and defense experience in civil and criminal cases. He has worked for the State of Vermont in accident reconstruction cases. He has worked pro bono on cases of indigent defendants. He has designed and led seminars and workshops on forensic methods for both engineers and attorneys.
Dr. McLay is:
? A current faculty member of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa.
? Past member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.
? A Fellow of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers.
? A holder of the patent: "Target Standoff Sensor for Shaped Charge Warhead," U.S. Patent No. 4567829.
In the community of Essex Junction, Vermont, he is a past member of the Planning Commission.
Dr. McLay and his wife of 58 years have resided in South Burlington, Vermont since 2006. His wife, Daren, a medical technologist, has been the business manager for the forensic work, beginning in 1990.